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2013/07/25 05:56:10 (permalink)


Think the fish commission, while they're checking boats, could post a sign at the East Ave launch telling idiots to not off-load/tie down (etc) their boats 10 feet after they clear the ramp?  Can't these numbnuts tell that the line of boats waiting to launch off to their left is there because they're blocking access to the ramp?  This could also back up boat traffic trying to come into marina if other vehicles are prohibited from pulling out their boats.  Seeing that alot down there this year.  A little common sense people!
post edited by pikepredator2 - 2013/07/25 12:31:22

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    Re:FISH COMMISH 2013/07/25 07:22:59 (permalink)

    A little common sense people!

    Not as common as one would think these days...

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    Re:FISH COMMISH 2013/07/25 14:13:45 (permalink)


    A little common sense people!

    Not as common as one would think these days...

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    Re:FISH COMMISH 2013/07/25 20:39:57 (permalink)
    That's not just an Erie issue either. Go to any boat launch and you'll see this crap! Launched at Pymy a few weeks ago and as I was finishing getting my boat reay to launch, taking the last strap off the back and walking to my truck, 2 guys come flyin in and go straight to the launch. They went to the closest one completely blocking the far one just to get out and start taking their cover off and getting their boat ready. I pull up and say about untying and getting the boat ready where the signs that say "boat prep area" are or pulling to the far launch instead of blocking both launches along with some other choice words and the one guy looks at me with a dumb a.. look and says "I didn't know I was supposed to do this over there".

    How many people that own a boat, especially in your 60's, have never known or seen the signs at EVERY boat launch that says "boat prep area"?

    Common sense is definitely not common anymore no matter what your age! And not just common sense but respect or curtesy either.

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    Re:FISH COMMISH 2013/07/26 07:58:43 (permalink)
    Between the project waters on Walnut, Burt dam in NY and various boat ramps around the area, I see no need to ever spend money on entertainment ever again. Stuff I see at these places cracks me up
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    Re:FISH COMMISH 2013/07/27 10:35:32 (permalink)
    The pain and struggles of launching a boat is unbelievable.  Something that really isn't that turned into a complete circus.  If only people would obey the rules, and prep there boats out of the way of would make everything go much smoother.  On a humor side of things...there is nothing like watching others launch/retrieve their boats at a ramp.  Nothing tops it when you see someone pull their boat out...park 10 ft. up from the ramp, and wipe it down with the towels.  BLOCKING those who want to load/unload.  People!!!  Planet Earth calling!  Planet Earth calling!

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