RE: $10 trout/Salmon stamp
2009/01/04 21:33:34
PA has a trout stamp and a Erie tribs stamp. I fdidnt have a problem paying cause I thought they were going to fix the hatcheries and release more fish that weren't contaminated. I no longer fish for trout in PA. I would willingly pay for NY's stamp if thats what they use the money for and dont just pocket it. If it was used to stock more fish and improve the fisheries I am for it. I hear that PA is using the Eries stamp to do that,but I wont believe it till I see it. Folks, you dont want NY to follow PA's lead. On our hunting liscense we now have turkey stamps, archery, muzzleloader,bear, doe, duck, goose, migratory bird, extra turkey stmps on top of the regular liscense fee. Stamps, stamps, stamps. and they dont do squat except try to bust you for wearing the wrong type of orange or having too much bait in you bucket. this state is rediculous. I have friends that come in from out of state and they take those guys to the cleaners. I enjoy going to NY I hope they dont screw it up because of greed. Thats just my opinion. have a great new year.