RE: Current Bay info.
2011/01/03 19:31:40
Just posted did survive the rain? in other forums ice section,
worm_waster hit it pretty good, I check all around today too, want to get back out, did walk on the ice at the marina towards the head where the ice rescue cross is at the little dirt road before the marina tenants entrance. I walked out about 30-40 yards, do not know how deep is there, never fished the marina, pike? gills?steelies? crappi? I saw two huts over there two weeks ago on my way back from checking the h.pond and Mis. Saw a line of about 15 holes drilled from where i stopped to out toward the the middle that where frozen up and shanty tracks frozen. few questionable stress cracks though.
the alaskan
hookem' and cookem'