LockedSpring Run - fact or fiction

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 15:24:30 (permalink)
I used to fish 16 & 20 mile creeks alot late 80's early 90's. Back when i could go to 20 mile and have it to myself for a couple hours in the morning. The last time I went there were 19 cars on the bridge...There used to be some very large fish and some very good numbers would come in in the spring. 

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 17:08:57 (permalink)
Thanks for all the replies guys.  I usually make my last trip of the year right after the ice is gone, so I don't really have an opinion one way or the other, but considering one more trip this spring.  I do have to say I never knew that once steelhead start dropping back that they regain their silver color.  Interesting stuff.  Thanks again.
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 21:32:26 (permalink)

I have been fishing Elk for some 40 years and the only spring run is the pellethead fishermen in April

Pa never gets much of a spring run.
Jacks and a handfull of Ohio strays.
I think it was Tim that mentioned 90% of the run was in by late Nov this year.
I agree, but would say that's typical "every" year for Pa and anythng other is an anomaly year and not the norm.
Least that's been my observations over the last 15+ years
The '00 and '01 years were banner seasons for Pa AND Ohio.
We never saw so many fish before or since.
That's why some of youinz saw a good spring run.
More Ohio strays entering than usual, because there were more Ohio fish than usual
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 21:54:10 (permalink)
the only spring run i have seen in PA recently has been small jacks, with a few stray manistee strain steelies from ohio. the bigger "fresh" chromers anglers will catch here on out are almost exclusively kelts.
if you guys want a bigger "spring run" stop keeping fish that are there all winter. these fish will remain in the streams until the water gets too warm before dropping back to the lake...... and yes, they are every bit as powerful and energetic as when they first enter the streams.
btw.... great new board!  
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 22:22:10 (permalink)
The harvest rate is only 20 percent

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 22:35:03 (permalink)
LOL..... just making the point spoonie that every year we get the same types of complaints come spring time. where are the fish? is there a spring run in PA? how come i can't find the fish in the spring? etc etc....
just making the point that if fewer fish were kept in the winter then there would be more in the spring.... talking about FACT
20% huh? all year? i would venture to bet that MANY more fish are caught and kept during the winter months when catching them is much easier (they love minnows... no secret there) and they are much easier to bring to shore.

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 22:43:30 (permalink)
Most of the "complaints" or queries are about the lack of fresh fish. The 20 Percent has been consistent in the PF&BC's research. Yeah there would be more. But really how many do folks need? There are still tons. Last year there were so many left in April, that folks were complaining about how many they saw on stringers, IN APRIL.
Are you going to be able to get out more this year? We should hit the lake, or Arthur sometime.

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 22:58:53 (permalink)
"But really how many do folks need?"
i'll admit that this post is about the lack of fresh fish. but, complaints about lack of fish happens just about every spring... at least for the last 5 years or so. and i agree, there are plenty of fish to be caught. this arguement about keeping fish has gone on forever. two facts: 1. there will be plenty of fish the next season even if ALL the steelies are kept. 2. there would be MORE fish in the streams later THIS year if fewer were kept...
p.s.  would LOVE to get out an fish more. it has turned into a once every other month deal for me. it probably will get worse before it gets better.... at least until december after i graduate (between work, school, and the little one it's been tough to get out)  btw.... where's ken been?!?! did i mention he is a big MOTO

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/29 23:06:44 (permalink)
He has been without a computer for some time. He checks in from the baitshop every so often. Moto is being kind.

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 01:44:34 (permalink)
There is definitely a spring run, it just varies every year and it is not the same size as the larger fall run. I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, but I tend to do better fishing different streams and areas in the spring. I have caught several steelies mixed in with bass and a couple pike while fishing the bay this spring. Additionally, it seems that the fresh Spring fish do not run as far up the streams in large numbers. I have also done pretty well just fishing close to the access points at Elk and Walnut, but as I walked further away from the mouths the numbers of fresh fish decreased significantly. Rain and the snow/ice melt is also a big factor. Right after the streams thaw out and they are at sufficient levels it seems like the fish start to come in, but this is only short lived and even a few days later the conditions change.
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 06:34:25 (permalink)
How far upstream do the spring fish travel? In fall they go up stream along way.

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 10:28:16 (permalink)
Back in the coho days of the 80s,The steel fishing was best in feb and march.The fish were small but we caught alot back in the day.
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 11:21:40 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

He has been without a computer for some time. He checks in from the baitshop every so often. Moto is being kind.

I heard that.
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 11:55:05 (permalink)
Holy Sheet Batman another country heard from
PS  Can I join your CLUB PLEASE  LOL


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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 12:19:54 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

He has been without a computer for some time. He checks in from the baitshop every so often. Moto is being kind.

I heard that.


(Proud)President of the Great Lakes Big Boys Club
wait til you know who reads the last part.
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 22:11:58 (permalink)
while i do not doubt that there is a small spring run in PA, many anglers do not realize that the chrome fish they are catching in the spring are actually fall run dropbacks or kelts. these fish turn back to their chrome color as they are leaving the streams to head back to the lake. they regain the chrome by gorging themselves on just about every food item they see drifting down in the current--- which is exactly why you can catch em' on just about anything at this time of year. they are easily mistaken for fresh run fish, for they fight just as hard and are the same bright color. however, the hens lack the pot bellies they once had when they entered the streams. they are typically found in the lower stretches of the streams because they are emigrating to the lake.... not on a spring migration like it may seem.

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 22:21:02 (permalink)
Here's a drop back/kelt headed back to the lake.

And another
post edited by Stillhead - 2007/03/30 22:22:27
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 22:35:01 (permalink)
good pics stillie. typical dropback steelhead---skinny but chrome and full of fight.
is it just me, or are you turning into a MOTO just like ironhed?

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/30 23:04:04 (permalink)
Who is you know who?


ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

He has been without a computer for some time. He checks in from the baitshop every so often. Moto is being kind.

I heard that.


(Proud)President of the Great Lakes Big Boys Club
wait til you know who reads the last part.

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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/03/31 00:59:15 (permalink)
hees tawkin abowt yu dummas
ar yu gona fite irnhed duud/
donnt bee skared
hees olld
yu cann beet himm
i cann hellp yu let mee no/ ok
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RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2007/04/01 07:08:36 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: carpitiss

good pics stillie. typical dropback steelhead---skinny but chrome and full of fight.

is it just me, or are you turning into a MOTO just like ironhed?

Yeah, you owe me a beer for that.  Any time you use "just like Ironhed".... you owe me a beer.
post edited by Stillhead - 2007/04/01 07:09:12
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Re: RE: Spring Run - fact or fiction 2018/03/05 09:19:31 (permalink)
It is smolt season....be gentle on those little guys

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