Attacked by a dog....In my kayak

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Re:Attacked by a dog....In my kayak 2012/08/01 12:18:08 (permalink)
Wild or feral dogs are a different matter.  A wild dog is not a person's pet or companion animal.  Shooting one of these animals is a different story.  
If you live in an area where there is little chance the dog you encounter is a pet and the animal is acting strangely or overly aggressive, putting it down makes sense.  The situation I was referring to was one where the animal was a pet and known to be aggressive, but not necessarily dangerous.  In that case, the appropriate response was to avoid, or deter the animal from approaching me.  There was no need to kill it.
The main point I think we are missing here is that one size approach does not fit all situations.  Wild or feral dogs are not the same as your neighbor's pet.  Aggressive barking and snapping is not the same as being attacked.
A metered response is required as well as an assessment of the situation before you act.
BTW - I do not own any dogs, but I enjoy their company when I go visit my friends who have dogs.   I would also not have a problem shooting a wild dog if necessary, but I would not enjoy having to do that.
As for the aggressive neighbor's pet, I keep a can of Bear spray in the garage.  I don't think he would like a face full of that.

pax vobiscum +
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Re:Attacked by a dog....In my kayak 2012/08/01 13:53:26 (permalink)
"the dog in ? was most likely concerned with the "funny lookin' stick" with a people sitting on top... "
LOL! I like the way you put this. Could very well be true. I honestly think I would have paddled like He11, the same as Slick did although I probably would have been quicker about heading to deeper water... (Just playin' Slick! LOL)
But I did beat the crap outta by best friend's doberman once. It bit my arm and held on. I pushed my forearm deeper into its mouth and backed it into a corner where it had nowhere to go. When it gagged, I pulled my arm out. I then proceeded to administer a very heartfelt whoopin'. Dog ran everytime I came over after that. My best friend offered to kill it, but I told him that it probably learned its lesson. It did. However, if it had bitten one of my kids... DEATH.
And there is definately not a blanket solution. I respect everyone on here enough to feel comfortable saying that regardless of what their gun-toting views are, everyone would have reacted in a safe and mature fashion had they been in the exact situation. Sounds to me like if Slick had tried to pull a gun, he would have been chum before he got a shot off. A speedy retreat was the smartest move in this instance. However, paddling along shore? Perhaps not... HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Probably good exercise though. Next time he should troll a steak behind the canoe. With a workout like that twice a week, he'd look like Popeye in no time!
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Re:Attacked by a dog....In my kayak 2012/08/02 01:38:31 (permalink)
Well to get back to Slick's story! You made my day with that. I would have been gitt'n by butt out of there too. The guy's on the jet skis probably had a good chuckle. 

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Re:Attacked by a dog....In my kayak 2012/08/03 20:33:59 (permalink)
Them lagoon beavers can get pretty aggressive too.  I used to fish the lagoons quite a bit about 15 years ago and had my share of unpleasant surprises.
This may have been shared already...
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Re:Attacked by a dog....In my kayak 2012/08/03 21:42:34 (permalink)
HAHAHAHAHA! Scary as heck, but also hilarious! I think that guy dropped a load in his yak!
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Re:Attacked by a dog....In my kayak 2013/10/04 17:28:12 (permalink)
I'm thrilled to see you spent your time digging through my old threads...lets me know I'm doing it right. Go buy a helmet and get back to me amateur. PS...Racist comments violate the terms of use....thats twice....just sayin'. Troll on.

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