Saturday photos...

Dr Trout
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2009/08/08 20:55:01 (permalink)

Saturday photos...

I saw two small baby grouse along the road on the way to work, here's the brave one ??? standing on the road...

Here's the smarter of the two trying to hide in the grass..

and on the way home after work (8:15pm) spotted this fella in a field... he was with a doe and a fawn.. not one for the record books this year or for the harvest totals...

post edited by Dr Trout - 2009/08/08 21:00:28

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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/10 18:20:27 (permalink)
    were did you see the grouse at?
    Dr Trout
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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/10 20:01:11 (permalink)
    On the way to work ... near the store.. well about 300 yards before you get to the store from Blowtown..
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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/10 20:24:01 (permalink)
    There appears to be quite a few grouse this year. I have bumped into several broods while walking in the woods this summer. Also seeing a fair amount of young turkeys. It's somewhat surprising given the cool wet summer we have had. That's usually not good for small birds.
    Dr Trout
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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/10 21:33:53 (permalink)
    lots of the turkeys around here have had a second group of young too.. they are appearing all over the place the past 3-4 weeks..
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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/11 13:25:16 (permalink)
    Saw 9 or 10 different grouse with broods, driving in McKean Co. sunday.  4 adult turkeys with a crap load of little ones as well.

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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/19 05:21:16 (permalink)
    turkeys not showing in this neck of woods, no grouse, no deer, did see and video a mother bob cat, with 4 small ones sitting along a railroad track, mother was beautiful with spots and tuffed ears, size of lynx,...we got lots of bears, and coyotes..saw a fawn who lost its spots and a elk photographer says elk are coming out of velvet..fall not far a way..acorns dropping
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    RE: Saturday photos... 2009/08/19 06:56:30 (permalink)
    I just saw a fresh brood of baby turkeys...
    Really small birds for this time of year..

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