'10 Doe Tags...

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wayne c
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/10 20:18:16 (permalink)
"In fact, IMHO I think he was told to stop representing himself as the PGC, since he no longer identifies himself as a WCO."

Wow, i didnt notice that till you mentioned it and now isee what you are saying. Im guessing it had something to do with a few of his very very non hunter friendly commentary, that there is absolutely no way the commission could condone. He said on one message board that he would like to see hunters take their funding money and take a flying leap!! On another board he said hunters who didnt support the deer plan should be ""forced to take smart pills, you know, wormed like dogs"" his words. Some posters took great exception to those comments and wouldnt let it go. One even made it his signature line on one board with RSB's name after it. Couple that terrible P-R with some of his very extremely obtuse views, and i can all but guarantee someones had a conversation with the ol' chap about his antics while representing pgc.

If thats indeed the case, I applaud pgc for putting him in his place. Thats uncalled for...really really bad PR. Absolutely unacceptable. Especially when pgc hunter relations havent been the best in the first place. I dont think thats the way to mend fences.

post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/10 20:22:33
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/10 20:51:59 (permalink)
Just to set the record STRAIGHT !!!!

In 8 years of running a message board I have banned 4 people .... so I can't see where it is that difficult to be an active member there and post one's thoughts..

Challenging someone is welcomed.. insulting them IS NOT !!!
Posting lies or mis-truths is also not tolerated...

over 60 people a day visit .. so I am happy ... I never started it to be popular. I started it and still run it as a place to get information and for discussions...

and breaking the rules is not tolerated and that's why the 4 were banned.... and all 4 were warned in advance..
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2010/07/10 20:54:16
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/10 22:01:45 (permalink)

"There is a pleasure in Angling that no one knows but the Angler himself". WB

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/10 22:50:59 (permalink)
Challenging someone is welcomed.. insulting them IS NOT !!!
Posting lies or mis-truths is also not tolerated..

There was no way of challenging RSB without insulting him since his claims were so outrageous. Furthermore, nothing I posted was a lie or a mis-truth, it is just that you are so thin skinned you can't handle the truth nor could you refute what I posted and that is why I was banned.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/10 23:57:17 (permalink)
deerfly i saw the stuff you said about RSB and it was disrespectful and if dr trout wanted to ban you for it, it's his site. you may have thought you were witty, i thought you were crude.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 07:52:52 (permalink)
If you saw the stuff I said about RSB , you also saw the stuff RSB said about me. He called me a flimflam man, a conman and said I was full of horse puckey. He also called me a liar , but could never provide an example of where I lied about anything. If what I wrote was disrespectful ,what RSB wrote was even worse, but I doubt that he ever got a warning. There is a clear double standard on many MBs and that certainly is the case on HPA and DT.s MB.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 08:12:22 (permalink)
Doc depends on information from the PGC and DCNR in order for his site to have any interest. Much of the information naturally is self serving for those groups and is slanted towards furthering their goals. They were getting challenged on some of the claims they were making and couldn't back them up which was making them look bad. Doc tried to provide cover but so much of their information(especially from RSB) was being challenged and shown to be suspect or wrong that they threatened to stop helping him. He had to choose between keeping a relatively open forum and risk losing his sources(the DCNR and PGC) or shut down any critics and continue his relationship with the folks giving him something to post. He stated on his site that he was sticking with the PGC and DCNR and taking his chances on losing members. IMO logging onto his site is probably no different than logging onto either the PGC or DCNR website, you take what they choose to tell you.
wayne c
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 12:44:41 (permalink)
With all due respect Dr. Trout, Id found your site after having seen it mentioned quite a while back on another site. Ive seen your heavy biased moderating on that site. Dont know if it still the case, since i havent been to it for some time, but i think i know the answer to that. Some guys of the opposition banned or chastised while the other side does and said exactly whatever they like. Ive seen Rsb and others insult people freely on a couple of boards with absolutely no consequence. As for your boart, thats the reason i was not interested in being a member there. Had no desire to be treated as a second class citizen there because i dont agree with some pgc policies. Though it is your site and free to do what you want with it.

Lies and mistruths? Kinda hard for you to be the judge and jury on whats true and whats false in regards to deer management, when you yourself dont know the difference. Because you dont agree with the facts as presented doesnt make them any less factual. And the only lies i see is yours, trying to portray your website moderating as anything remotely resembling fair and unbiased.

I agree s-10. If one sees who the actual members of his site are, and how extreme they are in their views, its little surprise that the prevailing mainstream views and concerns of our hunter ranks is not welcome.

I sincerely dont mean to be a smartazz here, but thats how i see it, my 2 cents on that topic is spent.
post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/11 13:10:48
wayne c
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 14:15:03 (permalink)
Couldnt help myself. lol. Against my better judgement, after not having seen that board for quite some time, just had to go over and check things out after hearing all the hoopla over this other "board". Didnt take many threads read to see the score either! Pretty clear by all the propgc postings and no current opposition at all. lol. Yeah...thats generally the tip off.

There WAS some opposition from what id seen though... WOW did you get hosed s-10! sheesh! Got booted because you simply provided quotes etc. speaking about Alts ridiculous statement of "more and bigger bucks" well known comment etc... And someone was spitting and sputtering and didnt like it because he said it wasnt so, that alt never said that among other things... and board owner was proven wrong on a few statements straight! Tried to hide the fact after your booting by removing your posts...but left his replies to the now nonexistant posts, making it all to easy to tell exactly what was being said anyway!lol

Banned for simply backing up your position. My god man, I see why there are only like 3 regular posters!
post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/11 16:21:49
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 17:57:05 (permalink)
The sad part is that some of the guys on HPA actually believe the nonsense RSB posts. But he has gotten so extreme that even Dutch doesn't agree with him anymore. Personally ,I am surprised RSB hasn't been reprimanded for some of the things he has posted. I know for a fact that when I worked for DER, I would have been in big trouble if I would have made similar comments about DER on a MB. We weren't even allowed to talk to the press about cases we were working on or sites we were inspecting.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 18:49:45 (permalink)
I'll respond to wayne only because I KNOW S-10 is not man enough to tell the truth..

He got banned --- but it had NOTHING TO DO with any Dr. Alt quote or statement...
He and I have been going at it for years over the deer program and Dr Alt...

Wayne just made that up...

He refused to stop printing a mis-quote of what he read by some writer of what Carl Roe said at a meeting even after I PROVED to him it was what a writer said not a direct quote from Carl...

and true PGC and DCNR people visit and post on my board all the time... and I was not about to leave S-10s false statement there for others to see.... it's here on this board but I do not control the truth or lies here.... and after being corrected and warned it was NOT what Carl said.. he posted it again... BYE - BYE .......

so as you said.. I post info for folks to see and read.. you would not be interested in being a member there...if people want to reply they are welcome to do so it's open to all.. if not that's fine too.... when no one visits then I'll think about not running the board anymore til then it stays ....

I'm done here again... It is not fair to fish erie to talk me or my board... it's easy enough for any one to find if interested.. #1 on Google search engines :) :)( :) :)

BYE !!!

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 19:02:57 (permalink)

"There is a pleasure in Angling that no one knows but the Angler himself". WB

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 19:43:48 (permalink)
He refused to stop printing a mis-quote of what he read by some writer of what Carl Roe said at a meeting even after I PROVED to him it was what a writer said not a direct quote from Carl...

Please stop playing your silly games. Post what you claim is a misquote and we will all decide for ourselves if you are right. I didn't misquote anyone or post any false or misleading data and you banned me anyway. Do us all a favor and just post on your MB where few if any bother to read what you post.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 20:37:18 (permalink)
Doc -YOU ARE A L**R--- you didn't toss me because of that, you tossed me because I was questioning why you were posting letters from a FORMER commissioner that was trying to undermine the new commissioners and you know it. The Alt quotes towards the end just added to the final solution for you. Hell, Alt made them not me, blame him. As far as the Carl ROE quote goes you claimed it was a misquote when MM asked about it months ago and said it would be corrected in a couple weeks(that claim is on this site) You never proved or showed anything to me. In fact the original summary with the Carl Roe statement IS STILL on your site. You didn't like me bringing it up but thats true of many things I challenged you on. Also still on your site is your statement that you would do what was necessary to keep your sources of information even if it meant losing members. You also quit this site at the same time you kicked me off yours.I wonder why. You may control what is said on your China site but you can't control what happens on this U.S.A. site. Interesting that you removed all my posts but had no trouble keeping all the ones that bashed me. Some of them prove that you don't follow your own rules of conduct. This was taken off your site a half hour ago=======Carl Roe, Executive Director of the PA Game Commission, stated that PGC "manages habitat and not forests." Roe emphasized that the role of the PGC is to maximize game for hunters and trappers and they take a "different approach" towards conservation. Roe revealed that instances occur where certain trees are not harvested--------Why is it still there if it is wrong? If you don't want challenged you should to stick with your own site and love fest. You get 60 visits a day, this topic alone has had over 500 visits in 4 DAYS. Thats the difference when you allow controlled debate. BYE BYE
post edited by S-10 - 2010/07/11 20:59:50
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 21:27:00 (permalink)

Don't forget, county treasurers start accepting resident apps. this coming Monday.

Got mine in the mail Saturday.  That is what this thread is about, right?   Remember you can go to the PGC site and see when your application is processed and the tag awarded.  Pretty cool feature.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 21:39:44 (permalink)
Your not suggesting we may have gotten a wee bit sidetracked are you?
wayne c
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 21:49:07 (permalink)
"Wayne just made that up..."

Um. No. Sorry but i dont make anything up that i post. I hold honesty in a bit higher regard than some i guess..

Dpms, yeah, thats a pretty cool feature.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 22:21:55 (permalink)


Don't forget, county treasurers start accepting resident apps. this coming Monday.

Got mine in the mail Saturday.  That is what this thread is about, right?   Remember you can go to the PGC site and see when your application is processed and the tag awarded.  Pretty cool feature.

Yes and thank you, DP.

Take it easy guys.  The name calling will stop.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 22:26:01 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: mr.crappie

Yes I am serious,please tell me how shooting more does = seeing more bucks. Also if you are serious about wanting more does shot ,maybe a little (spot burning} would be helpful. lol sam

Are you serious?


Simple, mow the girls and let the young guys walk.  The habitat is fantastic so they will come.  They always do.  Same thing, year in and year out.

We don't need any help mowing but thanks.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/11 23:15:30 (permalink)
Mr. Deerfly,
Have you used the screen name Beenthere on another popular MB?
Just curious.w_w.

If it has fins and gills, I'm there.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 15:39:53 (permalink)



Don't forget, county treasurers start accepting resident apps. this coming Monday.

Got mine in the mail Saturday.  That is what this thread is about, right?   Remember you can go to the PGC site and see when your application is processed and the tag awarded.  Pretty cool feature.

Me too. I hoped that landed it at the treasueres office in Monday.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 15:41:01 (permalink)
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 16:47:09 (permalink)



Don't forget, county treasurers start accepting resident apps. this coming Monday.

Got mine in the mail Saturday.  That is what this thread is about, right?   Remember you can go to the PGC site and see when your application is processed and the tag awarded.  Pretty cool feature.

Is there a link on the PGC site that lists who harvested and reported a deer kill last year?
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 16:58:04 (permalink)
Do a search and find out.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 17:36:33 (permalink)
I guess we will agree to disagree. I am not a mathamaticion or a bioligist but I do know that any doe you kill will not be having any fawns in the spring. If you go by the therory that we have been given by the PGC that fawns are approx. 50/50 male & female, that means that not only did you kill a doe,which you say will help even the herd , you also killed a buck, which I say keeps the % the same. So unless you stop shooting bucks altogether, I don't see how your theory works. sam
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 18:07:24 (permalink)


Do a search and find out.


The PGC search feature stinks to high heaven and that is why I ask if anyone was successful at finding the link. I thought one of my fellow hunters would be more than willing to share this info, but maybe I was wrong.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/12 18:44:55 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: deerfly

Is there a link on the PGC site that lists who harvested and reported a deer kill last year?

Uh..  No....

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/13 14:34:55 (permalink)
4a tag awarded today. Got a dmap for my immediate area in 4D. Was looking at a bag of beef jerky at the store a little bit ago, made my mouth water...$5 for 3 ounces.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/13 20:54:41 (permalink)
As it is, the commission for the last several years has been collaring antlerless deer in unit 2G, then tracking their movement and survival, said commissioner Dave Schreffler of Bedcford County. Ninety-two percent of those deer are surviving hunting seasons, he said.
What ?!?!

Ding ding ding.  Do we have a winner ?
"Yes, there are areas of 2G where the deer are just not there," said commissioner Greg Isabella of Philadelphia. "But the reason, when you talk to the professionals and the people out in the field, is that the habitat is just not there. I think that's being overlooked."
"The hunters are irrelevant in a large chunk of 2G, just because of the habitat," agreed commissioner Dave Putnam of Centre County. "I think the cold spots there are related to habitat."

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/13 23:00:01 (permalink)
Simple enough to figure out, simply compare the kill in the area in question for the 5 years before AR/HR to the last five years.
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