2025/03/04 08:17:24

Our foreign policy is now aligned with Russia's world view (Kremlin's words)

It literally is, and kremlin officials have even stated it publicly.


And apply the typical litmus test for absurd scenarios like this, by trying to imagine a scenario where democrat in the White House aligns their policy with a terrorist state or a rogue nation and imagine what the Republican reaction would be. They’d be losing their goddamm minds.
2025/03/04 08:28:36
In other news, I'm so offended by this I might just need to check these out to reallllyyy see how offended I am

Ha ha. That is what I did yesterday. You know, to verify the authenticity….

She needs to think outside the box on revenge. Like showing updated images? That would really teach Putin!

I assume all MAGAs would agree the strength Trump showed in restraint. Imagine if one of your wives nude photos were blasted all over national TV. Would you have the strength to not go ballistic. So strong. Super Beta Male strength. Turn the other cheek. Sorry, was talking to Melania…
2025/03/04 08:29:42

Our foreign policy is now aligned with Russia's world view (Kremlin's words)

It literally is, and kremlin officials have even stated it publicly.


And apply the typical litmus test for absurd scenarios like this, by trying to imagine a scenario where democrat in the White House aligns their policy with a terrorist state or a rogue nation and imagine what the Republican reaction would be. They’d be losing their goddamm minds.

Obviously, you don’t know the definition of winning…
2025/03/04 08:41:50
 and we have abandoned any responsibility
 and we have abandoned any responsibility

I'm curious what you (and others)  think  our responsibility is or should be in world conflicts that don't directly involve us? 
being that I lean isolationist, this shouldn't come as a surprise...
I don't support us being the world cop.
I'd like to see us get the he11 out of 90% of places our mil lives.
2025/03/04 08:54:01
Would you have the strength to not go ballistic

I'd play 'em this song and smile biggly..
"My girl is red hot, your girl ain't doodooly squat" 
2025/03/04 09:13:50
 and we have abandoned any responsibility
 and we have abandoned any responsibility

I'm curious what you (and others)  think  our responsibility is or should be in world conflicts that don't directly involve us? 
being that I lean isolationist, this shouldn't come as a surprise...
I don't support us being the world cop.
I'd like to see us get the he11 out of 90% of places our mil lives.

In a nutshell, I think a delineation between "world/regional influence" and "nation building and direct conflict" needs to be established.  I think when we get directly involved in nation building and conflict that is generally a bad thing, when we carry our big stick around and influence the world in our favor and in the favor of democracy I think it is generally a good thing.  
For one, I truly believe that the United States is on the right side.  I believe we are just and good and lawful, as much as any humans can be.  There are always mistakes, but as a whole, I believe in us...the US.  Because I believe in us...the US...I believe that we are generally the light.  Where there is an absence of light, there is darkness.  Get my drift?
With the advent of overwhelming technology it gives the bad actors of the world a longer and more impactful reach.  If we don't lead, who will? In a power vacuum, bad things happen.  

Edit***If DOGE started a GoFundMe page for Ukraine, I would contribute directly to it.  I believe that what we are doing in Ukraine is the perfect example of supporting what is right and just in a world of increasing darkness.  There's a gamble that our involvement increases the scope of the conflict but there's a lot of gamble in life. 
2025/03/04 09:39:04
I'm curious what you (and others)  think  our responsibility is or should be in world conflicts that don't directly involve us? 

Where does nuclear non proliferation fit into your high moral ground of “isolationism”?

Back in the 90s after the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine actually gave up their nuclear weapons in exchange for security assurances. The United States was one of the nations that provided such assurances.

So if by “isolationism”, do you mean “let everybody else build a bunch of nuclear weapons and blow up the whole planet idgaf”? Because like it or not, the United States established itself as a global superpower and some responsibility does in fact come with that role. And if we want to continue to believe in the idea of American exceptionalism then we don’t get to have it both ways.

Also “wars that don’t directly involve us”… you do realize that in the last 120 years, there have been two European conflicts that escalated into world wars, do you not? I’m not sure why you believe that European military conflict doesn’t directly involve us.
2025/03/04 09:56:19
Well said LDD, especially the delineation. Completely different to aid a sovereign ally with arms to fight off a foreign invasion, than it is to invade any country for any reason and nation build.

When it comes to retaliation to acts like 9/11, I can’t say (without hindsight) there was anything “wrong” with going into Afghanistan. Obviously, it didn’t go as well as anyone would have liked it to. I have absolutely no military planning knowledge to advise of what could have/should have been done better. I’d imagine with the advancement of drones and cyber means since then, maybe could have done more now without forces on the ground. Not sure how much more though?

I’d prefer to have service members as a whole, not be deployed into combat. But having the world’s largest economy, requires some decisions of international military strength to maintain that standing. Wish it weren’t that way, but has been that way since warfare began. Those with the most gold always had the biggest armies to protect that gold. They made allies to fight wars and shared a bit of their gold in the process. Those that stopped doing under weak leadership crumbled. God help us that weak leadership is here now.
2025/03/04 09:58:05
Good stuff MyWar!
2025/03/04 10:57:17

For one, I truly believe that the United States is on the right side.  I believe we are just and good and lawful, as much as any humans can be.  There are always mistakes, but as a whole, I believe in us...the US.  Because I believe in us...the US...I believe that we are generally the light

In all fairness, there are some very dark moments in our history. And we should view critically, some of the major mistakes in our foreign policy decisions from the last 75+ years. Granted we now have the benefit of hindsight, but we should still try to learn from those mistakes.

I think the allure of isolationism is partially due to those foreign policy mistakes. We have made an absolute mess of the Middle East. Just about every major decision we have made has caused death and suffering and destabilized the region further, not to mention the radicalized animosity against the west we have fueled.

Distancing ourselves from some of those regional conflicts might not be “isolationism” per se but I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad idea.

The difference with Ukraine is that this isn’t a proxy war with the Soviet Union, where we back one faction and the USSR backs the other and we say we are fighting to “stop the spread of communism”. The invasion of Ukraine is a direct act of aggression by Russia against a sovereign nation that is our ally.

It’s an entirely different situation. And the fact that the same people that cheered W’s foolish and reckless military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan 20 years ago, are now saying we “shouldnt be fighting stupid wars” is infuriating.

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