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2010/05/12 11:48:56 (permalink)


My daughter has been unable to hunt due to sports committments until tomorrow. Went out this morning to check on the longbeard I had been scouting for her.

Gobbled on the pole, flew down, walked past me at 15 yards, gobbling and strutting. Good spot ready to go right?

As he got just over the hill about 80 yards away, I was preparing to slip out of there and whammo! He got laid out by another hunter. First time anyone else has hunted this woodlot all season. Congrats to him. Bummer for her. Gotta go find another.

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/12 13:09:55 (permalink)
    That IS a bummer.  Good to know you don't need to waste your time looking for him tomorrow but a real kicker when you had it all worked out for the kiddo.  Hope you guys locate another willing to play tomorrow.
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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 10:36:08 (permalink)
    look at the bright side good timing on your part that you heard it or else you might have been hunting a bird tomorrow that didn't exist.
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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 11:48:01 (permalink)
    I did that. Thundering the night before and with every roar the bird would gobble.
    Got up and with a long walk in the rain set up under some big oaks.
    Wasn,t real sure where he was but knew I had to be close.
    As dawn started showing gray I made a soft tree yelp.
    I heard a gobble that dang near stopped my heart.
    He was straight above me!
    Saw the only nice place for him to land and kept my gun aimed that way.
    After what seemed like hrs.(15 min.) he flew exactly to the spot.
    He was mine. 25lbs with 1 1/2 in. spers, 11 in. beard.
    Started across the field when this guy comes running up to me and
    starts screaming," You killed my bird!"
    Had no clue where he was. Dang near got in a fist fight with him.
    Went as far as me taking off my wet jacket and glasses.

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 12:57:26 (permalink)
    holy moly mika!
    Congrats on the HUGE bird!
    Biggest I've heard of this season. Got any pics of that boss?
    Sorry the joker had to play a part...

    ...and MM, that is a bummer, but it sounds like she has a good guide...I bet he finds another one.
    post edited by Pork - 2010/05/13 13:00:41

    "If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 16:34:54 (permalink)
    Yeah mika, that's crazy. No turkey in this world is worth getting that worked up. Not like there isn't more to chase!

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 16:54:04 (permalink)
    gotta watch it with those arguments in the woods..you guys have guns. haha...did you guys hear about the fella who got shot along with his son during bear season last year? They got in a n argument wiht an older fella who cut their drive off...older man got mad and shot them...

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 17:44:45 (permalink)
    Hope you find another bird MM..Like to see those kids score....
    On the side note of getting shot...
    I got peppered one morning while sitting in the woods..
    I had set up about 60 yards off the road..Only place open enough where I knew the bird was traveling..
    Was in and set up at 5 am about 6 am I see a car go by and stop just past me..
    Great some more fellas calling from their car...Nope this fella had just purchased a new shotgun the day before and wanted to try it out..So he jumped out of his car and opened up on a possum that had crossed the road in front of him.
    Little did he know I was sitting 50 yds behind that possum..One reason you always put your back to a tree.
    He peppered my legs and side with shot...Nothing penetrated, thank God for all the leaves....
    Now you talk about one pi$$ed off individual, I came out of the woods and came unglued on this idiot after unloading my gun...
    He kept asking me what he could do to make it right and I told him he could walk down in the woods and let me pepper his ****...He didn't like that idea...

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 19:26:21 (permalink)

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 19:53:42 (permalink)
    wow, nice bird.....

    "There is a pleasure in Angling that no one knows but the Angler himself". WB

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/13 21:20:46 (permalink)
    post edited by ready2fish - 2010/05/13 21:21:24

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/14 08:44:40 (permalink)
    +1...those are some of the most massive spurs I've ever seen!

    Those arrow heads on the board are really cool too.

    "If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/14 09:19:38 (permalink)
    Thanks. Musky I didn,t mean to highjack your thread, just wanted to show
    that sometimes a person doesn,t know that there is someone else in the area.
    That jerk nearly ruined a very happy moment for me. I would never set up on anyones hunt.
    I wish ya luck on finding another bird.

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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/15 11:08:44 (permalink)
    I had two gobbling on the roost this morning from a spot where I know they roost regularly. When they flew down, I could hear one gobbling his way along, but moving away from me. Then, BANG! I didn't get shot. The only thing besides that bird that was killed was my chances. I didn't know anyone else was in the area.
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    RE: Bummer 2010/05/17 10:04:15 (permalink)
    Oh I found a couple more, just need to get her butt out of bed. Lots of sports & homework going on right now. Had she been with me friday, saturday or today; dead birds. We'll get her one sooner or later.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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