Invasive Species, now is the time they are visible
Invasive Species , Now is the time they are visible., Look around as you drive and you will notice shrubs 3'-10' tall that are greening up. Those shrubs are nearly all invasive being Autumn Olive, Multifloral Rose, or One of the brought in Honeysuckles. Most of what you see will be Honeysuckle. At least in the Venango-Clarion region they are coming into their full greenery well ahead of native species. I have watched and examined honeysuckle for years and at least in my area I find no indication that deer browse on it. That is what scares me the most about these species. I also read recently an interesting theory that implies there is a correlation between ticks-lime disease and honeysuckle. Another implication was that bird some bird species were perhaps suffering because the berries have very low nutritional value.
If you have land that is being overrun good luck trying to eradicate. If you have very little kill it all before it gets going, and keep a up with eradicating it.
I believe in the future it will be a major major major detrimental factor in the wildlife habitat, and in the flora-forestry habitat.