Re: crappie rod?
2014/12/13 11:46:29
Remember the first time I picked up a Croix (was at a mom and pop store) and it was like nothing was there. After fishing with glass (ugly sticks) I wondered how this fishing rod, so light yet so balanced, could handle fish. I think the rod was priced at forty dollars and considered to be pretty pricey for me, back then. Salesman pointed out the rod being guaranteed for life and he would buy it back if I weren't satisfied. Tested the guarantee several times (unlike ugly sticks you can't shut a Croix in the car door) and was never disappointed with getting the rod(s) repaired or replaced, although they started charging me shipping.(lol) Never had to take the saleman up on his buy back offer either. Been buying Croix ever since; heck even gives me ideas for Christmas presents for the better half. Don't think she has caught on (yet) as she seems happy when she opens her gifts.
Not likely I'll ever be 'Angler of the Year' or, enter any record books but, I've sure had plenty of good eating over the years. God willing, the future too!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.