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2011/08/12 18:11:18 (permalink)


Hey duuds and lAdIeS. While the "One fly" is always a blast, this year is very special. There is a large group of wounded Veterans attending. These men fought and selflessly gave up themselves, so you and I can enjoy the freedoms we enjoy today.

This year I have other obligations and unfortunately will not be able to attend the "One Fly". Last year I helped out with prize solicitation and wrangling. I know what a generous group we have here. Last year we had great give aways thanx to all of you.

I ask all of this years competitors and participants to remember this is a FREE EVENT....BUT PRIZES ARE BASED SOLELY ON DONATIONS. None of the organizers are independently wealthy, but do spend a good deal of they're own money.

This year Rookie will be handling this part of the event. I see alot of names on the fishing list, and very few on the donation list. I think some of you just havent gotten around to sending her a message. Don't leave her, or the event hanging till the last minute. Now is the time to contact her.

Finally let me stress again...the entire event is free, and open to all...whether you donated or not....BUT if you can donate, please send that message. Any and all donations are accepted....from Cadillacs to nail clippers....we'll take what ever you can afford, no donation is too small.

For .37 cents, the cost of a cup of coffee, you can help make this a great event again this year.


I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
I choose Little Cleos

I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...

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    RE: KICK! 2011/08/12 21:40:07 (permalink)
    Slick thank you so much for that.

    He's right, every year is great, and I wanted this year to be one of the best that everyone remembers. But without you guys/ladies we wouldn't have this event. It's really not all about prizes as it is building new friendships. However, it is nice that we can provide prizes by with that being said, once again just reminder, the One Fly is a little less then 2 months away, I am asking for everyone to have their donations to us by September 30th, and please let us make this One Fly to rememebr!

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