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2011/01/09 09:31:34 (permalink)


If you get the Sunday paper go to the business pages, sectiion D,read the article titled TAINTED WATERS. This is just sick. Anyone see the propaganda ads these drilling companies are putting on tv lately?

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 09:39:37 (permalink)
    dont start this dude, its gonna turn to sh*t 

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 09:45:33 (permalink)
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 10:29:13 (permalink)
    Just remember FRACKING is BAD in all aspects.

    The Deetz

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 10:33:52 (permalink)


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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 10:42:22 (permalink)
    You need to read what the drillers have to say, then read what the enviromentalists have to say, try to determine where the truth lies(probably somewhere in between). Then determine if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks(EX. $100 monthly gas bills vs $300 month gas bills, or perhaps no gas vs having gas, sending money to our enimies vs keeping it here, jobs vs no jobs, etc. Everything in life is trade offs and this is no different. It would suck losing land to drilling but would also suck not having the money to get there or for hunting equipment. As for fracking, they have been doing it with chemicals in Pennsylvania for over a hundred years although not without some negative effects to go along with the jobs it created.
    post edited by S-10 - 2011/01/09 10:44:43
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 11:53:56 (permalink)
    Most of the companies have disclosed what is in the frack water.  True, some still haven't but many have.
    I'm in the middle on this one.  We need the jobs, the gas and the economic stimulus that comes with this type of work but not at the cost of the environment.  It CAN be done responsibly and in a manner that will minimize accidents but with any activity of this magnitude, there will be accidents.  We just need to make sure the regulations, oversight and funding is in place to minimize the effects.  I am for a reasonable tax on the marcellus shale as well and on this, I disagree with Corbett's approach.  But, it should not be so high that it severely depresses the drilling activities nor so small that it does not help the state's budget or the agencies tasked with regulating and inspecting these activities.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 11:54:51 (permalink)
    The fact that they can do this and still not have to disclose what chemicals are used in the fracking process is appalling.

    Part of the problem with disclosing this that is often different companies have developed their own blend of fracking components and some are better than others. It's the same as in many other industries that try to keep their formulas or processes secret. In this case where all citizens may be affected I tend to agree with you.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 12:09:40 (permalink)
    s-10, it is not very fair to compare shallow well fracing to Marcellus fracing. Water consumption in the latter can be several orders of magnitude greater. Same goes for the drilling muds produced.

    post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2011/01/09 15:54:12
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 12:24:40 (permalink)
    I thought the return rate of frack water on the Marcellus is quite low, and that some companies are re-using the frack water?

    PA Brine Co. in Franklin has permits with DEP and EPA
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 12:29:38 (permalink)
    I'am not sure there is enough evidence to prove or dispute that assertion as of yet. Both inject chemicals into the ground. The oil wells are 1000 feet deep on avg and the gas a couple thousand feet deeper. The one uses more water but there will be fewer of them overall. regardless, my statement was just to show we have delt with drilling before and then as now the laws and regulations tend to lag a few years behind the problems drilling causes. They used to just dump the stuff on the ground or directly into the creeks. At least now people have a better awareness of what to expect. The key is to enact laws to protect the public without killing the industry as some enviromentalists want to do.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 12:49:58 (permalink)
    No assertions here. The amount of waste produced by the shallow wells is a drop in the hat compared to what the Marcellus wells produce. Think about it, "drilling" several thousand feet vertically vs. 6-8000+ vertically + horizontal drilling. It generally takes less than 200,000gal to frac a typical shallow well, whereas a horizontal Marcellus well can consume close to 10,000,000gal.

    post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2011/01/09 12:50:51
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 14:11:28 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: capcity_tim

    I am by no means a tree hugger/hippy and have nothing against drilling but some of our rivers already have major issues and with the addition of dumping these waters who's to say what the repercussions will be. Why can't we take a step back and look at the big picture. Yes it costs more to inject the frack water back into the earth at special sites but doesn't that make the most sense where most of those chemicals are naturally found.

    If you believe in environmental responsiblilty, you are a liberal whacko enviro-nazi. That is how the labeling works

    Current treatment methods are ok for removing most of the metals in the frac water. The big issue is removing the dissolved solids which are mainly(but not limited to) sodium and chlorides. The only real options are RO and ion exchange, both of which are costly, although that should not be a compromising factor for treatment.

    As for the tax, I agree, it will do nothing to alleviate environmental issues. But, I really can't see any reason not to impose a tax(fee) on the gas. Every other state in the country does. With the budget deficit anticipated to be around $4 billion this year in PA, we could use the money. It would be nice to see some of that money allotted to address any environmental impacts.

    post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2011/01/09 14:28:22
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 14:20:40 (permalink)
    I thought the return rate of frack water on the Marcellus is quite low, and that some companies are re-using the frack water?

    PA Brine Co. in Franklin has permits with DEP and EPA

    Some companies are reusing the water, I think Atlas Resources reuses most of theirs. As time goes on and the pressure stays on them, more of them will probably go that way. It will be a matter of economics and public pressure. One thing that will be interesting to watch play out is the situation on the state forest. A large part of the deer herd reduction was done at the insistance of the enviromentalists who under the Forest Stewardship Council were preparing the forests for conversion to Ecosystem Management and increasing the old growth forests to 50% of the area. Pitting the enviromentalists and their money against the hunters,the hunters were on the losing end. Pitting the enviromentalists against the State with the amount of money involved in the gas under the forests is another matter. I don't think it's possible to increase the old growth forests and have Ecosystem Management along side a gas well and the resulting roads, tanks,pollution, etc. Rendell has already leased out a large part of the forest and my guess Corbett won't stop the process.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 14:24:33 (permalink)
    If you believe in environmental responsiblilty, you are a liberal whacko enviro-nazi. That is how the labeling works


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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 14:38:19 (permalink)
    what is the public sentiment about this in pa? favorable, not? a portion of the known reserves extend into ohio, but there has not been much said about it, other than the treat of polluting private wells (water).

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 15:44:00 (permalink)
    how far up are the steelhead?

    go back to spain
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 15:53:59 (permalink)
    PA is a tax ****.....They will allow big business to do whatever it wants as long as the state gets paid off...I know, as I am in the trash business in PA.....Marcellus fracking will continue.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 15:58:53 (permalink)
    From the AP article:

    State regulators, initially caught flat-footed, tightened the rules in 2010 for any new water treatment plants but allowed any existing operations to continue discharging water into rivers.

    So what does this mean? Going forward new rules apply? What are they?

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 15:59:46 (permalink)
    "a portion of the known reserves extend into ohio, but there has not been much said about it, other than the treat of polluting private wells (water)."


    We ran a horizontal well along 224 from NC to Poland, and are TAKING your share of the reserves.

    We're also pumping the extracted fracking water into the Cuyahoga river. It's not like the Clevelandites would know the difference. And it might actually be an improvement.

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 16:19:07 (permalink)
    don't light up along that river........

    wanna know something...they just trenched lines along 224 from the stateline, eastward, a couple of months ago. are you on to something?

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 16:34:27 (permalink)
    Here are some of the highlights of the revised regs regarding disposal/treatment of frac water:

    Taken from 25 Pa. Code 95.10 **LINK**


    (b) Operations with wastewater resulting from fracturing, production, field exploration, drilling or completion of natural gas wells shall comply with the following requirements:

    (1) Except as provided in paragraph (3), there may be no discharge of wastewater into waters of this Commonwealth from any source associated with fracturing, production, field exploration, drilling or well completion of natural gas wells.

    (2) A wastewater source reduction strategy shall be developed by the well operator by August 22, 2011, and submitted to the Department upon request. The source reduction strategy must identify the methods and procedures the operator shall use to maximize the recycling and reuse of flow back or production fluid either to fracture other natural gas wells, or for other beneficial uses approved under Chapter 287 (relating to residual waste management—general provisions). The strategy shall be updated annually and include, at a minimum, the following information:

    (i) A complete characterization of the operator’s wastewater stream including chemical analyses, TDS concentrations and monthly generation rate of flowback and production fluid at each natural gas well.

    (ii) A description and evaluation of potential wastewater source reduction options through recycling, reuse or other beneficial uses.

    (iii) The rationale for selecting the source reduction methods to be employed by the operator.

    (iv) Quantification of the flowback and production fluid generated by each well which is recycled or reused either to fracture other natural gas wells or for other approved beneficial uses.

    (3) New and expanding treated discharges of wastewater resulting from fracturing, production, field exploration, drilling or well completion of natural gas wells may be authorized by the Department under Chapter 92 (relating to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting, monitoring and compliance) provided that the following requirements are met:

    (i) Discharges may be authorized only from centralized waste treatment facilities (CWT), as defined in 40 CFR 437.2(c) (relating to general definitions).

    (ii) Discharges may not be authorized from a POTW, as defined in § 92.1, unless treatment at a CWT meeting all of the requirements of this chapter precedes treatment by the POTW.

    (iii) The discharge may not contain more than 500 mg/L of TDS as a monthly average.

    (iv) The discharge may not contain more than 250 mg/L of total chlorides as a monthly average.

    (v) The discharge may not contain more than 10 mg/L of total barium as a monthly average.

    (vi) The discharge may not contain more than 10 mg/L of total strontium as a monthly average.

    (vii) The discharge complies with the performance standards in 40 CFR 437.45(b) (relating to new source performance standards (NSPS)).

    post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2011/01/09 16:35:34
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 17:23:09 (permalink)
    (b) Operations with wastewater resulting from fracturing, production, field exploration, drilling or completion of natural gas wells shall comply with the following requirements:

    (1) Except as provided in paragraph (3), there may be no discharge of wastewater into waters of this Commonwealth from any source associated with fracturing, production, field exploration, drilling or well completion of natural gas wells.


    (3) New and expanding treated discharges of wastewater resulting from fracturing, production, field exploration, drilling or well completion of natural gas wells may be authorized by the Department under Chapter 92 (relating to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting, monitoring and compliance) provided that the following requirements are met:

    See above
    post edited by Blowchowski - 2011/01/09 17:24:24

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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 18:34:30 (permalink)
    Everyone talks about the jobs. If 16 guys are hired to drill a well. 14 or 15 are from Texas or out of state.  What a joke. In some places the rents went up 350%. The locals can't even afford to rent anymore. You really think companies from Texas care about our state's natural resources? They already destroyed their own state. Doesn't anyone remember what the coal companies did to the environment?? 
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/09 19:39:16 (permalink)
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/10 06:06:04 (permalink)
    red sky at night, shale gas burnin' bright.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/10 11:47:51 (permalink)
    You can go online and sign a petition at this website:
    The petition requests that a moratorium be put on drilling until the facts and risks can be determined.
    Also, the drilling is closer than many think. Just recently a well was put in at Cross Creek country club. Thats just a hop, skip, and jump from Oil Creek.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/10 12:16:51 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Rtom45

    You can go online and sign a petition at this website:
    The petition requests that a moratorium be put on drilling until the facts and risks can be determined.
    Also, the drilling is closer than many think. Just recently a well was put in at Cross Creek country club. Thats just a hop, skip, and jump from Oil Creek.

    The Cross Creek well was a shallow gas, not Marcellus
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/10 12:46:54 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: rapala11

    don't light up along that river........

    wanna know something...they just trenched lines along 224 from the stateline, eastward, a couple of months ago. are you on to something?

    Rap, those lines along rte 224 are for the new sewage system in Mahoning twp.
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    RE: THIS IS SICKENING 2011/01/10 13:35:30 (permalink)
    Maybe they can add prohibiting introduction of non-native species to Pa. waterways... Like steelhead!
    ORIGINAL: Rtom45

    You can go online and sign a petition at this website:
    The petition requests that a moratorium be put on drilling until the facts and risks can be determined.
    Also, the drilling is closer than many think. Just recently a well was put in at Cross Creek country club. Thats just a hop, skip, and jump from Oil Creek.

    I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one..
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