Re:Help with planer board releases
2012/07/03 20:08:25
I also like using rubber bands, especially when using braid for a lot of the reasons that anzomcik mentions. However, I still like to use regular releases because they are heavier and slide down the tow line better for me. Depending on what I'm pulling, and what line I'm using, I may not use the bands. If I'm pulling jets or deep divers off of mono, I'll just place the line right into the release, unless I'm running in 3 footers or higher...then I'll run the bands. Braid is often too slippery for most releases and it's just easier to use the bands. I don't personally attach lead core to the releases, although it can be done...I wait until I get into the backing then attach.
"Socialism...confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. "
Frederic Bastiat