I managed to hit dsr for the last hour or so... still a steady movement of large and small chinooks... how many days straight is it now???? 25???? I dunno...but its pretty frikkin sick. I went down in high hopes of some coho... managed to hook one right before closing but lost him after chasing him about a hundred yards... chinooks were typical october chinooks... or beasts in the current to be more precise!!!!
The questiin is how much longer can this last???? I the was seeing eggs and milt on the dsr staircase as far as three weeks ago almost... eggs all over the place down there now.... i honestly hope the steel hold off a little as the crowds will be in full force for 3 weeks now...or hopefully the salmon will keep on coming in thick and kinda hide the trout...OR, hopefully snow starts falling in late october and we get blasted this winter...as i would not like to see the slaughter fest and heavy crowds for steelhead as we saw last year...
I went in to all seasons tackle and it seemed like everyone in there had extremely short distance/ tunnel vision... as if they didnt see or care about anyone walking or standing in their path...rude questions and comments... it was quite a turn off...oh well, i guess thats life...LOL
Well, october is here and fish are everywhere as everyone knows by now... go and get em...