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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 21:32:35
Had a great time and was happy to meet everyone, the sulfers started coming off around 6 but the fish never really started rising, had 1 hit on the dry and it broke me off on the hookset  Thanks for the great time everybody cant wait till next year!
Mountian Man
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 21:35:17
Thread Killer Veni Vidi Vici...
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 21:37:53
i'm still full from lunch. if a women ever said men can't cook she ain't never been to a fishing outing like this one!!!! had a grat time and enjoyed seeing you all and catching fish! pics to follow.....
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 22:03:31
DT tied the stone fly nymphs that worked , and even helped net some of his clients fish , thanks for the oil creek guiding bud !
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 22:06:40
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 22:11:13
By far the best yet! What a feast! Couldn,t sample it all.  Sure was great meeting up with everyone. Good meeting old friends and making new. Did fair on the fish. Caught 4 and missed many. Olive bugger for 2 and pheasant tail for the others. For those that couldn,t make it, set your calender for next year. Have a feeling it will be even bigger.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/16 22:30:54
You tellin me you actually made it back for lunch ?!!? Looks like a great time. Will hope to make next years. Maybe VP will give me some lessons !
Eat what you catch,troll for cows.
chili pepper
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 07:36:03
 Had a blast. What a great bunch of guys. I even caught a trout. Fishing and feasting with some great dudes, what fun.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 07:48:10
What an awesome event fellas. This being my first real gathering of the boys I finally got to put faces with names....What a great group of fishermen... I gotta say you young bucks impressed me, FFPA,Cold, VP, HCS, SJ may have forgot a couple but even us old guys can learn something new...... The food was about as good as it gets..PORK....MMMMMMMMMMMM..... I think it was 6point7 that said to me we have 30 guys who each brought enough food to feed 30 guys... We could have fed the whole park. I here a little about how nice my flies are sometimes, You fellas should look in DT's and Danos boxes, wow and thanks for the flies and net.... I have to send out a very special Thank You to Rapala11, giving me your fathers tackle box and the "Gator" rod still puts a tear in my eye that you would entrust it to me for my collection....THANK YOU...... Fishing was good as I think most were able to get a hookup or two. I only caught two for the day and missed another half dozen..Should have paid attention to DT and put a nymph on a little sooner. Didn't see anyone go swimming, although I think the muddy banks made for slick conditions... Hope all made it home safe.. Thank You fellas for a very fine outing.. I think the biggest lesson I learned today was, """COLD IS THE MAN """... You could just tell it was going to be a good day.. You ever get a chance to hang out with these two guys, don't pass it up if you want to learn a little about Flyfishing. The Master chef himself...Still be drippin....
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 08:05:20
FFPA was on fire in the morn. swear evertime i looked his way he had a tight line!! mika with a bow on the bugger mika taken a smoke break while tiring out a hook-up troutslammer's big bow my biggest bow on a bugger pxatim, fish-on and fish-unhooked fishin coyote with a new plan skip and deetz un-synchonized casting leads to partnership for the time being deetz untangling the mess
post edited by doubletaper - 2010/05/17 09:26:51
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 09:37:03
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 10:38:14
even after being unfairly persecuted by this site.... His legacy LIVES ON...........
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 10:46:16
Looks like one heck of a time... glad you all had fun. Memories to last a lifetime.
"Sure, we can assiduously three-quarter our wets downstream, mend and wait out each fly swing, over and over again, which to my way of thinking, anyway, relegates the angler to the role, not of nemesis as it should be, but of butler." -Art Lee
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 12:09:52
I wasn't there-next year i will get that sunday off-but that's what it's all about right there. some good guys, some good food and great time on the water.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
chili pepper
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 12:39:02
I'm terrible with names and I can't hear , so in the group pic. Back row the three guys in the middle in front of the tree the big guy and the two with no hat, right in a row. What are their names?
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 12:45:45
Left to right.. Mike, Dano, and Doug?
chili pepper
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 12:52:33
 Thanks. Do they post here and have "handles'? I have a recipe for them.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 12:55:47
chili pepper
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:21:44
No but I brought the guy who brought the pear juice. (he's not posting yet) Great way to get your vitamin C.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:33:18
Had a great time... well worth the 5hr turned into 7hr drive on account of road construction. Rap, Skip, Jack, 6.7, deetz, doubletaper, FFPA, Dano, MO, Loopy... and everyone else. What a great time, great people food and shine. Can't wait to do it again at the One Fly. Took the scenic route to Oil   6.7 and deetz 6.7 and I had non stop action for better part of the afternoon
post edited by pxatim - 2010/05/17 13:35:49
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:36:01
i figured with some higher water the fish would move into that fast spot in the last pic. good stuff guys.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:38:01
I've never fished that water before yesterday... need to hit it again soon when a good hatch is coming off. Awesome place up there.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:46:39
ya i fished it for the first time a few weeks ago with jim, dru and clev. all the action was in the stretch below the bridge and then the section around the bend in that area. they were very selective that day. with some color in the water seems they let down their guard!
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:47:09
have to say thanks to beerman with coordinating this and keeping us up to date!
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:54:14
ORIGINAL: razmatazz05 ya i fished it for the first time a few weeks ago with jim, dru and clev. all the action was in the stretch below the bridge and then the section around the bend in that area. they were very selective that day. with some color in the water seems they let down their guard! meh... yes and no. You could pick a few off here and there on various nymphs but once we figured them out there was one fly we were hooking up on consistently all afternoon.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:57:26
ya. clev's magic fly was some sort of emerger... i got lucky with a few on a small caddis or two.
"Good Luck" Thanks for the usage of your forum. My Money will not go to your tackle shop.
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 13:57:52
I was not far from you all on Sunday. Drove over to Drakes Well Museum and the water was still up high. Not a caddis in the air, so we drove home, I was sick of buggers and nymphs by sunday. What was the magic fly? Last time we were up there, it was caddis emergers and parachutes.
"Sure, we can assiduously three-quarter our wets downstream, mend and wait out each fly swing, over and over again, which to my way of thinking, anyway, relegates the angler to the role, not of nemesis as it should be, but of butler." -Art Lee
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 14:37:02
I caught all mine on size 14 stoneflies tied by doubletaper. His are black and dark brown.There were a few bugs flying around...not wings...a lot of people thought there would be a hatch but it didn't happen. I can't believe I never fished this place before. It's close to home for me. Awesome food good people good scenery...great time. I got so relaxed I had a hard time getting motivated today.Mika cooks a mean burger. Troutslammer is a fishing machine...he fishes his azz off.Bing's is cool...he COULD be the Man if Cold wasn't..Cool people fer sure...71 GTO does a mean Ric Flair imitation
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 15:30:29
pxatim bamboo
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RE: 8th Annual ~ FishUSA Oil Creek Outing
2010/05/17 15:35:44
ORIGINAL: doubletaper have to say thanks to beerman with coordinating this and keeping us up to date! X2...Thanks Greg