No Deer in 2F ----

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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 08:51:36 (permalink)
Dr Trout, your post on no deer in 2F caught my eye and I had to respond, we have a camp in northern 2F and I have been going to that area for almost 45 years now, my Dad and his brothers for almost 65 years I learned to hunt from them and know that area and surrounding area like the back of my hand. Growing up the big woods were the place to go for Buck season.The deer numbers there have been declining yet the PGC still allocates way to many doe licenses. We as sportsman are also to blame for the declining numbers because of the if its brown its down attitude. In years past it was nothing to go out spotting and see 40 deer just making a small loop around and checking the feilds.We just came back home after being up there this weekend and we saw 2 deer. I have yet to see a deer during daylight hours all year and this incluides fishing season as well. So in about 20 weekends I have seen no deer even walking in the woods just not riding around.Talk to the locals in our area and they will tell you the same thing there are very few deer up there.I beleive them they live there.So now we have acres upon acres of forest but no deer.The worst thing the PGC did was to try to manage the deer herd as a statewide project so to speak.You cant compare Allegheny County to Elk county, each area has to be managed seperately not as a whole.In years past the camps in our area were full of hunters noew most are vacant the first day of deer season people arent going there to hunt because of the lack of deer. This has also hurt the economy of the little northern towns who made alot of money and probably a large percentage of thier yearly gross at this time.I get tired of hearing people say that area cant support the herd, it did in the past and still can. Thge PGC needs to quit trying to do mother natures job if the forest can support the deer if there isnt enough food then some will die.The locked gates are another issue I find appalling, we can let the timber and gas companies bulldoze roads in ANF but we put a gate on it and wont let people travel further in. I know your going to say walk in but my father is almost 80 still loves to hunt and fror him to walk in 2-3 miles to a stand is just absurd.The comment about you working for the PGC I found very interesting because you could do commercials for them.I find your articles very interesting and think you are an intelligent man who knows your area very well just dont try to spoon feed me the PGC propaganda. Ihave lived through the good times up there when seeing 40 deer the first day was the norm,and I really dont care about the size of the size of antlers seeing deer was the satisfaction, not seeing deer is a great dissappiontment. I will continue to hunt up thier because it is a tradition in our family, but I will only stay for 2 days instead of the usual week like we used to do.My grandson will be hunting for the first time this year and I will be takling him around home when I come back from camp, because I dont want him to get discouraged right off the bat by not seeing deer.Or maybe we can hunt by you and and you can show him ALL the deer your seeing.
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 09:17:22 (permalink)
wap--Doc has a small farm in the woods with a pasture to draw the few deer around and has a neighbor with a large farm which is also posted and he has taken lots of photos of those deer and complained for years of not being able to hunt them. He also has a neighbor who is in the PGC, and relys on them (the PGC) for much of the info he posts on his own outdoor site and he does get a lot of good info from them. I would suggest he is just a wee bit biased towards the PGC's position for good reason. I have hunted all over 2F since the 60's (still do some)and anyone who says the deer are still there in good numbers either has a food plot, is hunting private property or has brown eyes. There are still some deer to be had for the few hunters who bother to hunt it but the herd has been reduced to a level on the state and national forest and on a lesser degree on the game lands where predators and natural mortality will keep them in check naturally without hunter intervention which was the real goal to begin with. Add to that the enviromentalists won't allow enough timbering to promote sufficient new growth in the mature forests and there is no reason to expect the situation will ever change. Why else do you think the buzz word is now (it's not about just deer hunting). The next buzzword will be (why do you need all those deer hunting guns).
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 11:02:06 (permalink)

The truth finally comes out, Dr I think you will see more people disagree with you than do. SORRY you see things like this!

post edited by rollcaster - 2008/10/19 18:32:00
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 18:26:41 (permalink)
Dr. Trout, you say that skipping a year of doe season wouldn't work because it has been discussed many times. Were God & Mother Nature included in these talks? If not, I was wondering who the experts were. You say it has been discussed, but has it actually been tried? Those are the results I will believe. Not a bunch of people in an office in the city that couldn't find the woods with a map & a GPS. I suppose you think the U.S. Government is doing a good job too.
Dr. Trout
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 19:58:26 (permalink)
GUYS ----why the insults.. am I striking a nerve.. it's my opinion... and I am more than willing to defend my opinion... if my opinion changes someone's elses OKAY .. if not that's okay too ..I tried.. but I try hard to do it with out insults.. but that's probably why I started my own board

The experts I refer to are basically deer biologist, deer farmers (they raise deer for a living) and the deer harvest figures for each county ( HISTORY)... which I can not do anymore since they stopped doing that and went to WMUS... that SUCKS !!!!

they all agree that food sources play a bigger part than the number of does harvested..

I have not and am not saying the deer population is what it was in the hay day of deer hunting... that will never be able to happen again.. we have lost way to much forest land...

Elk county was mentioned... so let's use that for a minute....

the deer herd up in this area started to decline ON ITS OWN because of lack of food before HR or AR... guys do not want to admit that but let's see.....

Guys who use to hunt up here are staying home in Pittsburgh (for example) because there are plenty of NICE deer down there... back in the 60s and 70s and even into the 80s the deer herd in Allegheny County was like many counties up here now... very few...

TOTAL Harvest figures.....

Allegheny County..
1980s - averaged about 1,700
1990s - averaged almost 8,000

1980s - averaged about 8,000
1990s - averaged less than 6,000

so the TRUTH is in the figures....

deer harvests were declining before HR/AR in the northcentral... why.. because  = no food.. deer moved...

Answer me this ... as mentioned above... some still hunt up here because of tradition, others like me because I can still harvest deer here every year..

If you were new to deer hunting would you rather hunt where they harvest 8,000 and it's close to home or travel to the elk county where they are only harvesting  less than 6,000 prior to HR/AR... and the habitat is causing it to continue to decline..

I'm not going to argue... just post what I believe prove the points I am trying to prove... but I think the figures I just posted show that it was not the PGC of HR or AR that started the decline in deer up here... it started before they implemented those...

As for not shooting does.....

again check out the facts (figures)....and Elk county proves it best.... back in the late 80s and 90s the PGC DID reduced doe tags because of political pressure.... 

now here's where it gets interesting....  for those that say stop shooting does... the herd will increase.. one out of two fawns is a buck.... etc

with lower doe tags more does were saved (and I'm not so sure of that) BUT....

get ready it comes -----

why didn't the buck harvest increase  ???

what happen to all those buck fawns that were saved ???

The buck harvest contiued to decline...



1982 - 2560
1983 - 2464
1984 - 2902
1985 - 2635
1986 - 3327
1987 - 3452
1988 - 3368
1989 - 3454

1990 - 2801
1991 - 2839
1992 - 2903
1993 - 2995
1994 - 3255
1995 - 3105
1996 - 2395
1997 - 2760
1998 - 2725
1999 - 2970
2000 - 2745

Why didn't the buck harvest go way up with all those saved buck fawns... where did they go ????

Want more...

In the 80s Elk county averaged 3.6 bucks harvested per sq mile...
In the 90s it went to 2.3 per sq mile....before HR/AR remember...


HR and AR had not started  yet....

Let talk does...

Elk county averaged 4.4 antlerless per sq mile in the 1980s

In the 1990s it dropped to 3.4

So they were saving one antlerless deer for every sq mile.....


lets look at post HR/AR .....

2F ---

2003 - 17,700 
2004 - 13,100 shooting less !!!
2005 - 8,300  that's less...
2006 - 8,000  STILL less... declining... saving more does...
2007 - 7,100...still less this is getting boring.....

so the fact is we are shooting less and less.... but why isn't the herd growing...

COME on guys... forget about my relationship with the PGC... the antlerless harvests are declining ... FACT... but according to many  they are still seeing less and less...the herd is still un huntable....  where the deer  going if we are harvesting less and less...... WHERE'S THE BUCKS?????

Okay-- buck harvests for 2F

2003 - 7,450
2004 - 6,400
2005 - 6,000
2006 - 7,200
2007 - 4,800

Basically a declinig buck harvest...


... some one.... tell me why with less antlerless getting wacked why isn't
the buck harvest going up??

last point...  2B..

basically the antlered and antlerless harvest are staying the same.... GOOD FOOD SOURCES DOWN THERE.... and a large balanced harvest..

Think what you want about me.. the PGC... or what ever... I'll let my eyes and math abilities show me what's going on..

It's about FOOD SOURCES  guys......not the number of does we kill......
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/19 20:05:19
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 20:02:06 (permalink)
close doe for 3 years or take it back to the good ole days. the game commission is doing a $hitty job. just my 2 cents worth.  bigger buck than in the past but fewer buck than in the past. wait fewer deer in general. gotta hunt hard to find them
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 20:25:12 (permalink)
tell me why with less antlerless getting wacked why isn't the buck harvest going up??
Quite simple= Because as a result of the large doe kills at the start of HR/AR in those areas(2F-2G) the deer population has been reduced to near a level where predators and natural mortality can keep their numbers low without hunter intervention. That coupled with the DCNR putting most of the state forests off limits to logging to appease the enviromentalists and the feds having to fight a lawsuit everytime they try to log, the mature forest continues to shade out most undergrowth and will never support any significent increase in deer population. If you look at the 2006 summary of the Kinzua Coop surveys it shows that deer mortality equals deer reproduction without hunters. Again--isn't that what the real purpose of the whole HR fiasco was. They were worried not enough people would take up hunting to replace those lost and needed to find some way to keep the deer populations down without relying on hunters. Bears, coyotes, etc hunt 365 days a year with no bag limits and at about 10 dpsm they and normal deaths will keep the population stable without humans.

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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 20:27:16 (permalink)

Mabey the years of shooting 17,000 , 13,000 still are effecting the heard it never got a chance to get back to what it was. Your numbers declining to me means they are not there like they were in the other years. You twist it and say saving more does when really their not there to be saved. I think hunters are now realizing its up to us to save the heard. I dont completely disagree with everything the PGC does, I do like the antler restriction and we are see nice bucks for the most part. I do think that restricting the does killed will be the best for the heard but your experts think different and unfortunally for us they are in charge. As for blaming it on food source to me just an excuse no matter what anyone says. I seen areas with lots of feed and not many deer to eat it.

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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 20:54:21 (permalink)
The numbers didnt drastically decline in one year, this has been coming on for the last 6-7 years.I dont beleive in the numbers game the PGC plays in their own worsd they arent completely accurate, which is where they made their first mistake in doe allocations. Do you know how they get their dpsm numbers, I have heard it said from someone who works for the PGC those numbers come from individuals who spend time in the forests either riding around or taking walks. The numbers used to estimate how many deer there  are a guess to asy the least. These numbers are the ones used to determine anterless allocations, maybe the PGC should just get a big wheel spin it and their are your numbers.The only problem  I have seen is when the PGC started to manage the herd. You mention Allegheny Co probably because I did but the deer numbers down here are way down as well.In my opinion we are as sportsman killing off the deer herd. I am glad that you have an area that you hunt and can harvest deer count yourself as one who is very lucky .Dr Gary Alt was by far the worst thing that ever happened to the northern teir counties his plans started the demise of the herd.I still say we need to suspend doe season for at least 2 years and let the numbers come back up then we will let mother nature decide how many deer she can support.As for the lack of food even ares where ther is an abundance of corn and clover we still are not seeing the nimbers of deer we used too. You have your opinion of whats happening in your area and I have mine in my area the numbers are at a critical level. 
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 21:22:03 (permalink)
Talk about posting bull...

but the deer numbers down here are way down as well

I was born and raise in Pittsburgh... and that is just plain bull......

Don't you guys read  what I post just start attacking..???

Allegheny County...

Total harvests....

1980s  -- not one year of decline
1990s...not two years of decilne in a row....
one year of decline
Changed to WMUS...


sort of up..down..up..down... but still an increase every year compared to 2003....

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/19 21:27:00
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 21:28:11 (permalink)
sorry about the red print  ... can't get rid of it ??????
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 21:48:27 (permalink)
Doc-- hope that wasn't directed at me as I never mentioned Allegheny co. However the area is totally different than 2F/2G in that most is either posted estates, or populated areas, parks, etc where they breed without problems then steadily move into huntable areas where they are killed at a fairly predictable level. It has less to do with good feed than it does with posted property (although there is an abundance of expensive shrubs and lawns to feed on).  I will say that I have relation who live and hunt there that are complaining about the lack of deer and deer sign as compared to past years.
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 21:50:34 (permalink)
where predators and natural mortality can keep their numbers low without hunters

Has Never Happened in History, why do you think it would now....

what percent of the herd do you think predators are killing ????

These numbers are the ones used to determine anterless allocations

Not  sure what figures you are referring to.. I hope not the deer per sqaure mile... because that is UNTRUE.. and those figures dpsm were never used for allocations....  ?????????????????

BTW in case you did not know it.. the PGC stopped using deer per sqaure miles TWO YEARS AGO !!!!!
It has less to do with good feed than it does with posted property 

deer do not worry about posted property... if there's food there they'll be there...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/19 21:54:33
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 21:51:45 (permalink)
Gentlemen; Before we too carried away with reported deer harvest numbers; check back from the days of old when the PGC was reporting a number of deer taken as just over 100,000. The deer population at that time was at a very high level. But if you go back far enough you will find that some-one at the PGC decided to change the method of "estimating" the number of deer taken and low and behold; our numbers suddenly jumped to almost 300,000. Did our deer population triple in that time period? No; but our formula sure did.Fact is, no one really knows how many deer we have, or how many we kill. One thing I do know is; 1.3 million was once claimed until the aerial surveys over forested areas showed that the real number was about half.Figures do lie if given falsely.
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:01:48 (permalink)
If you check you will see that that jump you mentioned was due to the PGC no longer only using harvest report cards.....

they (PGC) realized that many Pa hunters were not able to fill out a card and put it in the mail as required by law...... they (over 50% of our hunters) DID NOT WANT TO KNOW HOW many deer we were killing... they enjoy complaining

The basic formula used today was the one they used to replace "report cards only".. 

true they check a lot more deer today than back then... 

The method has been approved by most wildlife experts and organizations to be a realiable method of estimating harvest figures..

Why blame the PGC..... blame every one of those guys that do not send in their report cards... oh wait ... some of them are probably friends.. right ??
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/19 22:06:31
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:12:30 (permalink)
Whatever the numbers are, we will never know. We can't even get a good estimate because people don't send in their harvest tags. I don't live in 2F so I cannot comment.
I do however live in 2B and have for much of my life. There has NEVER been more deer than in the past few years. Even with(in my local area) CWD hitting parts of the area hard, I still am seing a ton of deer although many are young ones which is a good sign for the future. Whoever said it is all posted, well that is mostly true and you have to put in some time to contact landowners who are more than happy to have you take some of the many deer if you are repectful of their land. As for no being more about posted property vs. good feed, drive around. There are overgrown farms in every direction out outside the city. Can't have a much better place than that to have good feed.
Possibly it is time some of the hunters from the north woods who need to make a trip to the special regulation areas which do now have a lot of deer and try for some hunting rights. Your economies were boosted by suburban hunters going to the camps in the past decades, why does it not work the other way around? If it stinks as many say, go find them somewhere else.
I have no good or bad feeling about the PGC. They are government workers and just the same as any other profession with a monopoly. Only thing is you will never satisfy the myriad of hunters views in this state.
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:14:17 (permalink)
doc wrote=Has Never Happened in History, why do you think it would now....
What are you talking about, it happened for hundreds of years before man started to mess with the habitat and deer populations. It is starting to happen now if you believe in the Kinzua quality deer coops numbers. Remember they were the ones the PGC and DCNR were hyping as the way to go. Don't hear much about them now do you. Wonder why?? Yeah right.  All for now, have to try to find one of them in the AM.

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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:16:03 (permalink)

Dr trout, I was wondering what you and the PGC think what the percentage of deer killed each year by predators is?

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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:25:54 (permalink)

I asked first and as you see the one mentioning predators did not asnwer...

What say you... ????

KEEP in mind one fact.... almost 50% of newborn fawns die "naturally"

even on the deer farms I visit.... in the spring.. after fawns are born the owners find dead fawns almost daily for about six weeks.... and they are NOT done by predators.....

so how many do the predators.. get... ??????????????
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/19 22:27:34
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:37:34 (permalink)
Just wanted to take a minute and say thanks to the folks dropping in and supporting or agreeing with some of the statements I am making here...
I realize it takes a little courage to do that when insults fly so quickly here...
But I have been defending my opinions for 8 years against the "best of them" and am not about to quit.... 
In that time and in my travels I have found there are more supporting  the deer program than those opposing it ..
it's just those opposed are LOUDER  and do their complaining on the internet.. 
don't go on tours... lectures... seminars... etc, etc.. just sit and type on the computer... and most just have an axe to grind with the PGC in general...
THANKS for the Support.....
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 22:43:21 (permalink)
I'm getting sleepy... one last thing..

Wap you wrote...

Or maybe we can hunt by you and you can show him ALL the deer your seeing.

here's my E-mail...let's talk...

Just make sure he can shoot......

E-MAIL ----

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/19 22:44:18
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 23:20:54 (permalink)
I must say in my post that CWD is considered not to be active in PA by PGC reports of them checking 18,000 hunter taken deer in 2007. It was detected however in WV and NY right near our borders. I am only making that statement on word of mouth that I heard in Greene and lower Washington County that skeletons were found in the late summer of 2007 around the Mingo Park area and others. 
I have no proof, just my opinion from what I have seen in terms of numbers and buck antler size in my local area. 
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 23:29:59 (permalink)
there might be a good explanation for this but what i don't understand is hundreds of years ago when not close to as many deer as now got shot and the breeding couldn't have been much different how did the forest support it then?
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 00:30:42 (permalink)
One deceptive thing in the harvest numbers is how weather affected the overall numbers.  For instance, 2007 numbers have to have been affected (lowered) by the crappy weather on the first day.  And, I'm also pretty sure that back when doe season was only two or three days, weather had a drastic affect on the overall antlerless harvest.  Some of those fluctuations had to be weather driven-especially in the time of 48-72 hour antlerless seasons. 
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 05:39:17 (permalink)
Doc wrote=In that time and in my travels I have found there are more supporting  the deer program than those opposing it ..
You need to get out more and hang with some folks other than the PGC employees.
As for how many deer predators get no one knows for sure including the PGC because predators have a zero reporting rate but there used to be less than a thousand bear and near zero coyotes in the state. Now there are 15/20,000 bear and 10's of thousands coyotes feeding on wild meat every day 365 days a year. Interesting that Gary Alt(one of your experts) was a bear expert (knows more about bears than the bears themselves) according to the PGC, yet he didn't know that bear were the biggest predator of fawns.
Here's another one for you doc. Ask your turkey EXPERTS why they won't allow game commission employees to use whole corn to trap and tag or transfer full grown turkeys. They MUST use only cracked corn. This one is a real gem.
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 07:57:27 (permalink)
Thge PGC needs to quit trying to do mother natures job if the forest can support the deer if there isnt enough food then some will die.

The PGC is responsible for managing many species other than deer.  They have decided to recently start doing that.
They will not (at least presently) allow too many deer to compromise the forest or other species that inhabit it.
Yes, if there are too many deer, some will die.  But with too many deer other plant and animal species will be supressed.  That is a position the PGC has chosen to avoid.  The deer numbers will never reach what they used to be but the populations will be moderate in the future and provide good hunting in all areas.

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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 08:36:00 (permalink)
Dr. This quote is for you as given by a PGC biologist named Dale Sheffer and reported in an issue of Game News. "Elimination of the antlerless season would produce an explosion in whitetails that would soon get out of hand." I thought you said that the opposite was true about not shooting does? And your figures about almost half of the fawns dying? Come on Dr. If all is true about the new harvest figures; the last 5 years alone they reported close to 2 million killed and now your telling me that almost half the fawns don't survive. Now I'm starting to grasp why we have very few deer in some areas. Not to mention the cars and coyotes and bears. The PGC use to be the apex when talking with out of state folks, when talking about deer management. Not any more; it is a question that goes something like this. WHAT IS PA. TRYING TO DO; DRIVE ALL THE HUNTERS AWAY?
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 09:50:48 (permalink)
Interesting that Gary Alt(one of your experts) was a bear expert (knows more about bears than the bears themselves) according to the PGC, yet he didn't know that bear were the biggest predator of fawns.

COME ON S-10.... I NEVER said Dr. Alt was an expert on deer..... I do not believe that myself... he was the bear man.....  and his replacement is doing a great job too.... I repeat what he said and consider his thoughts along with guys like.. Adams, Wallingford, DuBrock,Bodenhorn, and Rosenberry,  and a lot of the QDMA folks..............
On several occasions  I heard him(Alt) say... he did not realize that bears and other predators killed as many as they do....
IF you heard Dr Alt say that  ( Bears were #1)   he should have know better..... I never read or heard him say they were the BIGGEST  Predators..... the fawn study shows coyotes first.. considering all areas of study
Here's some thing from the fawn study conducted and where I base some of what I write..

We learned that black bears kill nearly as many fawns as coyotes do, and that survival in the early months of a fawn's life was better in the agricultural habitats of Penns Valley than in the extensive forests of the over-browsed Quehanna Wild Area.
We also learned that monitoring involved careful and thorough documentation of predation events. Using numerous clues at the site of death and on the carcass, we were able to identify which predators killed certain fawns (see Identifying Predator Kills).
We unexpectedly discovered that some fawns make very large movements even early in life: some of the fawns in both study areas moved between two and ten miles from their natal range - often several times - within three or four months after capture. 

Here are the causes and the percentages for the fawns that died...
Natural .. starvation, malnutrition,enteritis, hemorrhaging, and other internal complications at birth
Predators .. coyotes, bears, bobcats, unknowns
Other .. collisions with vehicles, farm equipment, hunting, and yes even poach
BREAK DOWN...Of the dead fawns that were collared in the study... this is how they died...
Natural -    55%
Predation - 22%
Other -      19%
The thing I find MOST interesting about these studies of collared animals is that hunting is not the #1 impact on survival of collared animals..... that just fasinates me.... I really believe we had a bigger impact that we do.... 
We have all read and heard that hunters used to harvest 80% of the total bucks statement. 
Now that's a total different subject because folks take that several different ways too... But...
Hunters harvest NO WHERE NEAR 80% of the tagged animals...
So  why would we believe they harvested 80% of the available bucks before AR..
By doing and spending dollars on studies like the ones the PGC has been doing the past few years we could all learn a lot, but because of budget problems they have had to make cuts...
I'd gladly pay another $10-$15 just so they could continue their deer studies with tagged or collared animals..
I find the results so far JUST AMAZING !!!!
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 10:11:32 (permalink)

I would have thought the predator percentage would be higher even through the PGC eyes. I would think it would be natunal causes less than that, predators more. They have to admit we have more predators every year and the percentages will grow.

Dr. Trout
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RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/20 10:30:32 (permalink)
Keep in mind that with fewer deer the forest habitat will improve and thus the effect of predation will not neccesasary grow.. especially on deer....
with more rabbits, squirrels, grouse, birds, and other wildlfie predators will not have to rely on just fawns....
Bears are a GREAT example.... what do you think a Pa balck bear would prefer ???
a fawn
Pa Black Bears are NOT dead set on eating venison..... it's not their #1 preferred food ....true they have to eat to survive and if other food sources are not available they don't think twice about a fawn.... same with other predators..
I am sure a coyote would rather "take on" a rabbit or squirrel than a 50 pound deer.... plus keep in mind the bear is probably the only one that is going to eat the whole deer....
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