keystone lake

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2011/01/01 13:24:28 (permalink)

keystone lake

hows the ice there? Going on Monday to the area. Thanks.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/01 14:14:00 (permalink)
    4 in today.with warm temps and rain,maybe less by monday
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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/03 08:09:30 (permalink)
    let me know how you did if you went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/03 21:16:20 (permalink)
    Didn't go, was not encouraged by your report of ice conditions.
    Totally unrelated, but...
    I did eat 8 pieces of bacon for breakfast, a record for me.

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
    Matthew 4:19
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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/04 07:35:07 (permalink)
    mmmmm bacon
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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/04 09:32:25 (permalink)
    Keystone Power Dam or Keystone State Park? sam
    ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

    hows the ice there? Going on Monday to the area. Thanks.

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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/05 11:32:32 (permalink)
    Hello folks, I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly, I've never been on a forum before, so if I'm doing something I'm not supposed to please let me know.

    I'm a pastor who lives in the Pittsburgh area who has a passion for fishing. I have just recently bought some basic ice fishing gear, but have only been ice fishing 1 time about 15 years ago. I would like to begin to learn how to ice fish, and am hoping a more experienced ice fisherman in the Pittsburgh area would be willing to allow me to tag along with them some time in the next few weeks & show me the ropes. I would be willing to drive/split gas, bait, or whatever.

    Thanks fellas!
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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/05 19:31:33 (permalink)
    Keystone lake is what this thread was about...
    Fishinpreacher, pm sent.

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
    Matthew 4:19
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    RE: keystone lake 2011/01/10 23:41:28 (permalink)
    Is anyone fishing the dam lately? I'm thinking of giving it a try this weekend, if anyone has been out a report would be appreciated. 
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