Aid to Ukraine

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2024/09/26 19:58:22 (permalink)

Aid to Ukraine

From the information I gathered it appears the USA has given Ukraine 62 billion dollars so far in aid and I just heard that President Biden has said another 8 billion will be provided.
Opinions please. Good idea, bad idea, don’t care one way or another.

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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/26 22:05:08 (permalink)
    No one wants to give any country any money. But I’d much rather see us aid countries at war financially/weapon supplies, than have our troops involved. With many of the countries entering NATO being ex-Soviet territories or Warsaw pact, very likely in the plans of being next, that means our troops involved.
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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 00:09:50 (permalink)
    Yep. If Putin is allowed to take countries uncontested it only emboldens him. 
    An emboldened Putin means World War 3. It's as simple as that for me. 

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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 10:52:15 (permalink)
    By sending aid to Ukraine, we have the opportunity to indirectly engage and weaken one of the biggest international threats to not just the US, but also Europe, and “the west” in general.

    The financial cost is a fraction of the defense budget, and we can do it with basically none of our own troops, so it will cost zero American lives.

    Additionally, we aren’t giving them $8 billion in cash, we are essentially giving them an $8 billion gift card for the US military clearance bin, since a good bit of the equipment we are sending to them would not be used otherwise.

    The downside is that the federal government will just spend more money to make more equipment to replace what gets shipped out to Ukraine, and I’m generally not in favor of the way this country feeds the military industrial complex like it’s at an all you can eat buffet, but that’s kind of another topic.

    This isn’t some dumb war that the US started like Iraq or Afghanistan. This isn’t even a proxy war like Korea or Vietnam. Of all the military conflicts in the last 50 years, this is one of the few where US involvement is justified.

    And if we have equipment that’s just sitting around collecting dust, and Ukraine can use it for the purpose it was intended for, while at the same time making Putin look weak, and actually weakening Russia militarily, then it’s kind of a no-brainer, isn’t it? Why does the federal government spend so much money on defense if not for these exact kinds of situations?
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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 11:49:12 (permalink)
    This is also sending a message to China, who are without a doubt the biggest of the threats to the USA.  Who are sitting back and observing in detail.  They will calculate how long the US is providing aid, how public opinion is swayed, and compare to their objectives in the South China Sea expansion.  If they invade Taiwan, it would be similar in us providing aid.  Likely not take nearly as long for them though.  If they invade Japan or Philippines, it is our troops.  We want to avoid that as long as possible.  So, sending a clear message that we will not back down from our allies, is what matters the most.  Maybe Biden should withhold aid from Taiwan until they provide dirt on Trump.  Then talk about pulling out of any protection agreements with any nations in the region.  That would show strength to Xi and ensure them not invading.  Right? 
    Also a reminder of who is aiding Russia.  Iran and North Korea, militarily.  China economically.  So, if you really support Israel and their proxy war with Iran, you should likely look a bit deeper between ties to Russia.  If Iran gains nuclear weapons, which they likely have, it is 100% with the assistance of Russia.  They aren't supplying thousands of drones for free to Russia.
    post edited by Porktown - 2024/09/27 11:51:03
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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 13:21:53 (permalink)
    Funny how billions can be found for Ukraine with the drop of a pen BUT a lousy 3 billion that had to be begged for and left in suspense for our own veterans disabilities in service our OUR country had to wait to the last minute of a 3 month time frame. The 12 billion for next fiscal year for veterans programs and health care is now up in air in the government shutdown Bull chit.But again our worthless heroes in DC will come up with all kind of money for everyone else but the people who have sacrificed and suffered for the defense of this country. 
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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 15:58:04 (permalink)
    Letting them fight and protect their country from Russia isnt a bad thing imho.
    Problem with the 8 Billion is that it comes right after Zelenski came and essentially did a campaign stop for Harris.
    Now that Trump seems to be climbing the polls Zelensky is meeting with him too, I know they guy is in a tough spot but get outa our politics.
    post edited by r3g3 - 2024/09/27 17:08:57
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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 17:20:58 (permalink)
    I know they guy is in a tough spot but get outa our politics.

    Never heard of the guy before someone made a perfect phone call to him. Withholding defense funding before being invaded, unless he would make a statement about Hunter Biden during the last campaign. You do realize, this is the same guy. The one that was dragged into US politics by Kamala Harris…
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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 20:32:31 (permalink)
    I know they guy is in a tough spot but get outa our politics.

    Never heard of the guy before someone made a perfect phone call to him. Withholding defense funding before being invaded, unless he would make a statement about Hunter Biden during the last campaign. You do realize, this is the same guy. The one that was dragged into US politics by Kamala Harris…

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    Re: Aid to Ukraine 2024/09/27 21:07:27 (permalink)
    The problem is Ukraine is a crooked azz country. There's no accountability of the $$$ sent to them and how much of that money actually makes it to the battlefield. And to add fuel to the $$$ fire. You have one of the most untransparent administration in american history giving money to one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Makes you go hmmm. That's my 2 cents, and no, I dont want 1 cents change.
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