The worst of the worst

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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/01 17:35:46 (permalink)
Scariest time for me was 2 years ago in July in the bay in my 25 foot Sportcraft! We just come through the chanel when the wind and rain started. 70 mph winds with water going horizontal! I almost forgot to mention the lightning and the 3000 rpms top keep the boat straight. My older daughter has still not been back on the boat.
I have to agree most of the stories seem to start "when i went out in my 16 footer.... BUT there are times when it doesn't matter how big the boat is, In fact has anyone looked at the charts for Lake Erie there are alot of documented wrecks out there.
I still say the boat should be 24 plus feet and be built for heavy water, thats just my opinion though. If i'm ever out there when anyone has trouble I will be the first to offer assistance, Stay safe and good luck fishing.
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/01 21:30:35 (permalink)
I have a 16 footer and I agree that it is a bit small for the lake. That is why I only fish in ice cream conditions. If NOAA does not say 2 feet or less I stay home. That being said, I would never go out there in anything smaller. Also, when I'm going out on the lake, I make sure my motors are running well, pumps are in good shape, and all of my safety equipment is loaded and in good working order. I also brief any fishing partner on what to do and how to talk to the Coast Guard if need be. Erie is no joke and I have a lot of respect for it.
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/01 22:25:50 (permalink)
I have a lot of respect for it.

 That sentiment alone could keep most folks out of trouble.... Erie is the 'poster child' for bad water, but any body of water needs to be respected.
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 09:43:51 (permalink)
More than once I've made the 2 hour drive, only to sit in the parking lot and watch boats launch, get out of the channel and turn around and load. Last year one day we sat in the lot for 3 hours waiting for the predicted laying down of the lake that never came. Had a good time BS'n though. Just not worth taking chances...
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 10:09:50 (permalink)
Came back in, white knuckled and wet, noticed I was the only vehicle in Walnut parking. IQ test I won't fail again.

Eat what you catch,troll for cows.
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 17:56:15 (permalink)
Couple of decades back we had a stormy boating season getting blown off every weekend. So we trailered to the marina on P.I. Wind was out of the west at Biblical knots . We planned to go out in front of hammermill and troll for eyes in the shelter of the peninsula. Fished about four hours and came back through channel, The wind was so strong the waves between the north and south piers were to the top of the walls. In front of the coast guard dock the sediments in the gas tank stirred enough to kill the supply. With out power the waves came over the bow and wind screen and I had to go out on the bow to keep from ramming north wall by pushing off with my legs . The coast guard was on the scene in minutes. The fellow throwing us the tow line had a hard time getting it to us because the wind was so strong,kept missing . Finally we were in tow one hour to reach marina dock . Thank God for His protection and the coast guard.    
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 21:42:38 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: bulldog1

More than once I've made the 2 hour drive, only to sit in the parking lot and watch boats launch, get out of the channel and turn around and load. Last year one day we sat in the lot for 3 hours waiting for the predicted laying down of the lake that never came. Had a good time BS'n though. Just not worth taking chances...

Watchin' KMP "fish?" was more fun than lettin the lake jar our bones.

I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
I choose Little Cleos

I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
Mr Twister
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 21:56:35 (permalink)
Me and my dad spent four days in port clinton 2 weeks ago fishin for eyes. we waited out a storm in the morning and headed out about 11.30. we only have a 17ft sylvan back troller. about 3:30 she kicked up 8 footers easy. we knew it was time to head in when davis besse dissappered behind a wave. we ended taking an hour to get in and were surfing waves for most of that hour. Yea it was a bad idea but the weather report said it was only 2 to 3 footers. but as i think we all know that dont me S###. we got 8 or 9 lost 4 or 5 more and made it home in one peice. and we where the smallest boat their.
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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 23:10:51 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish

ORIGINAL: bulldog1

More than once I've made the 2 hour drive, only to sit in the parking lot and watch boats launch, get out of the channel and turn around and load. Last year one day we sat in the lot for 3 hours waiting for the predicted laying down of the lake that never came. Had a good time BS'n though. Just not worth taking chances...

Watchin' KMP "fish?" was more fun than lettin the lake jar our bones.

We ended up goin that day, but would have stayed in to see that...

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RE: The worst of the worst 2010/06/02 23:31:16 (permalink)
My one buddy had an 18 ft v haul with a 60 hp outboard.  He never boated anything but tiny lakes.  He said ah lets go up to erie and troll for steelhead,  I said you know that lake can get rough real quick, and he never boated erie in his life.  I politely declined his offer.  I can't swim that good and almost drowned myself fishing in elk creek one winter. I sure as heck am not going out with someone who has no boating experience on erie 
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