Where: Canadohta Lake, PA
When: Feb. 19th & 20th, 2011
Time: Saturday 7:00am - Sunday 3:00pm
Entry Fee: Adults $10.00
Kids 12 & Under $5.00
Prizes: CASH to the longest fish in each category: Musky, Pike, Walleye, Crappie & Perch
Weigh-ins / Setups :PFBC Boat Launch
50/50 drawing!
Complimentary Food & Beverages to those who purchase a ticket!
You can buy tickets at the bait shop or the morning of @ the PFBC Boat Launch. Timberland Bait Shop will be fully stocked with live bait & fishing tackle. Fishing Licenses also available. For more information check out our website Timberland Bait Shop Address: 36320 Dutch Hill Rd. Union City, PA
Questions Call: 814-694-3474 or 814-882-8369
Hours of operation:
WED. 2/16 8:00am - 4pm
THUR. 2/17 8:00am - 4pm
FRI. 2/18 8:00am - 9pm
SAT. 2/19 5:00am - 6pm
SUN. 2/20 6:00am - 2pm