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rough lake erie on 7/14
Last night there was not much wind, and this moring it was calm, or NE about 6. Yet when We got to walnut it looked liked 2 - 3 ft'ers.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/14 18:54:43
Weather called for 1-3 footers today. sounds about right. Nice day on the big lake.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/14 19:47:43
DuUd, If you think 2-3's is "rough", you should just forget about lake Erie altogether.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/14 19:49:14
This is true, 2-3's would be a nice perch and walleye chop....
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/16 19:34:23
You guys are right. My little 16 fter dont like 2-3 ft waves. But on good days We can join the BIG BOYS 4 miles out. What I was hoping to learn was, with the lack of wind the night before, and early the next day where did the waves come from. I knew the responces would come with sarcasim. Glad to know We can learn from our fellow fisherman
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/16 19:46:23
Wind from the West will be waves. Lots of H2O to the west to build waves even without much wind. 16' on Erie you B brave the lake kicks up too fast for me that far out in that small a boat.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/16 20:03:02
rff815 , I also hit the big pond in my 16 foot boat. I dont mind 2 to 3 footers at all. I just keep an eye and ear open for changes. When things get hairy its time to head home. Been out in 3 to 4 footers but as long as the waves are far apart and not capping then Im fine with that too. Just be smart commin back in, take your time and dont get scared or you might make a bad decision. Be safe , have a know when to say when attitude and there will always be other days. It does change quickly sometimes and you better know when to get off the water in our 16 foot boats. "Dont drown turn around" when you feel unsafe. Or dont go out to start when it looks questionable. You can still find places that are more sheltered by the wind. You just might have to change your plans on what your going to fish for. My .02 cents Deetz
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/16 23:17:04
ORIGINAL: rff815 You guys are right. My little 16 fter dont like 2-3 ft waves. But on good days We can join the BIG BOYS 4 miles out. What I was hoping to learn was, with the lack of wind the night before, and early the next day where did the waves come from. I knew the responces would come with sarcasim. Glad to know We can learn from our fellow fisherman Your gonna have to venture a little further than 4 miles to play with the Big Boys....lol In all seriousness, i know where you are coming from...I had a 16ft boat 10 years ago and hated not being able to get out in anything over 3ft waves...10-15knot winds is a mear breeze on the land, but across a wide open SHALLOW body of water, like Lake Erie, causes the chop that you are talking about... Ive had that 16ft boat out 13-15 miles on occasion...Lots going on in the back of your head when you are out that far...Thats why you go bigger for piece of mind...Now im used to the lake...I have a nice big boat...and being out 10 or 15 miles really dont bother me all that much...
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/16 23:31:29
I don't care how big any of the boats r. I've drawn a line for myself. Under 2ft.....obviously great 1-3's still ok....but if they're all of three's....I'm out. Not so much about bein scurred, just an uncomfortable ride....hard to tie up, and/or function effectively....at least fer me. The boat I ride in is 21 ft of ridicouly heavy fiberglass, and I'm sure the boat would take plenty, I'm just not interested. I live here, I'll fish a different day. 2-4's I'm smackin' woodchucks and crows. 3-5's Yinz are more hardcore than I care to be...no matter how big yur boat. I don't even like huntin' in that wind.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 00:46:35
I've been fishing Erie for about 6 years now on a 19' alluminum bass jetboat. I mainly fish hard-to-get-to areas of the rivers, but I do go to Erie about 5 or 6 times a year. You have to be smart, and you have to know your boat's capabilities/limitations. I've fished 1-3 footers a few times..I didn't like it. Caught fish, but too rocky to be an enjoyable day. Went out on day 2 of a weekend trip, from calm the day before, to 4-6 on day 2.....did about an hour near the marina, then scurried back in. Boat was bobbin' like a pogo stick. Learned to always check NEXT day's weather too. I only go up there now if waves are 2 or less, wind less than 15. When it's like that, I troll the 100 fow all day. I once heard some guys in a big boat that went close by comment and chuckle that they don't usually see guys in my kind of boat out that far, but at that moment of the day, I had a 9,8, and two 4 lb.ers in the box. I was pretty far out, but the water/wind was calm, weather forecast good, and the eyes were not hitting in the 60 fow that day. You can go out far in a small boat, but you have to be sensible about it. I would NEVER go out that far in 3'ers. On a sadder note(for me anyway): I once got a $150 dollar fine, about 10-15 miles out, for having 4 rods in the water. Pa.F&B boarded my boat on site, and did a THOROUGH inspection of everything on my boat, even expiration date of fire ext. They found no boating violations, but popped me for the rods in the holders. They watch boats with binoculars out there. I understand that I was breaking a law, and that law DOES make sense on a riverbank, at Highland Park Dam....but to me, it don't make sense 15 miles out by yourself on Erie. Nearest boat to me was them, and they were at least 500-1000 yards off my starboard. What's it matter whether I catch my limit of walleye for the day using 2 rods, or 4, or even 10, out in the middle of nowhere? I like to put 2 on boards, and 2 out the back. We pay extra for the Erie stamp anyway. I don't know why they can't make an exception on the rod thing...maybe if you're a mile or farther out it shouldn't apply. I think it's definitely a shore-fishing law that should be voided when trolling Lake Erie...at least out past a certain point from shore.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 08:31:35
My rule of thumb is to head for the barn when I see white on the waves. I spent too much time years ago getting my brains beet out. I fish for enjoyment, and that aint fun. I downgraded to a 16' boat 10 years ago since there was no point in having a big boat if I'm only fishing light chop. Don, I agree about the rods. Answer me this... Most of the year you can only use 2 rods, but durring ice season I'm allowed to use up to 5. And trust me, most of the time I use at least 4 rods in my hut. Not much difference between my hut and my boat, other then the boat moves a lot easier.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 08:53:34
ORIGINAL: Trap Jaw My rule of thumb is to head for the barn when I see white on the waves. I spent too much time years ago getting my brains beet out. I fish for enjoyment, and that aint fun. I downgraded to a 16' boat 10 years ago since there was no point in having a big boat if I'm only fishing light chop. Don, I agree about the rods. Answer me this... Most of the year you can only use 2 rods, but durring ice season I'm allowed to use up to 5. And trust me, most of the time I use at least 4 rods in my hut. Not much difference between my hut and my boat, other then the boat moves a lot easier. You can't use 5 rods you can use 5 devices of which no more than 2 are rods.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 08:54:41
ORIGINAL: kingnuke32 ORIGINAL: Trap Jaw My rule of thumb is to head for the barn when I see white on the waves. I spent too much time years ago getting my brains beet out. I fish for enjoyment, and that aint fun. I downgraded to a 16' boat 10 years ago since there was no point in having a big boat if I'm only fishing light chop. Don, I agree about the rods. Answer me this... Most of the year you can only use 2 rods, but durring ice season I'm allowed to use up to 5. And trust me, most of the time I use at least 4 rods in my hut. Not much difference between my hut and my boat, other then the boat moves a lot easier. You can't use 5 rods you can use 5 devices of which no more than 2 are rods. Run tip ups off the boat thats cool. Wanna run more than 2 rods take a kid fishing then you can run 4.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 10:40:15
You can use 5 rods ice fishing...
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 10:48:36
^ yup. ICE FISHING EQUIPMENT -- It is unlawful while ice fishing to use more than five fishing devices, which may consist of rods, hand lines, tip-ups, or any combination. Each device shall contain a single fishing line with no more than three hooks attached to each line. Holes cut in ice may not exceed 10 inches between the farthest points as measured in any direction. All lines, rods, or tip-ups shall be under the immediate control of the person using them. On Fish & Boat Commission lakes, shelters, or shanties must be removed when through fishing for the day. http://www.fish.state.pa.us/fishpub/summary/equipment.html
post edited by Pork - 2009/07/17 10:49:16
"If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 10:51:31
Yups your right I was wrong it has been changed somewhere in the last few years. Still I am in favor of changing to 3 rods per angler trolling if you can pass a test showing you can handle that many.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 10:57:36
ORIGINAL: kingnuke32 Yups your right I was wrong it has been changed somewhere in the last few years. You are correct nuke, that it did used to be a total 5 allowable devices with only 2 allowed to be rods...I believe that reg. changed 3 or 4 years ago.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 11:32:44
"rough lake erie on 7/14" ..... & 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18, 7/19, 7/20..........
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 12:22:07
ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish I don't care how big any of the boats r. I've drawn a line for myself. Under 2ft.....obviously great 1-3's still ok....but if they're all of three's....I'm out. Not so much about bein scurred, just an uncomfortable ride....hard to tie up, and/or function effectively....at least fer me. The boat I ride in is 21 ft of ridicouly heavy fiberglass, and I'm sure the boat would take plenty, I'm just not interested. I live here, I'll fish a different day. 2-4's I'm smackin' woodchucks and crows. 3-5's Yinz are more hardcore than I care to be...no matter how big yur boat. I don't even like huntin' in that wind. 2-4s...Ah the walleye chop!....Ive always had more productive days when the lake was a little choppy than when it was dead flat...If you limit yourself to just the perfect days you are missing out on some of the best fishing...However you might be saving your teeth, back and kidneys. Ill be out there braving the weather this weekend...Reeling away...lol
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 12:53:25
See ya in the chop headin deep out of conny myself.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 13:01:55
Rumor has it that they dissapeared out there the last couple of days...Semi-Reliable source told me anyways.....Perch are hot though...up and down over there....
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 13:40:15
From todays paper... " Lake Erie was rough Thursday, and the forecast for this weekend does not look good. But if the weather is OK and winds are not too strong, look for good perch fishing. Walleye fishing, however, is likely to be only fair. On the west side of Erie the most reliable walleye fishing pattern has been trolling stickbaits from planer boards in depths ranging from 28 feet to 32 feet. There are some indications that a deeper walleye pattern might be developing, which could be seasonally anticipated. Walleye fishing off Conneaut, Ohio, had been good but those fish have disappeared. On the east side of Erie some walleye have been caught along the outer edge of The Mountain in depths of about 65 feet, and at that same depth off the G.E. stacks. Trollers are using downriggers and divers to catch suspended fish on nightcrawler harnesses."
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 14:00:30
Yup, that what I heard on Weds and Thurs from some guys I know over there... Bagger and Nuke will prove them wrong though......
post edited by BIGSLICK - 2009/07/17 14:01:56
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 14:15:47
I hope they moved over this way.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 14:24:25
Lake great today aside from a storm that just went through. I'll give it a shot this evening. Anythings better than watching Brett Michaels ride around on his bike.
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RE: rough lake erie on 7/14
2009/07/17 14:30:14
ORIGINAL: Raab Lake great today aside from a storm that just went through. I'll give it a shot this evening. Anythings better than watching Brett Michaels ride around on his bike.  He's a D-Bag...What is he wearing to cover his Bald****Head?? Raab...PM SENT