posted property

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RE: posted property 2009/12/01 20:39:23 (permalink)
Really??? You must not have any concept of the taxes people pay or reality. Maybe just uninformed. If you took the income and sales tax from non land owners out of the state or fed. government and put it on land owners, you would cry like a baby then go file for bankruptcy.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/01 20:44:26 (permalink)
This is why only land owners should be able to vote!

You are correct.  Of course, the average mis-educated dolt out there doesn't understand this and thinks the history of this country began around 1960 and that the Constitution includes foolish ideas like everyone is equal; the drunken, degenerate, drug addict's vote should count the same as the hard-working father of four's vote, or the illiterate, uneducated welfare dependent's vote should count the same as the guy who worked three jobs to put himself through college and improve his station in life.  To believe this sort of nonsense, you have to be fully invested in the lie of equality.  Most people know its a lie, but are afraid to say it. Sometimes you can't blame them. They have been spoonfed these lies their whole lives and aren't intelligent enough to think for themselves. The lie is comforting to them.  

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

- Joseph Goebbels
post edited by RhnstnCowboy - 2009/12/01 20:55:21

"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil"
- T. Fleming
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RE: posted property 2009/12/01 21:00:43 (permalink)
rhnstn-You must be even more out of touch with reality. You think everybody that dosen't own land is a "drunken, degenerate drug addict" I am sure you don't pay taxes even close to what some renters pay. Owning land has nothing to do with being a citizen or being able to vote. I would love to see you tell some of the non land owning men and women serving our country overseas that they can't vote.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/01 21:02:27 (permalink)
What the hell are you talking about?

"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil"
- T. Fleming
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RE: posted property 2009/12/01 21:05:08 (permalink)


As for me, I go where I want and do what I feel. If someone wants me to leave "their" land, they'll have to physically remove me.

That is assuming your mom was able to give you a ride to this hypothetical land, correct?
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RE: posted property 2009/12/01 21:17:15 (permalink)
post edited by JustMatt - 2009/12/01 21:18:49
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RE: posted property 2009/12/02 23:35:50 (permalink)
I understand why land gets posted because of idiots that show a total lack of respect for others property.  It is just plain sad.  Trust me I work with a bunch of degenerates, at a state psychiatric facility, and I swear many of them are there because they found a loophole in the criminal justice system. Not all but many will not think twice about stealing any chance they can get, and as far as being responsible, why should they the state will take care of them.  Don't get me wrong we serve many people whom are truly mentally ill and really need the help, I see many sad cases, but for the ones that can be responsible it totally irritates me.
Now your probrably wondering what that rant has to do with private property, a shear rudeness and lack of respect to the owners land and what is on it.
Now one thing I have said before and will say again,  I will not pay for a private fishing area for the land owner and his good buddies.  If its going to be no fishing on private property and no tresspassing make them nursery waters.  I do not believe in funding someones private fishing paridise.  Otherwise yes i see landowners points and I thank the many of you who let us fish.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/03 00:07:18 (permalink)
the fish swim freely throughout the stream, its not like the landowner is keeping them all to himself
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RE: posted property 2009/12/03 13:56:36 (permalink)
just my 2 cents:

- most people post their property to keep it from getting intruded or trashed, many do so for liability issues though!!!

-however, if these posted signs do not include a contact name and number of the property owner, they are not valid
   (can someone validate this for has been like that for years. I have a client in NC PA that had posted signs on
    his property on natural gas pump servicing stations that are leased out to the gas company. A local kid climbed
    around/on one and fell and broke his back. the posted signs had no name or contact numbers on them for him or
   the gas company. Got sued right down the line. ouch!)

....either way, respect the owners signs...if no name or number on the signs to contact them...walk up to the nearest residence and ask about the owner to contact them...or just simply move on to other water or GO TO DONNY BEAVERS LAND!!  (its been awhile )

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RE: posted property 2009/12/03 17:03:42 (permalink)
Rhnstn:  I grew up along Little Beaver Creek, a stocked troutstream.  Every year for 2 weeks, our property was trashed along the creek and we did have some problems with occasional drunks and vandals.  I can completely understand anyone who posts their property.....but many cannot.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/03 18:37:47 (permalink)
Post your land and your not allowed on mine!.  crime and misfortune are RANDOM events to good people. always has and always will posted or not. expect it. make a mess on my land ill clean it up. with out a gripe. day after day. why? cause its not MY land.its so much bigger than ME. wont be mine when im dead. just lookin after it while im here. kill em with kindness.i promise it will make YOU feel better. this is america and these are our neighbors. this is not some foreign country where we dont know the customs people or wilderness. sorry to hear about your stolen goods cowboy,my condolences. * no 4 wheelers  or snowmobiles on the property i pay taxes on.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/03 19:53:55 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

This is why only land owners should be able to vote!

You are correct.  Of course, the average mis-educated dolt out there doesn't understand this and thinks the history of this country began around 1960 and that the Constitution includes foolish ideas like everyone is equal; the drunken, degenerate, drug addict's vote should count the same as the hard-working father of four's vote, or the illiterate, uneducated welfare dependent's vote should count the same as the guy who worked three jobs to put himself through college and improve his station in life.  To believe this sort of nonsense, you have to be fully invested in the lie of equality.  Most people know its a lie, but are afraid to say it. Sometimes you can't blame them. They have been spoonfed these lies their whole lives and aren't intelligent enough to think for themselves. The lie is comforting to them.  

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

- Joseph Goebbels

Congratulations!  A new low, even for this forum.
Now we're getting quotes from Nazis, and not just any Nazi,
but the leader of the anti-Semitic propaganda, and chief force
behind the extermination of Jews. 
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RE: posted property 2009/12/03 20:07:36 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: FiveMilePete

Congratulations!  A new low, even for this forum.

Now we're getting quotes from Nazis, and not just any Nazi,
but the leader of the anti-Semitic propaganda, and chief force
behind the extermination of Jews. 

It certainly wasn't quoted with admiration.  If you read the quote, within context, its an indictment. 
post edited by RhnstnCowboy - 2009/12/03 20:17:53

"Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil"
- T. Fleming
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 09:51:02 (permalink)
The world without private property: 

5 miles of Elk Creek exist
Fishermen want it open to fishing and stocked with lake run trout
Farmers want to plow it under and plant grapes
Coal companies want to mine it
Electric companies want to dam it
Nudists want to make it a camp
Bird watchers want it birdie
Evian wants to bottle it
Those in government want re-elected and want some private fishing land only they can use.
Let the war of all against all begin.
Guess what would become of the fishery....

With private property:
People try to work with each other, and often, they must agree to disagree. 
Some parts of Elk are off limits.
Most parts are not.

Based on the options, I'll take private property over the tragedy of the commons and war politics any day.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 10:10:30 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: tommybanzai

just my 2 cents:

- most people post their property to keep it from getting intruded or trashed, many do so for liability issues though!!!

-however, if these posted signs do not include a contact name and number of the property owner, they are not valid
  (can someone validate this for has been like that for years. I have a client in NC PA that had posted signs on
   his property on natural gas pump servicing stations that are leased out to the gas company. A local kid climbed
   around/on one and fell and broke his back. the posted signs had no name or contact numbers on them for him or
  the gas company. Got sued right down the line. ouch!)

....either way, respect the owners signs...if no name or number on the signs to contact them...walk up to the nearest residence and ask about the owner to contact them...or just simply move on to other water or GO TO DONNY BEAVERS LAND!!  (its been awhile )

****I foresee little activity on these forums for a few days starting tomorrow****

In PA you can be arrested for tresspassing on private even if it is not posted, ask a police officer to arrest someone on your land and you can press charges even if it has never been posted
The whole "signing" your no tresspassing signs means absolutely nothing... as do the signs themselves, according to the laws.  You can have signs up, signed, and a burglar breaks into your shed and gets hurt, you can still be sued in court.  Sad part is, he might just win the case, its happened before.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 15:43:29 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

This is why only land owners should be able to vote!

You are correct.  Of course, the average mis-educated dolt out there doesn't understand this and thinks the history of this country began around 1960 and that the Constitution includes foolish ideas like everyone is equal; the drunken, degenerate, drug addict's vote should count the same as the hard-working father of four's vote, or the illiterate, uneducated welfare dependent's vote should count the same as the guy who worked three jobs to put himself through college and improve his station in life.  To believe this sort of nonsense, you have to be fully invested in the lie of equality.  Most people know its a lie, but are afraid to say it. Sometimes you can't blame them. They have been spoonfed these lies their whole lives and aren't intelligent enough to think for themselves. The lie is comforting to them.  

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

- Joseph Goebbels

The only problem I see with that is although non-property owners don't pay property taxes, they do pay income, sales and other taxes. To not let this group vote seems to me to be the definition of "taxation without representation". Something the founding fathers were trying to get away from.

I don't give a crap if anybody listens to me or not.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 17:46:38 (permalink)
Put the extra 5 or 10 dollar onto our liscenses I'll gladly pay it if it opens more water.  I also think it ought to go to the land owners for thier kindness allowing us to fish.  Its just a dam shame people don't have respect for others property.  I met a land owner once and thanked him for keeping his land open and allowing us to fish.  I also told him I would police the waters and tell the derlicts to quit acting that way.  Throwing rubbish, tearing things up, watching the language if your near houses.  I just don't want a donny beaver situation occuring on the tribs.  It only takes a few idiots to make us all look bad.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 20:33:58 (permalink)
I own 47 acres. On monday I counted 8 hunters. I talked to a guy gettin into his truck that was parked on my access road. I asked him if he had permission to hunt, he said he's been hunting here for years. I mentioned how its posted, and he aint ever called me to ask. He says to me you cant just post it (thinking I just posted it) and not give anyone a chance to find a new spot. I tell him its been posted since 2004. Now I dont hunt, dont really care if they find a new spot or not. I have 10 signs up with all my contact info and not one call in 5 years from anyone. This one guy put me over the edge. It can happen real easy, you really should ask. I should mention I didn't really care that they were hunting, the signs are for the quads and dirtbikes. His attitude about MY land made my decision. I am fuming over it. I will be there tomarrow throwing everyone that i find off.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 21:55:55 (permalink)
mike,be carefull out there,there's those few that may use poor judgement and shoot you.
Call the local police that cover your area and let them handle it,if your property is posted they can be arrested for defiant tresspass and go to jail and pay a fine.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 22:55:11 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: vmises

The world without private property: 

5 miles of Elk Creek exist
Fishermen want it open to fishing and stocked with lake run trout
Farmers want to plow it under and plant grapes
Coal companies want to mine it
Electric companies want to dam it
Nudists want to make it a camp
Bird watchers want it birdie
Evian wants to bottle it
Those in government want re-elected and want some private fishing land only they can use.
Let the war of all against all begin.
Guess what would become of the fishery....

With private property:
People try to work with each other, and often, they must agree to disagree. 
Some parts of Elk are off limits.
Most parts are not.

Based on the options, I'll take private property over the tragedy of the commons and war politics any day.

Take that cancer Donny Beaver out of the picture and you got a deal!
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RE: posted property 2009/12/04 22:57:39 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Livinfishin

ORIGINAL: vmises

The world without private property: 

5 miles of Elk Creek exist
Fishermen want it open to fishing and stocked with lake run trout
Farmers want to plow it under and plant grapes
Coal companies want to mine it
Electric companies want to dam it
Nudists want to make it a camp
Bird watchers want it birdie
Evian wants to bottle it
Those in government want re-elected and want some private fishing land only they can use.
Let the war of all against all begin.
Guess what would become of the fishery....

With private property:
People try to work with each other, and often, they must agree to disagree. 
Some parts of Elk are off limits.
Most parts are not.

Based on the options, I'll take private property over the tragedy of the commons and war politics any day.

Take that cancer Donny Beaver and his sell out guides out of the picture and you got a deal!

post edited by Livinfishin - 2009/12/04 22:58:13
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RE: posted property 2009/12/05 00:40:00 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: mikevn1500

I own 47 acres. On monday I counted 8 hunters. I talked to a guy gettin into his truck that was parked on my access road. I asked him if he had permission to hunt, he said he's been hunting here for years. I mentioned how its posted, and he aint ever called me to ask. He says to me you cant just post it (thinking I just posted it) and not give anyone a chance to find a new spot. I tell him its been posted since 2004. Now I dont hunt, dont really care if they find a new spot or not. I have 10 signs up with all my contact info and not one call in 5 years from anyone. This one guy put me over the edge. It can happen real easy, you really should ask. I should mention I didn't really care that they were hunting, the signs are for the quads and dirtbikes. His attitude about MY land made my decision. I am fuming over it. I will be there tomarrow throwing everyone that i find off.

It's your right to do so, but please be careful. As many of us heard, there was a land owner / bear hunter incident last week that resulted in shots fired and the land owner was killed. I am not saying anyone would deserve it but it is in people minds and may play into their thinking if confronted. As a hunter I am sorry that this happened, but I understand your reasoning.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/05 00:40:23 (permalink)
Several years ago, my father in law dropped a 14 point on his own land. Before he got to it another --well-- person with a hunting license ran up and tagged it and dragged it off. The dragger ran into his brother and asked if he thought, "the owner of that house down there would mind if he dragged the deer down to his driveway so he could get it with his truck." Dad's brother answered, you best take that deer out of here by way of Mexico. You stole it from the guy who lives in that house.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/05 14:35:09 (permalink)

In Response to Mikevn1500

I would call the police in that situation. If there are No Trespassing signs up and people are there without permission, ignoring the signs, and are in possession of a gun, then I would think twice about confronting them personally.
post edited by Livinfishin - 2009/12/05 14:36:18
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RE: posted property 2009/12/05 15:02:04 (permalink)
If you people complaining about posted land would get out and do alittle exploring more than a mile from the mouths- there is way more open water to fish on, on both walnut and elk than anyone would need... I dont even get how people can be complaining about a few pieces of posted property.... I dont blame them people one bit for posting their land and access. Grow a set and go ask the landowner for permission.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/05 20:57:33 (permalink)
I cannot understand why people complain about property being posted anyway. Is it because they do not have access to the fish, or they just want to have areas to fish to themselves? There are fish ALL OVER the streams. Is it because they do not like standing in a line of 20 other guys trying to catch fish? Well, they should get over it. Everyone else stands with the crowds, and quite often, they catch fish. Try it, you may even make some friends. Anyhow, if property owners opened up their areas to everyone, it would turn into the same situation we have on non-posted areas. I agree.....take a friggin' walk and find some new areas.
post edited by beatles4life2 - 2009/12/05 20:58:13

One fish, two fish. Red fish, blue fish.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/05 22:12:29 (permalink)
Thats the beauty of having full access getting to take that walk, and fishing unfamilar stretches of water.  I fished one time this season and never encountered another fisherman it was beautiful.
Again I don't blame landowners a bit for posting with the **** that goes on.  When your on some one elses land you need to show the utmost respect to the owner and his land.  I will make sure I ask permission.  If its posted I turn around and walk away.
It's the journey and the undiscovered experience that makes one want to seek out new places to fish.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/06 09:21:11 (permalink)
I grew up hunting in somerset county in PA.....Call it youthful brashness, stupidity or whatever, but signs were generally ignored....if the ownders approached us, we left, no complaints.....we were good kids and just wanted to hunt.....the owners complained fences were damaged or gates left open (not by us per se) and so they posted their property....we never asked permission, mostly because it seemed a waste of time as it was assumed the answer would be a resounding no.
My mentality on fishing is a Montana philosophy:  no one owns the stream beds and they should be open to the public.  If you trespass or don't trespass, that won't magically make the signs come down.  And I don't believe it will make more signs appear....Somewhere, at some point, someone screwed up big time on private land leading to the signage....Too many signs will lead to an eminent domain issue for the courts down the road as fishing is seen as a boon to the local economy.....Just to be clear, I believe asking permission is a good idea.  What you do with the response is something only you can determine.
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RE: posted property 2009/12/06 19:59:34 (permalink)
fished 2 miles of a trib today , myself and 2 friends , we saw 2 other people ALL DAY , thats right 2 other people All day , these few posted areas are no big deal , plenty of fish plenty of water , what we all need is more time to fish not more open water
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