The first flies I tied were with vice grips clamped to a table. You can literally tie an estaz egg for 25 cents with the bulk of the cost being the hook. Cost at All seasons is $2 a fly. I found some pretty heavy #6 octopus hooks at our local wal mart last year and decided to give them a try. 20 hooks for $1.49. I have not had one bend or break yet. Caught plenty of fish, but no bruisers. Sure they are not as strong as Mustads (which is my usual choice), but worth a try especially when I have a nephew getting snagged up alot snagged up alot. I agree with TB though a good hook is a must especiallt when you a giving top $$$ for the fly
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb