Did not assume wrong. Per your words, you are against exporting U.S. jobs overseas, but have no problem importing overseas workers to take U.S. jobs here.
how did you stretch my disdain for
EXPORTING U.S. jobs over seas for having no problem importing labor to "take" American workers jobs?
4.2% unemployment rate is pretty much full capacity employment ('cause 4% of the genpop you can't make work)
There are "people shortages" in many sectors.
and it will only get worse, as Americans are having less kids
Immigration is necessary and fact of life
I had argued overseas labor makes our U.S. companies more sustainable and you accused me of favoring corporate greed over American workers. Now you are all for using foreign labor (H-1B) to benefit the evil-capitalists.
outsourcing manufacturing to overseas labor
does favor Big Corp greed at the expense of US jobs.
the top 10% are the ones that benefit the mo$t by that.
The rest get the crumbs from the table for your 401k
as far as "all for" as you choose to characterize it, I'm good with immigration of
highly skilled, highly educated folks.
I'm good with entry laborer types too.
there needs to be controls based on needs, mind you
What I'm opposed to, are bringing in masses of unskilled peasants that burden fed, state and local social system budgets beyond what those masses can contribute back
I hope that helps you understand how your logic errs
and clears up my position that you mischaracterize to fit your assumptions