No Deer in 2F ----

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Dr. Trout
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2008/10/13 21:00:15 (permalink)

No Deer in 2F ----

Here's my pasture directly across the lane from the house.... 6:30pm this evening...BTW.. One deer had just left the pasture in the uppper left corner before I got the camera out...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/13 21:03:52

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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/13 21:06:40 (permalink)
    Wow, those mountain lions sure are reproducing fast.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/13 22:07:04 (permalink)

    What are you trying to say?????

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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/13 22:33:59 (permalink)
    Now your thinking like the PGC, you have 8 deer in your field so there must be that many all across 2F.
    j/k don't get too worked up.  Thanks for the pic.
    post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2008/10/13 22:35:22
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/14 00:04:14 (permalink)
    I know that you know I have talked about the number of available deer here in 2F for years... 
    I see at least one deer EVERY day and I mean every day no matter where I travel...
    and at times I see as many as 40... 
    and NONE of that is done with a spot light... with a spot light I probably could not count that high
    Jefferson County is still one of the top spots to find whitetail deer in Pa...
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/14 05:29:10 (permalink)
    Jefferson County is still one of the top spots to find whitetail deer in Pa...

    On or near POSTED property.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/14 09:57:36 (permalink)
    Dr. Trout
    I am just yanking your chain here, what I posted is something I hear all the time; "just because there are lots of deer here doesn't mean there are any down the road."  Usually it is accompanied by saying "thats what the PGC thinks."  Thats the general mentality of plenty of people I hear complaining about deer herd reduction. 
    A good friend of mine has a camp in Jefferson Co.   They don't see as many deer as perhaps pre-HR but, it sure seems like the quality of the deer in that area has gone up dramatically.  4 years ago his dad shot a great 9-pt that would have been in the high 130's if hadn't busted a tine off.  It is no longer uncommon to hear about some dandy bucks shot in that area.  It seemed liked 10 years ago a 6pt was a giant among all the spikes and forkhorns harvested, it sure seems like things are looking up in that area. 
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/14 18:51:42 (permalink)
    Esox... I knew you were kiddin....
    And you are right.. there have been some GREAT bucks taken since the second year of AR around here ... and I keep telling folks a 2.5 year old buck or older is not as easy to hunt as a 1.5 year old..
    We all got so use to shooting young 1.5 year olds it became like like a habit and we EXPECTED to get one .. and we took the first one that came along.... now many are passing on smaller ones because they know there are BIG BOYS around...
    True HR reduced the number of deer to be seen.. but that was needed... but the population is once again begining to grow because the food sources are again growing at a rate to "keep up" with the number of deer in an area...
    At least I know this is ture in MOST of 2F.. the ANF still needs to improve though...
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/14 21:06:31 (permalink)
    See that fence in the background?  This is a picture of his pet deer.  They eat right outta your hand! 
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/15 22:45:39 (permalink)
    Believe me when I say that fence does not even slow them rascals down... once or twice a month I have to re-do parts of it..

    and when the rut starts those antlers tear up large sections of that fence...
    I will say that they seem to tolerate me standing in the yard taking photos.. but if I try to get closer than that they're  gone back into SGL#54....
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/15 22:47:30
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/16 12:37:36 (permalink)
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/16 13:43:00 (permalink)
    The ANF is one place I personally would not want to hunt at this time....
    The habitat, for the most part, is not real good.... with fewer deer because of HR it is starting to get better..but I think a lot of deer have left "the building" and it will take a few more years to get back to what I would call a good hunting area...
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/16 14:54:21 (permalink)
    I live in 2f & deer #'s are down. However, there are deer to be had if you don't mind crashing thru blowdowns & thick slashings. I have noticed that most of the deer are going nocturnal, as evidenced by the times on my trailcam. I think we should skip a year of doe hunting in 2f & populations would increase drastically.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/16 15:12:35 (permalink)
    there are deer to be had if you don't mind crashing thru blowdowns & thick slashings.

    Is that not called hunting??????
    Skipping doe season/not shooting does would not increase the herd drastically .... that has been discussed time and time again.
    Habitat can only support so many deer.... that's a fact of nature.....
    Poor habitat and HR have reduced the herd to a point that with time will allow us to have and maintain a larger herd... but not at this time... our forest could not support a lerger herd.. period...
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/16 21:36:13 (permalink)
    Dr. Trout, that is bs.  Our forest supported a larger herd for years (many years), now what type of forest we will have with higher populations is a question.
    By the way where did all the slashings and thickets come from, PGC and USFS says nothing is regenerating in our forests.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
    grimm reaper
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/16 22:28:47 (permalink)
    are forest is fine there is plenty of food and evrything else
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/17 03:08:32 (permalink)
    im pretty sure the allegheny nat forest could handle a good 5 to 6 thousand deer no problem thats big country i always hunted behind the rock quarry up the hill theres a big field i go out about 530 or 6 n wait and all my hung over uncles and their buddies wld walk in about 8 and scare them all 2 me lol no wonder i always see deer and they dont
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/17 08:18:09 (permalink)
    Musky ..
    I'm not sure who is posting the bs.... you wrote--

    By the way where did all the slashings and thickets come from, PGC and USFS says nothing is regenerating in our forests.

    You will have to provide a link so I can read that statement from either group...

    I have not read where either has said NOTHING is regenerating...since we have put in place the current deer program....

    and in fact BOTH have recently tesified to the opposite... and DCNR spokemen have agreed.... re-generation is starting to show thanks to HR... and I see it getting better and better every year in my area on the SGL Tours...

    I can show you miles of slashings and thickets on SGL#54 where you can barely walk... but guess what... they are made up of undesirable trees species.... of little to no value for timber and provide little to none in the way of good food sources for deer and wildlife.. except song birds   and they were created when we had those large herds that you feel the woods were supporting...

    They are excellent hiding places for deer and that's where they all head once pressured.... other than that they are of no value..

    Once an area is timbered and with the high numbers of deer we had before HR the deer eat all the new saplings of desirable trees as fast as they appear..and thus only the stuff they do not eat grows producing those useless slashings and thickets...   I think I have talked, created, and shared many webpages on deer exclosures and what better way to show the effect of deer on newly timbered land than that....

    now our forests and SGLs are starting to show good regeneration of all species that were there when the trees were cut in the forests... and the #1 difference between then and now -----  the number of deer browsing in the area...
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/17 08:34:34
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/17 08:26:28 (permalink)
    you wrote...
    I'm pretty sure the allegheny nat forest could handle a good 5 to 6 thousand deer no problem thats big country

    Not sure what you mean...  The ANF has about 513,000 acres....
    5-6,000 deer IS NOTHING
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/17 13:41:32 (permalink)
    no i meant another 5 to 6 thousand more added to the population already there my mistake if ne thing a no doe season there for a year or two would do the population some good
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/17 14:07:38 (permalink)
    That is still nothing if you compare it to the acreage.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/17 22:21:16 (permalink)
    yea it would add a good amount of deer if it keeps being hunted alot 5 or 6 thousand other deer added would add alot more how many yearlings do u think make it up there you got bear coyotes bobcats cars poachers and the elements come on now if i wanted 2 i could say over 20 thousand deer but im saying introduce some more mature deer because they need more mature breeding deer but u got hillbilles up there that whats everybody favorite line if its brown its down yea and the brown population is down it doesnt matter 2 me i hunt in 2b we have deer everywhere i aint gotta compete with nething but my job
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/18 20:08:51 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    I can show you miles of slashings and thickets on SGL#54 where you can barely walk... but guess what... they are made up of undesirable trees species.... of little to no value for timber and provide little to none in the way of good food sources for deer and wildlife.. except song birds  

    now our forests and SGLs are starting to show good regeneration of all species that were there when the trees were cut in the forests... and the #1 difference between then and now -----  the number of deer browsing in the area...

    Dr. Trout, I do not mean to offend, but you are living in a fantasy world.  I make my living in the forests you speak of every day.  Stem counts are not improving proportionally.  Species composition is not changing, but rather still on the decline.
    Noted PGC biologist John Dzymen says that "an abundance of songbirds is an excellent indicator of overall forest health and forage availability".
    I know what junk species are growing back in our forests and I also know why. And it is more attributable to growing conditons than deer populations (not that they do not have an effect).

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/18 20:39:52 (permalink)
    Noted PGC biologist John Dzymen says that "an abundance of songbirds is an excellent indicator of overall forest health and forage availability".

    I know John VERY well and speak to him almost weekly... not so sure about the biologist part...

    and I know all the guys that work for him very well and considered friends... and I believe they should know what is going on in the SGL around here..

    John works in land management now and a lot of my opinions are based on what he tells me personally, what he speaks of on the tours, his lectures and articles he has had published in past.

    And he has told everyone on the SGL#44 tour about the total lack of song birds in the areas we visit....

    so your quote from him may have been taken out of context...

    Also my "dream world" is based on reports on my message board, E-mails to me, and personal conversations with folks (foresters, loggers, and guys that work for DCNR at Clear Creek State Forest and the PGC personel I know around here....

    so you have every right to your opinion and I mine...

    but I choose to continue to go with the "facts" as I receive from those folks and the timber folks that report at the PGC meetings in Harrisburg...

    so I'll continue dreaming based on their accounts of what is happening around here... 
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/18 20:56:00
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/18 20:52:51 (permalink)
    Thought I would check for permission and I received it so here is part of an article John wrote.....

    The number one reason we have fewer deer in northcentral Pa. now compared to 50 years ago is because the deer no longer have the plentiful amounts of good food they used to have here.The main foods that deer need are CERTAIN SPECIES of small trees, shrubs, and other small plants that are less than five feet in height. When these are in small supply or lacking from our forests nothing else can or will suppport large herds of deer.

    BTW... that was taken from one of his articles... he wrote that in 1987

    I'll try to find the whole paragraph about the songbirds mentioned above ...

    I KNOW I have it somewhere.... 
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2008/10/18 20:54:29
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/18 22:47:27 (permalink)
    This from Cal DuBrock of the PGC...

    When a forest gets over-browsed, not only deer are affected, but also virtually all other species that live in the forest.
    Research conducted on the Allegheny National Forest showed that as deer densities increased, songbird species and numbers decreased. The decrease in songbirds was attributed to the reduced amount of remaining woody vegetation where deer had browsed away a significant amount of the forest understory.
    "Who cares about songbirds, shrubs and flowers? We want more deer." For some, this is the sentiment when it comes to deer management:
    The focus must be on deer only.
    Those with such an opinion, however, don't understand that the same habitat declines that affect songbirds and shrubs, also affect deer.
    For a deer, habitat is food.
    If there is no vegetation for song. birds to nest, there is no vegetation for deer to eat.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/18 23:24:49 (permalink)

    Dr Trout, please tell me you work for the PGC, if you dont you should. You will fit right in.

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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 00:05:20 (permalink)
    Nope .. just been hunting deer for over 50 years and have seen it all coming and going...
    It fact hunting deer today is just about the EXACT SAME as when I started....
    Many days afield with no deer seen in the exact same area I live and hunt today.... but seeing deer was not the sole reason I was there in the first place.. the tradition of deer camp.. not the let's get drunk deer camp of today..
    time with my Dad and Uncle man to man  If we got a deer greta if not still a memory for a lifetime... BTW.. most years we did not harvest anything until the 1970s arrived... then it was every year either a buck or doe...
     I saw great habitat and as a result I saw first hand the deer herd grow...
    I also read a lot of Roger Latham back then ... an excellent outdoor writer... he was among the 1st to see the deer herd destroying their own environment..
    and as that happen here I saw more and more deer and smaller and smaller bucks....  then a few years of dead deer everywhere in the bad winters....
    deer hunting became a don't worry about scouting, forget about the tradition of deer camp... just show up on Sunday night.. hit the woods Monday moring... sit down and wait for deer to be running by....  doe season was the same thing... sit down Monday morning and wait for a doe or BB to come running by...
    I was not much different... stopped paying attention to habitat, scouting food sources... just wait for that Monday morning sit and shoot...
    THANK GOD.. my Dad and Uncle taught me deer hunting with a small herd.. it was not hard to remember how to hunt deer instead of sit and shoot deer...........
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 02:22:54 (permalink)
    Dr. Trout I have been on his tour of 44 at least 6 times.  My point was that he stresses (or did) that good songbird populations are an indicator of good overall habitat.
    They can reduce deer herds and change manangement plans in midstream all they want, but until they start treating the problems they won't get the forests fixed.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: No Deer in 2F ---- 2008/10/19 08:04:44 (permalink)
    Musky.. well if you have been on 6 then you and I have have "met" at least 4 times... I have only missed 2 since RSB started having them...
    And yes you are right John does say songbirds show a decent habitat, but most of the ANF SGL#54 and SGL#44 are JUST starting to have songbirds return... and that too has been pointed out on the last three or four tours.. in the beginning you could not hear anything while in the woods on a tour... and also could not find anything growing outside the fences .. in the last 2.5 years that has started to change.. 
    But he has never said our forest habitat is in good shape...  but.. he will now say he is seeing signs of re-generation in much of it anmd admits the lower deer herd is the #1 reason why...
    question for you.... 
    if you have been on 6 tours ... when it comes time for questions why have you never shown your opposition to the deer plan....
    No one every voices opposition... we (John ,RSB, and I) often comment on why the "complainers" never show up for a tour .....
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