Who Pays for the Fish?

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2010/12/05 01:14:00 (permalink)

Who Pays for the Fish?

I am new at fishing (2010 was my 2nd fishing license purchased). My boyfriend has fished since he was a small child, and he has introduced me to fishing. I began my fishing experience in Erie, fishing for steelhead. Ever since, I was hooked (no pun intended).
Here is my problem. Every year, I pay for a fishing license. I don't just buy the standard license; I opt to pay for the Erie stamp so that I can catch those enticing steelhead. Yet, the steelhead that I, and other license holders pay for, inevitabley swim through a portion of the creek that is owned by a person that forbids others from fishing his property. Is this man personally paying for those fish that are stocked and decide to hole up on his property? Does he buy a fishing license? Or does he just charge others to fish or guide his property? I know of one such example, as my boyfriend just went fishing today. He was told by a guide "You would be better off leaving because the owner will call the state troopers on you." Fine. The man owns the property, we have no right to be there. However, this man is charging a thousand (to thousands?) of dollars to fish his property. Who paid for those fish? WE ALL DID. Why should he be allowed to charge others to fish his property, when, technically, those fish are the states'? Or even better, OURS.
I understand that posted means posted. They own the land. But they don't own the fish. Why should we pay for the fish when the areas that are heavily fished are obviously going to have less fish? I guess my point is, should this man be allowed to make a large profit off fish that we all paid for, yet have no access to (even though there WAS an easement enacted last year, that has since been revoked???)?

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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 02:51:31 (permalink)
    Well I guess we would have to ask the landowner if he was asked if he wanted those Steelhead to swim through his property.The whole thing does n't seem fair but that's the way it is.If you enjoy fishing in Erie help the cause by making a donation to the Christmas fruitbasket program that the PSA runs,it's the least we can do for the landowners that tolerate our presence on their properties.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 02:52:25 (permalink)
    Holy trollin.
    Here we fuggin go again.
    post edited by 6point7 - 2010/12/05 02:53:56
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 04:43:49 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: aly1184

    I am new at fishing (2010 was my 2nd fishing license purchased). My boyfriend has fished since he was a small child, and he has introduced me to fishing. I began my fishing experience in Erie, fishing for steelhead. Ever since, I was hooked (no pun intended).
    Here is my problem. Every year, I pay for a fishing license. I don't just buy the standard license; I opt to pay for the Erie stamp so that I can catch those enticing steelhead. Yet, the steelhead that I, and other license holders pay for, inevitabley swim through a portion of the creek that is owned by a person that forbids others from fishing his property. Is this man personally paying for those fish that are stocked and decide to hole up on his property? Does he buy a fishing license? Or does he just charge others to fish or guide his property? I know of one such example, as my boyfriend just went fishing today. He was told by a guide "You would be better off leaving because the owner will call the state troopers on you." Fine. The man owns the property, we have no right to be there. However, this man is charging a thousand (to thousands?) of dollars to fish his property. Who paid for those fish? WE ALL DID. Why should he be allowed to charge others to fish his property, when, technically, those fish are the states'? Or even better, OURS.
    I understand that posted means posted. They own the land. But they don't own the fish. Why should we pay for the fish when the areas that are heavily fished are obviously going to have less fish? I guess my point is, should this man be allowed to make a large profit off fish that we all paid for, yet have no access to (even though there WAS an easement enacted last year, that has since been revoked???)?

    Da mn right! We need a ladder running from below Rt. 5 over the
    falls at 20 mile. And a barrier on the rest of the creek, so our
    steelhead don't run into the Beeve's section of the creek.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 05:17:11 (permalink)
    definite;y a heated topic. i don't fish those waters but my waters have similar areas. salmon river ny has th douglaston salmon run. 45 per day to fish or 450 for a season pass. most are furious over this. i myself own 1000 ft. of river bank but it is in my deed for a bank walking easement...go figure... i actually am a pass holder for DSR though.for the fish, look at it this way, the state pays for the fish yes, but the state also pays to regulate the deer populations and wiht hunting, private prop is not to be hunted on. also, in ny it's actually tax dollars from state and fed that pay for the fish.... for the this thread, i'm sure t's going to turn it to a war...
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 08:25:55 (permalink)
    Aly1184  I fully understand your argument, but the bottom line here is the ownership of the land that trumps everything else.  It may not seem fair, but that is the law in PA. 

    I once proposed that any land that is posted be declared nursery waters and there would be no fishing allowed at all.  I was called everything name in the book.  So I modified by view and said posted land could not be leased for profit.  Again, shot down... The main feeling here is that if you own the land, it is up to you to decide what you want to do; post it, lease it or allow the public access to it.  The issue of who paid for the fish, who stocked the fish, who should have access to the fish is totally irrelevant.  The landowner has final say, period.  What you or I think about it means very little.  Personally I believe there are a variety of creative ways to get more access, it seems every time anyone brings one up, the mantra of land owners rights, land owners rights, drowns out all discussion on the matter.  In other words, it may be best to just voice your frustration and let it go.  I know was extremely upset at one point about the loss of access to one of my favorite fishing spots, but that is life.  I got over it. 

    The best thing you can do at this point is as mentioned above contribute to the fruit baskets for the landowners, join the PSA to add your voice to the cause, and when you are fishing on private land be respectful of the land and the landowner.  It is my understanding there are people working on behave of the fishing public to gain access to more land to fish, but this process takes time so I guess you can add being patient to your list of things.  There still are lots of places to fish.

    Good luck when you are fishing.
    post edited by Bughawk - 2010/12/05 08:26:59

    pax vobiscum +
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 09:13:25 (permalink)
    that fruit basket idea is great. i see it definitely going much further than voicing aggrevation and frustration...
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 09:37:25 (permalink)
    just imagine how much this property owner has paid in school taxes  ( and may have never had any kids in school )  maybe he is just trying to recoup some of the cost of property ownership ,maybe he is trying to cover insurance cost ??
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 09:41:48 (permalink)
    let the games begin...
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 09:43:19 (permalink)

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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 09:56:06 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dave2pa

    just imagine how much this property owner has paid in school taxes  ( and may have never had any kids in school )  maybe he is just trying to recoup some of the cost of property ownership ,maybe he is trying to cover insurance cost ??

    Ya. Im sure guys like the beav are just barely making it. Prabably one of his clients dues cover his taxes?
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 10:45:08 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: aly1184

    I am new at fishing (2010 was my 2nd fishing license purchased). My boyfriend has fished since he was a small child, and he has introduced me to fishing. I began my fishing experience in Erie, fishing for steelhead. Ever since, I was hooked (no pun intended).
    Here is my problem. Every year, I pay for a fishing license. I don't just buy the standard license; I opt to pay for the Erie stamp so that I can catch those enticing steelhead. Yet, the steelhead that I, and other license holders pay for, inevitabley swim through a portion of the creek that is owned by a person that forbids others from fishing his property. Is this man personally paying for those fish that are stocked and decide to hole up on his property? Does he buy a fishing license? Or does he just charge others to fish or guide his property? I know of one such example, as my boyfriend just went fishing today. He was told by a guide "You would be better off leaving because the owner will call the state troopers on you." Fine. The man owns the property, we have no right to be there. However, this man is charging a thousand (to thousands?) of dollars to fish his property. Who paid for those fish? WE ALL DID. Why should he be allowed to charge others to fish his property, when, technically, those fish are the states'? Or even better, OURS.
    I understand that posted means posted. They own the land. But they don't own the fish. Why should we pay for the fish when the areas that are heavily fished are obviously going to have less fish? I guess my point is, should this man be allowed to make a large profit off fish that we all paid for, yet have no access to (even though there WAS an easement enacted last year, that has since been revoked???)?

    Please drop an email to:
    The Fishing Hole

    Proud to have been a FOT/
    I've been out fishing.
    Clean your gear/

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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 11:11:25 (permalink)
    If some erieites would quit pooping on people's property, maybe less would be posted in the future.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 11:28:17 (permalink)
    OH!!!!! That already happened.....You know who you are
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 12:02:07 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    smells like pintowin23, 16onmealies, etc... just sayin'

    "I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 14:39:07 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: carpin06

    Can i stand at the edge of a property and fish???? and when one of you guide's tell me to leave i tell you go fugk your self and kiss me where the sun dont shine!!!!!!

    As long as you're not on, entering or disturbing the property, sure. Otherwise private property rights trump all else. Since all of the tribs are non-navigable, I find the cases where the property owner doesnt own both sides of the creek and your fishing the opposite bank more interesting.  
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 14:48:31 (permalink)
    Big difference with your deer analogy...it's not a put-n-take whitetail program. The deer were here first and naturally reproducing. Not so, for our beloved steelhead. Still, the "State" already has too much say on what we can do with our land. Your rights to life, liberty & property end once they begin to infringe upon the next person's rights.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 15:03:46 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: chartist

    If some erieites would quit pooping on people's property, maybe less would be posted in the future.

    It was probably some Ahole from Ohio who thought his crap didn't stink. No offense.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 15:27:28 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Riverbum

    Big difference with your deer analogy...it's not a put-n-take whitetail program. The deer were here first and naturally reproducing. Not so, for our beloved steelhead. Still, the "State" already has too much say on what we can do with our land. Your rights to life, liberty & property end once they begin to infringe upon the next person's rights.

    definitely a big difference, but somewhat of a point. the state makes you pay to hunt them and they go from one property to the next... the deer you can hunt on state land are there one day, the next they're on my property. do you understand???in reality the state owns them and tells you when and how you can shoot them. IMHO opinion though, private prop is private prop. and i'll leave it at that.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 15:39:50 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: 6point7

    Holy trollin.
    Here we fuggin go again.

    go back to spain
    11-12-11: the last time i got punched in the face
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 16:24:19 (permalink)
    Thanks for the info...I didn't know they had the fruitbasket program. I would definitely like to show my thanks to anyone who allows fishermen to fish/walk through their property.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 16:27:25 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dave2pa

    just imagine how much this property owner has paid in school taxes  ( and may have never had any kids in school )  maybe he is just trying to recoup some of the cost of property ownership ,maybe he is trying to cover insurance cost ??

    You can't even compare this to school taxes. Education benefits everyone, regardless of having kids in school or not.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 16:31:47 (permalink)
    Wow Aly, for your very first post it's a doozie but "Welcome to the Board" If your on here enough you will undoubtably become very educated! In what? it's hard to tell. I am personally not a die-hard steelhead person but can understand the frustrations. There are a lot of good people on here some serious and some in jest! Some that can spell and uthers hoo can not. But sit back and enjoy the ride !
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/05 21:45:26 (permalink)
    I can see the properity owners pain, I recently fished the lower section near the lake on Elk, and with all the trash on the shore I did not have enough garbage bags to clean up a small section of the steam.  I even see it in Ohio and when the properity owner locks up the section, it's up to the organizations to gather together to clean up properity and hand out baskets. 
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/06 00:25:50 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: **commander**

    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    smells like pintowin23, 16onmealies, etc... just sayin'

    nope... just sayin
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/06 00:29:20 (permalink)
    post edited by Eriefisherman69 - 2010/12/06 00:31:44

    Get educated, Get smart, And help. 

    Move up or Move Over

    Don't wait do something now

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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/06 00:44:11 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: transitive

    ORIGINAL: **commander**

    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    smells like pintowin23, 16onmealies, etc... just sayin'

    nope... just sayin

    my bad. thought you had 2 new screennames. just sayin'

    "I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/06 10:41:44 (permalink)
    The only answer is that the groups stocking the fish train them to swim around the private sections.

    Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/06 11:42:49 (permalink)
    Sneak onto the water, wear camo, carry some heat.
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    RE: Who Pays for the Fish? 2010/12/06 13:00:19 (permalink)
    again i say if you want to use your property to make maoney great, BUT it should be zoned as commercial property since it is a business venture.  that way everyone benefits, the property owner makes money, guides make money, the township makes money, the state makes money and fishermen lose. yea win-lose situation, best fisherman can get.
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