PGN Article On Antler Restrictions

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2010/08/24 12:37:53 (permalink)

PGN Article On Antler Restrictions

Here is a quote from DR. Rosenberry regarding buck hunter success rates with ARs as compared to 20 years ago.

Increasing the standard for the harvest of a legal buck with APRs could have reduced the number of hunters who were successful. Tracking hunter success rates over the last three decades has shown little change in the percentage of successful hunters. Today, licensed Pennsylvania hunters are as successful harvesting a buck under APRs as their predecessors were 20 years ago under the old antler restriction

Based on that statement it would appear that the PGC is relying on decreasing the number of hunters in order to keep the buck harvest rate stable.

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 15:01:40 (permalink)
    Interesting also that in order to make that claim they have to admit that the number of folks who identify themselves as deer hunters has dropped more than twice as fast as the number of hunters in general. In addition they had to cherry pick early deer kill numbers that ignore the decade prior to HR/AR when the buck kill as well as the bucks entered in the Pa record book was on an steady increase.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 15:11:42 (permalink)
    Don't know Dr. Rosenberry or follow PGC banter, but however said what was quoted ,as that is printed, is indeed a bonehead. How out of touch he must be. Probably getting ready to run for the senate and needs to practice "misspeaking".....WF
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 15:20:34 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: deerfly

    Based on that statement it would appear that the PGC is relying on decreasing the number of hunters in order to keep the buck harvest rate stable.

    I would imagine that game take surveys are being used to determine how many license buyers are hunting deer and how many days they are hunting?  They used to sample a about 2% or so. 

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 15:43:35 (permalink)
    Not to go off on a tangent, or get into the pro/anti PGC debate...


    The September issue of Outdoor Life has some good perspective on antler restrictions & herd reduction...
    along with an interview with Mr. Alt.

    They (the editors, not Alt) make some really good points & touch, not only on the AR/HR aspect,
    but also the way it's fundamentally changed the tradition of PA deer hunting.

    Interesting reading, just thought I'd mention it.

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 16:15:23 (permalink)
    Here is the link to the full story--->THE TROPHY TRAP

    This is just the excerpt from our very own Gary Alt:


    The Deer Wars Revisited: Dr. Gary Alt, Pennsylvania’s poster child for antler restrictions, discusses how hunting—and his life—were affected by a radical shift in deer management

    OL: In 2002, your campaign to get antler-point restrictions adopted in Pennsylvania was successful. How have hunters benefited?

    GA: I think hunters are seeing more bucks and they’re killing older deer. But the real benefit wasn’t hunters, it was woodland habitat. Before we did this, 85 percent of all the bucks shot in any given year in Pennsylvania were yearlings. But the deer herd wasn’t being managed. The habitat was just getting hammered (because relatively few does were being killed) and we were looking at a situation where if we didn’t get a handle on harvest we weren’t going to have any deer—or any deer hunting—before long.

    OL: Do you think that hunters are happier overall as a result of point restrictions?

    GA: Anecdotally, yes. People said pretty overwhelmingly that they were seeing and shooting bigger bucks, and I still hear from hunters who tell me their camps are killing the biggest deer they’ve seen in over 50 years. I never had anyone come up to my face and complain about antler restrictions. You hear plenty, about how I killed too many does, or made people pass on bucks that they would have been happy to shoot. But overall, I think it was positive.

    OL: Does all this emphasis on “quality deer” somehow diminish the spirit of hunting?

    GA: Look, until you get a handle on deer populations, you aren’t really managing anything, you’re just caving in to hunters who like to see lots of deer. We all do, but it’s irresponsible to manage deer at maximum densities because they will crash their habitat, and not just for deer but for every other woodland species as well. Quality deer management isn’t so much about quality deer as it is about quality habitat. That’s a hard message to tell someone who is used to seeing dozens of deer every time out.

    OL: I’ve always subscribed to the notion that any deer should be considered a trophy. How do you tell a 12-year-old that the forkhorn that steps out in front of him on opening day isn’t good enough?

    GA: The one consistent thing I heard in the 225 public meetings we held around Pennsylvania was that young hunters didn’t want different rules for them. The most common comment from older men was that if we implemented antler restrictions, then their sons or grandsons would quit hunting. But when these kids got up to talk, they told us, “If it’s right for adults, it’s right for us.”

    OL: Still, how do you tell a first-time hunter that his little forkhorn buck isn’t big enough?

    GA: I’d tell that hunter that he would be doing more for his future of hunting if he shot a doe instead.

    OL: Can point restrictions and quality deer management work everywhere? If so, why hasn’t every state adopted them?

    GA: It probably can’t work everywhere, but the few states that tried it didn’t try it over the entire state. They tried it in small study areas. Our experience in Pennsylvania showed that if it’s going to work, it needs to work everywhere.

    OL: When Outdoor Life last interviewed you, in 2003, you were on a multi-city tour of Pennsylvania, trying to convince angry groups of hunters to vote for antler-point restrictions. Your life was threatened, you began wearing a bulletproof vest to meetings and were accompanied by bodyguards. Was it worth it?

    GA: My marriage fell apart, I resigned the Pennsylvania Game Commission under pressure and I was possibly the most hated man in Pennsylvania. But you know what? It was worth it. I feel about that issue the way that our veterans feel about serving in the war. I served a tour fighting for what I believe in. I haven’t met anybody who had that much opportunity to make a difference on that scale. This was a fight for the future of hunting, a way to bridge the gap between ecology and hunting. If we lose that ecology—the habitat—then we will lose hunting, and we were very close to losing the habitat in Pennsylvania.

    post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2010/08/24 16:17:50
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 16:44:53 (permalink)
    GA: I think hunters are seeing more bucks and they’re killing older deer. But the real benefit wasn’t hunters, it was woodland habitat. Before we did this, 85 percent of all the bucks shot in any given year in Pennsylvania were yearlings. But the deer herd wasn’t being managed. The habitat was just getting hammered (because relatively few does were being killed) and we were looking at a situation where if we didn’t get a handle on harvest we weren’t going to have any deer—or any deer hunting—before lon

    I see Alt is still lying about deer management prior to 2000. The PGC data shows that 2G was at it's goal of 15 DPSM when the new DMP was implemented. Also, the claim that hunters are seeing more buck is nothing more than wishful thinking. Even if we carried over 50K buck in 2009 the preseason buck population was still only around 175K compared to around 250K preseason buck in 2001.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 16:56:16 (permalink)
    There is also a story in this months issue of The American Hunter concerning A.R. I think that some people are finaly coming out of Alt's spell & using thier own common sense. I do not believe that the surveys that the PGC always claims supports A.R. is valid if they survey people that are not involved in the affected WMU's I believe that if you ask the hunters in those areas only, you would get a different result.That is why I believe that they will not take my challenge of requireing hunters to make up thier minds when they purchase thier license to make a choice of whether they want to go with AR or not. It can't be possible that all of the people that I talk to in 2-b are the only ones against A.R.. The last sportsmens meeting I went to thier were 35 people there ,young & old . When I asked how many supported A.R. ,not 1 hand went up. Can we all be wrong.? sam
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/24 17:09:05 (permalink)
    He is lying about the 85% of bucks being killed being yearlings also. The PGC has been constant throughout the 40 years before 2000 in saying just over 20% of our bucks taken were 2-1/2 years old or better.

    Lets see, his marriage went to hell and he was wearing a bullet proof vest but now no one has complained to him about antler restrictions. Must have something to do with the fact he moved out to California to be with his liberal, anti hunting friends. They probably don't see a problem since they don't hunt and don't think we should either.

    If the young hunters didn't want things different for them then why in the he// did they make things different for them. Another of Alts BS statements.

    It's physically impossible for us to be seeing more bucks because by the PGC's own admission there aren't more bucks even counting the illegal ones.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 15:36:55 (permalink)
    I still think that the antler restrictions were implemented (accidentally?) at the same time as a natural increase in rack size. I've hunted for 38 years and can remember that you didn't see very many truly big bucks, maybe a couple a year from accross the state. Then in the mid to late 1990's suddenly there were several shot every year just in Clarion county, right before the AR went into place. I give the credit to less severe winters, genetics (mother nature knows what she's doin'), better food crops and lower deer population. Not sayin' AR hasn't helped some, just don't think it deserves all the credit for the larger bucks. Those of us that didn't shoot the first buck we saw know that there were big ones out there before AR. IMO
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 16:25:33 (permalink)
    Most of my good bucks were taken in the 90's also. You have to remember that it was the late 80's when Ray Scott started the food plot revolution and the TV shows started promoting hunting for monster whitetails. Having your own food plot rather than finding the feed became the big thing for anyone with access to some land and that helped increase the antler mass and general health of the deer. The PGC record books still show 2000 (the year before AR/HR)as the best year ever for record book bucks entered in PA.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 16:54:57 (permalink)
    While the PGC claims ARs didn't decrease the buck hunter success rate they also claim that HR and ARs aren't responsible for the decrease in license sales. But, if you look at the decrease in deer hunters since 2000, the number of deer hunters decreased from 913,646 to 708,069 in 2008 which is a decrease of 23%. That is a huge decrease compared to the 10% decrease in deer hunters from 1986 to 2000.

    Now if you go back 20 years to 1989 the decrease in deer hunters from 1989 to 2008 is over 300K deer hunters, which explains why the PGC can claim the buck hunters success rate hasn't changed much compared to 20 years ago.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 17:00:45 (permalink)

    Shot in '99
    wayne c
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 18:28:37 (permalink)
    "GA: My marriage fell apart, I resigned the Pennsylvania Game Commission under pressure and I was possibly the most hated man in Pennsylvania."

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 20:23:33 (permalink)
    BD, could have been the habitat improving in your area that made the bucks improve? Quality food and better cover will always help bucks grow a little better. By the way, nice buck.

    I have been back and forth on the AR topic for a number of years. After last year and this year I have become a fan. I am convinced that the bucks in my area need nothing but age to get big, and now they are finally getting that opportunity. Sure we may have less deer overall, but without a doubt in my area the amount of 2.5YO bucks has increased pretty dramatically.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 20:53:31 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter

     but without a doubt in my area the amount of 2.5YO bucks has increased pretty dramatically.

    So has the number of 3.5 in ours. 

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 21:07:35 (permalink)
    Excuse me sir, I meant to say 2.5+YO

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/25 22:32:24 (permalink)
    Thanks to all the reduction, the number of 2.5's and 3.5's hasnt increased here. Id say roughly the same or slightly less than before ar and hr. I do support ar though. The numbers of mature buck were never high in most areas of Pa. They still arent. But if it werent for ar, the numbers of 2.5's and 3.5's here would truly be pathetic after cutting the herd significantly.

    I have no problem with those who have their own reasons for not supporting ar, but Imho, across alot of the state, if we had a little less hr and kept ar, would be the best of both worlds.

    From what i hear regularly, and from polls id seen, I think many like ar but not hr. And for those that dont like ar, i think it would be a little less unacceptable to some of them if hr were throttled back, and they didnt have to be disgusted about the WHOLE deal.
    post edited by wayne c - 2010/08/25 22:34:10
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 00:37:22 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: dpms

    ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter

    but without a doubt in my area the amount of 2.5YO bucks has increased pretty dramatically.

    So has the number of 3.5 in ours. 

    I has in mine, too.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 08:20:29 (permalink)
    While there is no doubt that some areas that weren't significantly impacted by HR are seeing more 2.5+ buck. statewide there are about the same number of 2.5+ buck as there were in 2002 before any buck were saved by ARs. In 2002 were harvested 52,900 2.5+ buck and in 2009 we harvested 55,248.

    Part of the problem is that statewide ,rifle hunters have seen a dramatic drop in the number of legal buck during rifle season. If you subtract the archery buck harvest from the total buck harvest you will see that rifle hunters had over 165K legal buck available in 2001. However, by 2009 the number of legal buck available for rifle hunters dropped to 75K plus buck. That's a 55% decrease in just nine years and I think that is one reason a lot of rifle hunters don't like ARs.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 08:25:01 (permalink)
    BY THE NUMBERS------These are the numbers assuming you believe the data put out by the PGC is correct for the year before AR as compared with the last year of season, Carl Roe states that the buck kill is the indicator of the deer herd in general. The PGC has pegged 20% as the number of 2-1/2 year old bucks in the harvest before AR and 50% as the number since in round numbers.

    2001--kill 203,247----2009 kill 108,330-----difference is 94,917 fewer bucks killed
    2001 at 20% 40,649----2009 at 50% 54,165-----difference is 13,516 more 2-1/2 bucks killed

    So--if your willing to put up with a harvest of 94,917 fewer bucks in exchange for having 13,516 of the bucks you do harvest being 2-1/2 years old rather than 1-1/2(not necessarly bigger but older) then you are probably happy assuming the kill doesn't continue to go down.

    The interesting thing is Alt originally said he needed to kill off an extra 100,000 doe to make room for the additional bucks his plan was going to put in the herd. We all see how that played out. AR could have made Pa's buck hunting better than ever but that never was the plan. Herd reduction was always the plan and AR and the promise of MORE AND BIGGER BUCKS was the carrot to get it started. Compare the number of bucks entered in the PGC's record book in 2000 with any year since and see how that worked out.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 08:38:58 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: deerfly

     That's a 55% decrease in just nine years and I think that is one reason a lot of rifle hunters don't like ARs.

    For discussion's sake, I wonder what the average participation days are for a firearms only hunter?  I pretty sure that it is not available but wonder what everyone's thoughts are on it.
    My best guess would be 2.5 full days on average.  If that is close, what should an acceptable success rate be using your estimate on average participation days.  Mine would be 10-15%. 

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 08:50:37 (permalink)
    Not sure how valid the comparison would be since historically 60% of the kill is on the first day and another 20% is on the second day and Sat. In my case it is every day of the season until I kill or the season ends. I would guess 3 days is a good average. Deerfly, where did you get your harvest numbers for 2002 and 2009? I always have to work with the percentages the PGC puts out.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 09:55:59 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: S-10
    I would guess 3 days is a good average.

    If 3 days is your estimate, what is a exceptable success rate for antlered deer for three days of hunting in your opinion?
    post edited by dpms - 2010/08/26 11:34:14

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 10:11:01 (permalink)
    IMHO I don't think that is the question we should be asking,since it is based solely on personal opinions. Personally, I think the question should be what the success rate would be if the herd was being managed at the MSY carrying capacity of all the habitat the deer use to survive instead of be managed for the regeneration of commercially valuable timber.

    The number and percentage of 2.5+ buck in the harvest from 1997 to 2008 is presented in Table 5 of the 2008 AWR. The percentage of 2.5+ buck in the harvest for 2009 was 51% , which raises some interesting questions since we only protect 50% of the 1.5 buck and 15-18% of those buck are lost to non-hunting mortality. So, does the 51% mean the 1.5 buck population has decreased even more?
    wayne c
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 10:30:01 (permalink)
    If i remember correctly, i saw a study that was done not too long ago, that compared hunter numbers, days spent afield etc... that showed Pa hunters were as avid as any in the nation, and on average spent among the highest days afield of any of the states, and its not all that hard to believe considering our strong hunting tradition here. And its only understandable that the other states have plenty of one and two day hunters as well.

    Yet we are far from the highest buck success rates.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 10:45:14 (permalink)
    Since almost all bucks 1.5 years old are illegal, wouldn't one see more 2.5 year old bucks???....WF
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 11:21:46 (permalink)
    There is certainly a fair amount of 1.5YOs running around here with legal headgear. I am pretty sure that it is estimated that 50% of the recent buck harvests are 1.5YOs. That is better than our previous harvests comprising of 80% 1.5YO bucks. With what HR has done it is pretty much a wash anyhow in most areas.
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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 11:38:54 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: deerfly

    IMHO I don't think that is the question we should be asking,since it is based solely on personal opinions.

    It is personal opinion much the same as those that say our deer hunting stinks.

    You had mentioned firearms only hunters and their disatisfaction with AR.  I asked what your personal opinion was in regards to average days afield for a rifle only hunter in pursuit of bucks and what a acceptable success rate would be in your opinion based on that time afield.
    post edited by dpms - 2010/08/26 11:39:51

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    RE: PGN Article On Antler Restrictions 2010/08/26 12:03:37 (permalink)
    I don't think that is a valid question either but for different reasons than deerfly. There are too many variables, do you have the golden stump, do you own your own land thereby knowing the habits, do you do a lot of scouting prior to season, what number of deer has the wildlife people (PGC in this case) saw fit to allow in the area, are you a casual hunter or hard core. the number in 2000 would be much different than the number in 2010 and would be different next year.
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