Re: New question?
2015/04/03 10:22:00
I'm no legal eagle and no, I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night but, I do have a CDL. (FYI a CDL is better than any diploma from the best of universities.) I need only decide, each morning, what I want to be for the day. Just ask any truck driver a question from A to Z and you will get an answer. For multiple opinions, switch to channel 19 on a CB radio and, pose your question. (Caution: Do not respond to calls for "lot lizards" or invitations to channel 2-3(23)).
That being said; I don't want to "beat a dead horse" but the 2007 revision says a private land owner cannot be sued for injuries occurring from the use of the land during "non-commercial recreational purposes".
This law was passed after a victim of a gun shot wound (to the head) tried suing a land owner for allowing a hunter to hunt his land. The victim was on another property at the time.
Land owners, at the time (including me), threatened closing property to hunting and fishing.
However, placing "posted" signs around ones property does not protect one, from law suit over personal injury. If you have improvements on the property then you are expected to safely maintain/protect said improvements.
Next Question. (today's topic: Brain Surgery (lol))........?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.