ORIGINAL: metalslayer
Ur mailman has some strange delivery times.
I do most everything electronically..
I am to blame for the USPS's demise...
I check mail once a week - but decided to grap the FichyFlyPack this am..
p.s. Time is only a vague concept when you are a coyote-hunting-addict.
We don't sleep, we stalk, and wait...
plus it takes my mind off the healing process of my tramatic experience at the tail-end of my recent trip...
ohhhh- you wanna here that??
well, I know PAfisher wants to..
so, at the risk of being re-labeled an attention **** by DP, I will tell the tale and re-kindle my deep sadness and dismay,,
it's going on the F Winter thread, where it belongs..
let's go sit down over there --------------------------------------------------------->
bring a beer, you may need one