Must've found a stupid one!

Steel Junkie
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2010/05/15 00:10:57 (permalink)

Must've found a stupid one!

This is a week late but I finally did it, I found a stupid enough turkey to commit to my calls! This is my first year hunting turkeys by myself (Im 16) and after hunting every possible day counting the junior hunt I finally got a bird on 5-5-10. I have about 1 1/2 hrs to hunt before school every morning so I decided to make the best of it. I roosted a bird the night before and set up on him in the morning. At about 5:30 I was set up and heard some birds gobbling a few hundred yards behind me. After about 10 minutes of these birds hammering and mine not making a sound I decided to make a few soft tree yelps on my slate call. For the next ten minutes the bird never shut up! By this point I could see the bird up in the tree about 100 yards away. I decided at this point to give him one more series of soft yelps when all of the sudden he pitches down straight at me. He landed about 10 yards away and proceeds to walk straight at me. I did'nt have my gun up all the way and the bird was walking straight at me, I just pointed my gun at him from the hip so to speak and shot him at somewhere between 5-10 yards! I couldnt miss... The bird had a 8.5 in beard and 1 in spurs. Not my first bird ever but the first completely on my own and Im proud of it. Oh ya and I had the bird cleaned and in the freezer with enough time to still catch the bus! I will upload some pictures when I get the chance.

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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 07:01:27 (permalink)
    Well done.....

    "There is a pleasure in Angling that no one knows but the Angler himself". WB

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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 07:39:34 (permalink)
    What a thrill that must have been! Good job.

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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 07:52:35 (permalink)
    Good story. Good job.
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 11:03:22 (permalink)
    smally hunter
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 14:02:07 (permalink)
    lucked up this morning myself , first year calling without dad and boy its been a blast , luckily still have a tag. passed up on jakes the first morning but today the proved too tempting , got in the woods at 6(way late) got set up in a field at 615 cuz we didnt hear on the roost (there was a big bird in this same field last weekend) and waited , tried calling soft when my buddy(also hunting without his pops for the first time) said he heard a gobble. i said lets be patient eventually they will come. well he hits the call again and three birds hammer really close. one more yelp and one more gobble and the rest is history , we quit calling , i look up in like 5 minutes theres 3 birds , we wait i lean in fire and down one goes . i stand up and two are running and at about 50 yards my buddy dropped one running. heck of a morning. both were small no spurs , 4.5 inch birds and about 17 lbs , but like i said still have a tag , and the gitters are gone.

    i think its official, im hooked , now if i can only stick one in archery this year. but i shouldn get ahead of myself
    Steel Junkie
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 20:29:13 (permalink)
    Smally hunter, I called in 2 to 40 yards for a bud last weekend and when I told him to shoot he didnt! It was a heart breaker! But oh well, and I only called 3 times to mine, the third time I called he flew out in the middle of my calling! Thanks for all the congrats and good jobs guys! Congrats to you too smally hunter!
    Steel Junkie
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 20:44:00 (permalink)

    The first picture is right after I shot it, The second is after I got back home.
    redneck steel
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/15 21:45:09 (permalink)
    Nice bird!
    smally hunter
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/16 00:17:14 (permalink)
    trust me , the same guy i was with today i called in a lb first saturday for , but he moved and when the big boy showed himself it was just to yelp and run away . but heck i could have been happier this morning and now i wonder if its saturday again yet
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    RE: Must've found a stupid one! 2010/05/17 10:01:04 (permalink)

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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