Re: tip when fishing BULLGILLS
2017/06/07 18:55:48
Sam let me know if the fish attractant works, I could use all the help I can get. lol
As for the catchin, well we both know it ain't nobodies business what we catch, keep-n-eat or release.
I have not been out since before Memorial Day but I ain't lettin' no-one from muupere know that. Don't want em thinkin' my old bones is makin' me a fair weather fisherman..... shhhh.
I hope your about to see the same change in weather we are muupere. Gonna get super nice over the next comin' days.
Tight lines and let me know about that fish attractant, your secrete will be safe on this forum. lol.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.