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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/18 21:45:14
ORIGINAL: retired guy Had a similar experience Drake.    My ONLY hit from an Atlantic happened a month ago when a fella came over to shoot the breeze a bit while fishing. I held the rod in my left hand with the line having straightened out downstream for a while while we jabbered. After a while SLAM. Missed it of course. Fly had apparantly been laying there a few feet from shore and had been wiggling around while we talked. Mimicked that a lot on my last trip up and had one come out of the water right at the fly but didnt take it.  Was using dark Spey flies both times. Had a coupla passes last time using a large streamer and a very small black fly. Still wanna use Caddis next trip- think that may be a good one. hey RT, awesome to hear; besides my other recomendations for presentations; if you get an atlantic to rise on your fly, switch patterns often and comb the same water from top to bottom, you'll get em...
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/23 23:52:47
retired guy
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/24 08:19:58
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/24 10:48:04
jcy,great pictures of your son.I'm from Penna. but used to fish NJ many years ago,I see they still stock nice trout!Question for you,does your son ever let you fish? :)
hot tuna
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/31 14:37:38
Hey dimebrite: just read this from another site from someone who lives right there/ knows more then we ever will and sees this every year... Still think its a summer trout/salmon fishery my friend " A few photo's from today....Browns continue to sucomb to the summer's warm River waters.. Counted about 20 Skams , Atlantic's and Browns dead this week while fishing smallmouth..."
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/31 15:49:27
Ain't enough cold water weeps to hold a decent population ;)
Steel on a pin---so easy a caveman can do it.
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/31 17:29:18
ORIGINAL: hot tuna Hey dimebrite: just read this from another site from someone who lives right there/ knows more then we ever will and sees this every year... Still think its a summer trout/salmon fishery my friend  " A few photo's from today....Browns continue to sucomb to the summer's warm River waters.. Counted about 20 Skams , Atlantic's and Browns dead this week while fishing smallmouth..." BUMP just because I luv how HT trolls for DB... can't wait to read his response....
hot tuna
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/31 18:15:16
ORIGINAL: draketrutta ORIGINAL: hot tuna Hey dimebrite: just read this from another site from someone who lives right there/ knows more then we ever will and sees this every year... Still think its a summer trout/salmon fishery my friend  " A few photo's from today....Browns continue to sucomb to the summer's warm River waters.. Counted about 20 Skams , Atlantic's and Browns dead this week while fishing smallmouth..." BUMP just because I luv how HT trolls for DB... can't wait to read his response.... First , Man that was a GREAT race at indy today and so happy to see Paul Menard win !! The guy so deserved it !! Going with RCR was a fantastic move on his part.. To db's credit he did back off on the summer fishery. Maybe he is having second thoughts on that.. In my summer time I used to spend there I have seen more dead skams then live ones so it's nothing new to me.. For sure Shane knows his stuff and as said more then I could ever hope too .. I think db might just be getting all those pictures together today of all them Canada and SR fish he keeps promising us just so's I can eat my hat.. LOL.. Do got a feeling that will happen.. NOT !! LMAO.. Just kidding around.. I know,I know your are a busy man.. Just hoping for some Fresh photo's of anything..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/31 21:31:05
Hey SPOONA; you like to stir that pot with that big old spoon of yours it seems. Of course the water temps get exceptionally high and can't sustain large amounts of summer fish; I've never doubted that and always knew that. I don't know how I first brought it up, but I believe I made some kinda comment about the summer fishery getting better the past few years; and I've mentioned before the amounts of LIVE fish that I've seen in summer months... I know retired guy was hitting the water a bunch this summer so that as well sparked my interest to chime in. Which in turn sparked your interest to rib the sheet out of me Its all good though man. Btw, the dead ones are no news to me, they've been showing up for a few months now. By no means am I a guy who goes out and pounds water in summer months. I've yet to do it more than a hand full of times to date, and mostly was just looking to whip some rope when I have Will I be that guy who targets dam releases in june or high water periods in late may to early july??? Yes (if i ever find the time( No doubt though that there are more summer fish returning; besides, that 18 lb. Atlantic they caught in DSR had to have been a 3 year fish????? Also many larger slams I've seen have most likely been 2 or 3 year fish. Thank you for giving me credit  in regards to thinking you enlightened me; but my view point really hasn't changed at all; possibly you just misunderstood me or I maybe misexplained; keep in mind this is all said in light heartedness.... Now; since you said shane I must ask.... is this the same shane that was living in the lodge down the road from the Altmar bridge back in the late 90's???? If so tell I said what's up. Back in 98 or 99 I was up in mid august and I stopped in at the Altmar hotel for burger and a beer when I first got up. There were 2 guys and 1 woman, tammy the bartender and me. We all played many rounds of liars poker and shot the breeze and had a blast. The one guys name was shane. As time went on fish became the topic of discussion and it got pretty heated to say the least. It all ended on good terms though. He was pretty persistent on saying the fly zones should be closed...in those days I slept in the car mostly when I went up; but as we closed the bar the 2 gentlemen said I could take a room in the lodge in which they were living in at the time. Of course we brought some beers to go and shot the breeze when we got back to their place. One of their friends came by with a steely and a brown he had caught earlier that night down in schoolhouse pool. They all proceded to tell me I should take a drift boat down with them in the late morning when the sun was on the water. I thanked them for the offer but I am a low river guy in early season as you all know. They told me I was gonna get skunked and waste my time. Well, I rose at 530 and made my way to the river. Within 1 hour I nailed a dime bright king that was fresh out of the lake. I dragged that fish right up to the car and brought right back to the lodge. They had just woken up and were shocked at my catch/happy about my catch. Needless to say these were 2 great guys. Unfortunately though, there friends steely and brown were still sitting on the table outside rotting.... but hey; run this one by your friend shane and ask him if he remembers.... Oh yeah; can't forget about the pictures, I was at wedding yesterday and just returned home this evening... I was pretty polluted to say the least  so no; I have not scanned them yet. Im actually getting some comical relief from your semi-doubt of the though  cut me some slack though, besides youyourself; im one of the few that has posted pics here.... oh well, sorry to bore the heck out of you'd guys.... peace
hot tuna
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RE: catch and release-
2011/07/31 22:42:51
Hey db, yea I got a big flasher with a NK#9 that I troll out every now and then but your a good guy so I'll ease up and keep it to a little cleo from now on.. Wouldn't want to spoil my plans for the 18th ? .. Never said Shane was a friend just someone who I respect his knowledge of the fishery.. He will be the first to say those days were a blur but he knows more about the fish up there then you & I both combined (IMO).. Still I think the summer fishery is a bust just because lack of habitable water for big trout and salmon. So I guess you and I will have to agree to disagree on that but It's all good man .. Said it before I aint no preacher.. It's a free (so to speak) river and anyone is entitled to fish as the please.. Carry on.. Are you sure your not tipsy today ? Must had a dozen posts yesterday and nary a one until this eve.. No big deal on the pic's man but I think fichy might have you beat in his 37 posts already.. (little cleo) As said before too, I believe your a hard working man with a family to serve so don’t sweat it about getting any pictures up, I'm just kidding around .. If it wasn’t for the fact that I like seeing others adventures or outdoor photos I could really care less.. Nothing to prove to me.. Have a good night and we will talk later..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 00:30:38
He owns and operates the Altmar Outfitter Lodge - 1/2mile N from the bridge. I highly doubt that he said the fly zones should be closed - more like open to all types of artificials - to include guys with spinning outfits. The guy is against special interest groups with "hidden agendas" that prevent access to the general fishing public - or similiar antics like feel-good creel reductions that run contrary to DEC's own studies of the lake's forage base. IMO - he's a straight shooter and his aim does not waiver based on the audience. He's got more knowledge of the river, its history and the back-room deals of the SR fishery than anyone hear could ever possibly accumulate..
post edited by draketrutta - 2011/08/01 00:38:33
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 09:02:31
All good tuna; I still think you're misunderstanding me though Drake, that would be some kinda coincidence if we're talking about 2 different guys named shane.... Remeber this was about 13 years ago though  he was a great guy and he had showed me photo albums of his best catches; there's no doubt he is a more than seasoned angler.... but he did refer to the fly zones as being a demise to the fishery; he claimed the fish should have their peace when they got above the rt. 52 bridge.... he also referred to it as the fly snagging zone lmao...I sure had a blast with him though, and commend him for letting me stay at his place (although I don't believe he owned it then)... we had butted heads for a while at the bar when talking about the fishery and at first he thought I was some young punk who knew nothing; but, as time went on he valued and respected my opinion eventually and we came to terms; especially when I slapped that fresh king on his picnic table the next morning  I have nothing bad to say about the guy and would shake his hand and thank him again for his hospitality he served me 13 or so years ago...
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 09:49:00
DB - I'm not about to get into a urinating contest with you over this. ask him yourself - he goes by "SNAGGER" over at GOOD LUCK BUDDY just thought I would save you the trouble of trying to dredge him up elsewhere p.s. Fly Zones are not a fly snagging area? LMFAO - you must still be drunk from yesterday.
post edited by draketrutta - 2011/08/01 09:50:58
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 10:14:10
ORIGINAL: draketrutta DB - I'm not about to get into a urinating contest with you over this. yet another misunderstaning...
retired guy
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 10:22:50
HEY-- lets close the whole place above the town of Pulaski- THAT will insure a good spawn-darned snaggers anyhow. Gotta love those Purists who forgot why the fish are there in the first place- Better yet- lets just have the DSR and fly fishing only and all Catch and release and and and and and And anything else that will keep everybody away so IIIIIII can fish MMMYYYYYY way where and whenever IIIIII want-- after all they did all this just for MEEEEEEE. Those kinda guys are tiresome- even if they do seem to be NICE once in a while. Gotta be watchful of them whenever policies are being made up there.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/08/01 10:24:45
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 10:44:37
better yet, maybe we should close this thread as it has been a dead one for a while until someone decided to open it back up..................................................................................###############################################******************************************************************************************8****************thats the sound of a 10 flasher with a treble hook behind it being dragged on a long thick chain...............lmao....................... in all seriousness; im looking forward to meeting a bunch of you guys so we can maybe not have to read so hard to try and understand each other, while often misunderstanding eachother from keying in on single sentences rather than the big picture....peace...
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 11:22:21
ORIGINAL: dimebrite yet another misunderstaning... I'ze gaVeD u tHe pAtH 2 da TrUfF.. grAsSlOpPer...
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 14:36:41
Hey drake thanks for the link. I see you post there yourself. Seems like a good bunch of guys there. I've already recognized some guys I know from pics posted there. I was looking to see if hot tuna was a member there but couldntfind him; unless he is a member in cognito with a different screen name Ht, I saw the post about the dead fishies; my guess (just an assumption so don't hold me to it  ) is that a bunch of those dead boys were ones that came in with the recent dam release and went in to shock instantly after the water went down... while for the others that have been in the river for a while have a more adjusted metabolism... just a thought... peace
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 14:41:44
ORIGINAL: dimebrite Ht, I saw the post about the dead fishies; my guess (just an assumption so don't hold me to it ) is that a bunch of those dead boys were ones that came in with the recent dam release and went in to shock instantly after the water went down... while for the others that have been in the river for a while have a more adjusted metabolism... just a thought... peace I never knew browns and atlantics could run the entire river in 1.5 days... They must have Coho genes in them....
post edited by draketrutta - 2011/08/01 14:42:11
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 14:48:51
ORIGINAL: draketrutta ORIGINAL: dimebrite Ht, I saw the post about the dead fishies; my guess (just an assumption so don't hold me to it ) is that a bunch of those dead boys were ones that came in with the recent dam release and went in to shock instantly after the water went down... while for the others that have been in the river for a while have a more adjusted metabolism... just a thought... peace I never knew browns and atlantics could run the entire river in 1.5 days... They must have Coho genes in them.... Waters been down for a week now and came up close to a week and a half ago  .....
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 14:56:00
ORIGINAL: dimebrite is that a bunch of those dead boys were ones that came in with the recent dam release and went in to shock instantly after the water went down... yet another misunderstanding...
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 15:05:29
working on half sentences now i see... would you like my cell phone number to discuss this matter further ps... it's a 24 hour emergency line, feel free to call at anytime
post edited by dimebrite - 2011/08/01 15:06:22
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 15:17:18
ReAdiN iZ FunDaMentAl iZe wiLlZ hoLdoFfz TilL OuR FiReSiDe ChAt...
hot tuna
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 15:20:40
ORIGINAL: dimebrite I was looking to see if hot tuna was a member there but couldntfind him; unless he is a member in cognito with a different screen name Ht, I saw the post about the dead fishies; my guess (just an assumption so don't hold me to it ) is that a bunch of those dead boys were ones that came in with the recent dam release and went in to shock instantly after the water went down... while for the others that have been in the river for a while have a more adjusted metabolism... just a thought... peace Nope just a lurker.. Couldn’t even hold a candle to snaggers knowledge so I just listen and take it all in. I don’t however use his knowledge and pass along as my own.. Besides I LOVE all the great pictures that get posted which is what has me frequenting that site.. Along with the Ice board which I am a member (Hot Tuna) and do post on, pic's too.. I'm not going to touch the end part of what you said with a 15' spey rod LMAO
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 15:20:59
ORIGINAL: draketrutta ReAdiN iZ FunDaMentAl iZe wiLlZ hoLdoFfz TilL OuR FiReSiDe ChAt... sounds good; just trying to get on your humor level here, but i don't know if that is possiblezzzzzzzz..... btw, my fires tend to get pretty big from time to time; if you're looking for some fireside chatting you best be bringing your fire proof suitzes....
hot tuna
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 15:45:36
btw, my fires tend to get pretty big from time to time; if you're looking for some fireside chatting you best be bringing your fire proof suitzes.... I have been to more then a few Rages in my time and unless you plan on having the fire police come  or burning that nice new standing building down ,I don’t think we have anything to worry about.. lol
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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RE: catch and release-
2011/08/01 16:02:13
2 words... back-hoe.... and not the hoe most of you are interested in....lmao.... I've got 2 big dead trees ready to come down fresh for burning and a pile of about 30 small/mid sized ones that have been sitting since jack aka pa fisher paid me a visit 2 years ago, so I think the ammunition and the intent is right in line.... Oh yeah, and around 25 stumps..... burn baby burn....