Re:South Zone Second Split
2012/11/16 13:26:20
Man, that sucks Hummer. Duck hunting wouldn't be the same without him.
Problem is, he's 7. He should be over that stuff by now. Biggest problem is that he breaks at the shot sometimes, which is not only frustrating but potentially dangerous. He did it today, on a pair that came gliding in. Whiffed on the first one, but they landed anyway! Problem was, he was already halfway there - it's a shallow marsh so he can run through most of it.
It's my fault though for not keeping up on drills like I should be. Hate to do it, but in the meantime I'll have to resort to tying him up to a tree.
Got your PM by the way. Sounds great, and appreciate the offer! I'll let you know when I'm headed that way.