Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs

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2013/04/01 00:46:06 (permalink)

Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs

Just  curious on everyones thoughts on Brown Trout in Lake Erie and Tribs.
The way I see it (I do not have any experience fishinge lake just tribs) they will not grow in numbers unless they are protected better via regulations.
I am thinking maybe 24-30 inch size limit let em grow.
I am sure that if this was done and numbers increased ALOT more people would be interested in fishing PA TRIBS,and local economy would benefit.
Not that I am looking for more people on the creeks whining about but just saying................

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    Re:Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs 2013/04/01 02:57:10 (permalink)
    The BT program is in it's infancy and growing annually.  Judging by BT reports on various websites, not just this forum, it is working/growing every year.  I seen no need for special regs.

    Blacktop Charters
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    Re:Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs 2013/04/01 10:46:22 (permalink)
    How many years have they been stocking them,3 years???
    How is the fishing on the lake for browns are there alot caught when fishing for walleyes?
    I am fine with no regulation changes just thinking if Lake Erie Browns were to take hold like Lake Ontario it would bring more business to the creeks and charter boats.
    I do not run a business based on fishing so it does not effect my wallet just throwing an idea out there see what others thought.
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    Re:Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs 2013/04/01 10:49:48 (permalink)

    The BT program is in it's infancy and growing annually.  Judging by BT reports on various websites, not just this forum, it is working/growing every year.  I seen no need for special regs.


    +1.....I don't see any need for it. 5 years ago it was a big deal for somebody to catch a BT while Walleye fishing. The past 2 years or so it isn't unusual at all to have multiple boats catching 2 or 3 in a day if you try hard to make it happen. The fishery is growing. 

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    Re:Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs 2013/04/01 10:53:08 (permalink)
    +2 The ones I've seen caught or caught myself are nice sized and in good shape. Lets wait a few more years and see how things shake out. Right now I am very content with what I've seen happening.
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    Re:Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs 2013/04/01 13:20:51 (permalink)
    I like the brown trout because they tolerate warmer water better.When they become established it could mean they'll be cruising the shoreline in August before the steelhead come ion.

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    Re:Brown Trout-Who's for Specials Regs 2013/04/01 20:15:43 (permalink)
    I should add that I fish Elk mostly and miss most of the fall action due to work and archery season.
    I have caught a few this winter and they were nice fish larger than I expected to see this year.
    I have gone out with guides on ontario for them and I know they can be caught easily under the right circumstances in the lake (which I have not fished at all).
    I too am happy with the way things are progressing with the stockings but just see a opputunity for the local economy if they became as numerous as the walleye and steelies.
    I fear without the special regs  it will take much longer to establish a strong population.
    Besides wouldn't you rather have a chance when fishing the lake or tribs to catch a 15lb plus Brown then having the right to keep a coooler full of 5-7 lbers if you need trout to eat keep the size limit for steelies the same and eat them up or rope em and smokem.
    Please do not let me get anyone upset just a daydream here.......
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