Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground To Close

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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 16:55:35 (permalink)
walleye, what private campgrounds will you use?  we had friends who stayed at meadow lake, but it was far from the lake.  we have stayed at bay shore, beautiful, but pricey.  we are looking for ideas also.   

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walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 17:23:34 (permalink)
Hi , Rap
I have been looking at Meadow and talked to them. And also Mallard down by linesville. I know its a little far from the lake but I would like to stay on this side so I can launch my boat from Espyville or Manning , or I might even go over to Panorama Boat launch in Ohio. I have friends that go there and its always out of the rough weather. And I still can buy my goods from the local stores there at Espyville. No need in hurting them any more then the closing is going to. I also looked at Bay shore but it is pricey , Thats were I leave my boat all year. Its a nice place I might end up there you never know. I have a dog and he goes every where with me and my wife so I have to stay were they will take pets. He's kinda like a kid lol!!!!!
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 17:58:36 (permalink)
mallard landing was nice, but a bit primitive for my wife and daughter.  always wanted to hunt that swamp to the north.  we visited in meadow lake and it was nice.  not sure about the facilities.  camped years ago at shangrala down on 322 but not sure what it is like now.  i didn't care for the big commercial campgrounds.  too much traffic, too much going on.  guess times change.  we once would go up on fridays for fish at the lil bit, but it changed hands a few times, so now we go to lakeside.  there was also a diner in linesville that was excellent twenty years ago, but i think it closed up.  still love the area.  may end up there if i can ever retire.

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walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 18:17:36 (permalink)
Yea me to one day ,Rap
Thats what I like about tuttle it was still about the same as it has been for 30 plus years sometimes we would be the only one in the place for a couple days at a time. But I guess times change I don't have to like it, but I have to live with it. No matter were I end up the main thing is to get on the water and fish , and they can't take that away. Me and my family and friends will make the best of it. And who knows it may even be better.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 18:24:08 (permalink)
one of my fishing buddies just retired as an ohio park ranger.  he was from z-town and he had a whole group of folks from there who would  camp at tuttle every year.  they were all fishermen.  kind of a shame.  the area is on hard times, and i think the changing economy and the way people spend their free time has changed too.  i know what you mean about having the place to yourself.  i can remember camping in october on the ohio side and only having a handful of other campers in the park.  kind of nice.  

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walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 18:34:36 (permalink)
Yes it was , sometime we were there in the spring and in the fall we would be the only one in the camp ground, when all the kids went back to school.
And Jamestown is a circus I won't camp there and linesville won't take pets. I can't wait until the memorial day and the 4th of July now all the crazies will be there and the park will have there hands full. Good serves them right.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 18:40:01 (permalink)
amen to that.  about six years ago, the ohio parks went to a reservation system that squeezed out a lot of old timers.  some went to bay shore, some to meadow lake, some just disappeared.  it was real sad.  familiar faces became a memory.  and the state shot themselves in the foot trying to make more money.  it was a profitable park for years, but after that, attendance dropped.
one place that never hurts is yorkies.. 

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walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 18:57:04 (permalink)
And thats what will happen here to. Its a shame, I have met so many people at tuttle camp ground over the years and looked forward to seeing them every year. And have seen a lot of the old timers pass on. They have taught me so much over the years. I guess now its like starting over I can pass on techniques to the nephews and hope they stay with it. I keep going like this I might just have a camp up there by the end of the week. LOL!!!!!
I do like it up there its a beautiful lake and peaceful most of the time. Oh yea Good fishing to.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 19:08:35 (permalink)
meadow lake is only a quarter mile from the lake. also there is white haven in westford, bout a mile and half from the lake.

rip some lips
walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 19:31:28 (permalink)
Thanks , IceLady

I think rap was talking compared to tuttle and fishing the north end of the lake. From were Meadow is located.
It was hard to beat tuttle for access to the north end of the lake you could stay right there and launch there to. It will be missed. ( may be they will leave you use the boat launch ) LoL!!! YEA RIGHT...
post edited by walleye taker - 2010/01/29 19:34:11
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 20:05:36 (permalink)
that is what i was refering to.  it is nice when you can walk from your campsite down to the water or boat.  bayshore is bad in that regard.  you cannot leave your boat at your site.  it is either in the water or across the road in their storage yard.

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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 20:12:18 (permalink)
wt, i went to linesville this year i didn't want to but i'm not that fimiliar with the area. i told them this is the last of my money they will get. i will be looking around for something else while i'm there this year. hope to see you on the water.
walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/29 20:39:18 (permalink)
You to papermouth, Down around them stumps some where, I will be up there starting May 13 through 23rd and June 3rd through 13th. I will either be at mallard which is close to linesville or Meadow I am going to rent a space for the month of May and June. So hope to see you.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/30 06:07:33 (permalink)
Same To Ya Wally.....Papermouth and I are at Linesville this year ....Who knows next year....
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/01/30 19:26:40 (permalink)
wt, we're there from wed. to sun. may 13 to 16 might see you on the water.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/01 21:56:38 (permalink)
I encourage everone to take a careful look at the Pymatuning situation before blaming the closure on Park Manager Houghton.  DCNR and State Parks took a huge hit in this year's budget. The Department was tasked with raising 60 million in new revenue from from Marcellus Shale leasing.  The leasing raised double that or 128 Million, and so far State Parks have received $0 dollars from this.  At one time parks received a percentage of this funding, but not anymore!  Legislation was changed..  Large parks such as Pymatuning have high infrastructure costs which increase substantially each year.  On top of this, parks have had a hiring freeze.  Without a qualified operator for the Tuttle water system the campground can not legally operate.   As a frequent user of Pymatuning, I too will miss camping at Tuttle.  It was my favorite of the three campgrounds.  Until our leaders see the value in tourism and fund existing park facilities at a sustainable level, parks will continue on a rapid decline as they have the past few years.  Thanks for rallying support to save Tuttle,
  Pymatuning State Park is down three full-time employees because of the state hiring freeze. The unfilled positions include the certified water treatment operator for Tuttle Campground, which has its own water system. That, coupled with the fact that Tuttle has no cabins and can be isolated from the rest of the park, helped drive the decision to recommend it for closing in 2010, Houghton said
walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/01 22:59:39 (permalink)
That is a load of crap!!! I have camped at that park for over 35 years ever single year. I have seen first hand the Mismanagement of the park by the Management. Mr, H has threaten to close this park for Years , and he finally got his way. The water treatment employee Mr . Steve Retired last September and they had someone to take over that job then. Management has had 5 months to find and train someone from internal and has fail to do so, They knew they where going to close the park last year. They closed the park early last year and run everybody out, myself and the camp host were the last ones to leave.

I have hundreds of pictures of ditches that are full of leaves, mud and debris. Bathrooms not cleaned and sanitized, when it rains the water floods everything out because they won't clean these ditches. Sites that are mud holes from the park mowing grass in the rain and causing more damage then any of the campers. I can go on and on.

I have showed the park Rangers and Dcnr Management and get the same story its built on a swamp, No money, will put a repair order in for that and it never gets fix. Like I have said I have been camping there for over 35 years and under this Management the park has been run into the ground.

You can BS some of the people but not me I know the truth. I seen it with my own two eyes many times over. I don't care about what a good old boy he is I want him to do his Job!!! and server the the people of PA. Dennis sure did. ( He got sick of the crap and retired ) Thats who should be in charge. IMHO.

Now it will sit for two years empty and then it will cost to much to reopen and will remain close for good. What a waste

The bottom line is he is the Manager and its his shift this has all went down on. He may not be 100% at fault be he is 85%.  ( He should of stayed in Harrisburg when he left. )

I encourage everyone to keep calling everyday and voicing there opinion to the park and the Dcnr on this closure and make them reopen it before its to late.

Dcnr Director of parks ( The head Guy ) John Norbeck 717-787-6640
Dcnr Acting Secretary ( Money Man ) John Quigley 717-772-9084
State Representatives
Robert Robbins- 724-588-1323 or 814-336-2760
John R Evans - 814-734-2793
Brad Roae - 814-336-1136
Michele Brooks - 724- 588-8911
Jamestown Park - 724-932-3141   Ask for Pete or Jason
post edited by walleye taker - 2010/02/02 21:16:50
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/02 20:05:28 (permalink)
great reply walleye
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/02 21:00:16 (permalink)
could not agree more.  bureaucracy and management are the two best ways to create failure.  it is never the little guy.  keep up your fight, walleye...if the locals won't listen, maybe harrisburg will.

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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/02 21:01:10 (permalink)
hey, just a thought, but if the state can't manage it maybe they can turn it over to a private concern. 

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walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/02 21:35:58 (permalink)
Don't hold your breath on that. They don't want to let someone else run the park it might just succeed. And then the Management won't look so good.

The more I stew over this the more it pi$$'s me off. The people of Pennsylvania own that park Not the DCNR how can they shut the park down. I can see maybe no camping or facilities but the park and boat launch should remain open for us to use.

No state park should ever close due to budgeting issue's, Its time to call the Dcnr Director of parks ( The head Guy ) John Norbeck 717-787-6640 And Dcnr Acting Secretary ( Money Man ) John Quigley 717-772-9084 And ask to keep this open at least through the day, say until 10:00pm. Then they can close the gate and have the Rangers open it every morning.
600am to 1000pm daily sounds about right.

I know one thing the parks sure were run a lot different when it was run by DER. The DCNR Should go back and take some lessons from this guy The Goddard Era ,   The Life of Maurice K. Goddard a man that work all his life to found these parks. He is rolling over I am sure at the mismanagement of his PA Parks.
post edited by walleye taker - 2010/02/02 21:38:44
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/08 12:55:25 (permalink)
You can call the DCNR director all you want, but oddly enough, he doesn't decide how much money the State Parks get to opperate. State Parks are closing facilities, campgrounds, and letting go of large portions of their staff across the whole state. If you want the parks to stay open as they have been in the past, you need to go higher than the upper DCNR managment, because they simply can't maintain the srevices they always have with budgets slashed by 25-30% EACH YEAR. You're blaming the wrong group here. The PA General Assembly needs to approve more funding for parks if you want things to remain as they have been.

No state park should ever close due to budgeting issues? Are you serious? Exactly how do you expect parks to pay their bills or their employees to stay open if they don't have the funding?

Do some research man, park use drops every year, so does funding. The days of family roadtrips to parks, and outdoor recreation as the norm, is over. Just a trend in our society. Less Tax money= less money to parks.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/08 14:21:57 (permalink)
Actually park use increases during tough economic times. More demand, but unfortunately less revenue.

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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/08 14:55:30 (permalink)
You're right, but I mean over the decades. In the 50's to 70's there was a culture of family camping trips, and outdoor recreation, as the normal family vacation or outing. Park use peaked decades ago, when that sort of recreation was at its most popular. Thats why beaches at parks like pymatuning were built to accept 5000 visitors. During peak park use years and years ago, those beaches would fill up. Not now. Now people travel farther and farther from home for vacations, and to more urban areas, and where campers once expected a simple campsite, demand is now for sites with electricity, water, and often sewage. Those sites are expensive to build and maintain. Walleye Taker is comparing parks today to parks when the culture of outdoor recreation was hugely different. Hes making the argument that its a mis-managment of the park, when in reality, its simply a lack of funding and a change in the demand for outdoor recreation. The same resource is there, people simply don't use it as much, or in the same way that they once did. Park use will increase in the short term, but unless there is a sea change in the way Americans view, and desire, the outdoors, the good old days of 30 years ago are simply gone.

I'm all for getting involved and active to protect our parks, but DCNR officials can't make more money appear in their budgets.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/08 18:39:33 (permalink)
I have been reading all these posts, and I commend all of you for your concerns. I totally agree with the suggestion that if the DCNR is not going to operate Tuttle, then put it out for bid, for a private individual to operate it; like they do with the marinas. I too feel as though there has been mismanagement by the DCNR, but at a higher level than the park manager. One example, was the multi million dollar project at the Spillway, which was done way over board. And, then a year after our tax dollars were spent on that project, the good old Game Commission tried to outlaw feeding the fish bread; instead everyone would have to buy pellets to feed the fish, from them. But because of local public outcry, that decision was reversed. I encourage everyone to continue to flood the DCNR with calls about Tuttle Campground.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/08 19:01:45 (permalink)
if they closed the park do to financial reasons then they should need less employees right? who lost there jobs i would like to know. also what other plans do they have to cut there expenses to keep from closing another camp ground. who took a pay cut or had a couple benifits reduced to save money like we all do in the private sector! i'm not saying they didn't i'm just saying if they did it would make this easier to swallow.
walleye taker
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/08 21:12:50 (permalink)
The PA General Assembly needs to approve more funding for parks if you want things to remain as they have been.
You are correct ,But its the head of the park to due a capital budget so there is enough funds to maintain the park.

No state park should ever close due to budgeting issues? Are you serious? Exactly how do you expect parks to pay their bills or their employees to stay open if they don't have the funding?
The parks are run and employees are paid, by tax payer dollars (Capital Budget) not the money they collect. If that were the case everyone would be laid off. The money they collect goes to Harrisburg and put into one big fund.

Do some research man, park use drops every year, so does funding. The days of family road trips to parks, and outdoor recreation as the norm, is over. Just a trend in our society. Less Tax money= less money to parks.
In fact the use of State Parks has increased since 9-11 by about 20%
And as far as tuttle goes I speak from 100% experience. I have seen and talked to the maintenance staff and crews, Rangers, locals, People that are afraid to lose there job because if they say something about the way things are run. Well as a tax payer and camper he works for us the people of Pennsylvania. And its his job to maintain the parks period!!!. Thats what he was hired to do not close them find a way!!!.
As I have stated before I have hundreds of pictures of things that are not done because he will not let people move equipment up to the camp or its being used at Jamestown.This is mismanagement period!!!!. Camp sites that were to be lengthen and graveled, they did a few then stopped and all the gravel has sat out at the hut for two years and hasn't moved. He told me out of his own mouth that he had an engineer lay out the gravel pads. My two nephews could of did the whole camp in a month and there only 12 & 14 give me a break.
He has an answer for everything and is a great talker. ( KINDA OF LIKE THAT GUY WE HAVE IN OFFICE NOW ) but very little action.
So sonofz3 I am sorry to say he is at fault also. Along with fast Eddy and his crew that have spent us in to massive debt. The park is in **** poor shape and there are some basic things that can be done, that cost very little to improve it. But thats not what he had in mind he knew exactly what he was doing all along.
You will never change my mind and thousands of other camper that use tuttle that it was not mismanagement after spending 35 years from being there when it first open to now. Its a sad , sad, shame. Mismanagement!!!!
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/09 11:58:09 (permalink)
Walleye Taker: A capital budget that would include funding for everything can be made, but that doesn't mean that anywhere NEAR that ammount of funding will be given to the park system.

You're right about money collected by parks not going back to the parks. What does that have to do with the parks recieving or not recieving enough funding?
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/09 14:34:44 (permalink)
I really can't understand why the director would want an empty campground?  That doesn't make sense to me.  It is losing money for them sitting empty, which in turn is going to keep them from getting any additional funding.
The entire state park system has been under a ton of cuts, which have been pretty public.  It sucks that this has hit the chopping block.  Hopefully it is only temporary.  Like anything government, if those budgetting see a lack of use of the other facilities, then Tuttle will likely be closed permenantly. 
My guess would be that the state will retain the land for a day use area, which is a lot less expensive to mantain.  If not, sell to the highest bidder, which is very likely NOT going to be a private campground.  Very likely a developer, putting up condos/homes that most of us can't afford.  If it somehow is a private campground, I'd expect it to be 2-3 times higher rates than the state subsidized camp ground, for similar facilities. 
I for one, am going to keep supporting the efforts of the State Parks.  I was raised on them.  I am currently raising my kids to appreciate and enjoy them.  I hope that the state parks are as nice and clean when my kids have kids of their own.
I've had many experiences with private campgrounds, most are dirty, boozer friendly and sketchy.  Just how I enjoyed them in my 20s, but not where I want my kids experiencing the fun of camping.  I encourage those that are distraut about the closing of Tuttle to write to the PFBC, DCNR, ect.  But you boycott, is going to do NOTHING except possibly close more of the state land.
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RE: Pymatuning Tuttle Camp Ground 2010/02/09 21:49:50 (permalink)
Walleye Taker: A capital budget that would include funding for everything can be made, but that doesn't mean that anywhere NEAR that amount of funding will be given to the park system.

 SONOFZ3 : It is the park manager's job to look at the park every year  and what it takes to run his park or park's. He comes up with a budget based on jobs that need to be completed in the Park, Expenditure, Pay roll, New Cars, Trucks, Fixing bath house road work,Wish list, what ever. He then has a finial number thats in front of him .Now he knows what he has asked for, will not all get approved so you always increase you numbers in your wish list knowing it won't get approval. Then the numbers go to his Boss and finally the legislators for passage. And they cut and chop. But when its all done and back to the park manager the first thing that is done with the budget is to secure the funding for the park period. This will allow the park to stay open and run. Now you look at pay role, fuel, cars trucks and the rest until you run out of money. Never ever should the closing of the park be one of your consideration to save money. Thats what your wish list stuff is for.
This is just a short version of this concept.

You're right about money collected by parks not going back to the parks. What does that have to do with the parks receiving or not receiving enough funding?

Nothing as I said above the funds come from a budget that is done by the manager. So if he knows it takes 1 million to run all the parks then he should ask for 1.5 million with wish list items included. That way when the boss cuts / legislators they think there saving all kind of money but in the end you have your funds to run your parks. This is what a manager does he takes care of the people that work for him and the people that use his park.
One more thing I am not here to argue with you or give you a lesson in business. This thread is about a injustice that has been done to the tax payers of Pennsylvania. And each and every one of you should be Mad as HE11. About this State Park and the other ones across Pennsylvania, That have been Managed in away that would prefer closing the park and letting it set empty. Mismanagement, Mismanagement.
post edited by walleye taker - 2010/02/09 21:50:20
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