2024/12/27 16:32:24

I know, you'll blame the GOP for this, but again who had majority in both chambers and who was sitting at the White House? But now Elon is the problem 

You have got to be kidding.

Are you really gonna try to play this game and say Democrats are just as bad because (again) schumer couldn’t turn water into wine and get this through the senate when he could not afford to lose a SINGLE VOTE?? It’s the democrats fault that there was a razor thin margin in the senate and Schumer can’t perform miracles? Is that it?

Remember, this was December 2022, before Fetterman won his seat, so the senate was tied 50/50, with Harris the tie breaking vote. And it’s right in the article you linked - Manchin and McConnell killed it.

BTW if you want to throw Republican lite Joe manchin in with Elmo and Trump as “part of the problem”, I have no problem with that.

But not ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN in the senate would support this. What do you think about that? Not one! What does that say about the priorities of the Republican caucus in the senate?

The Democrats tried and failed, yep, that is true. But they failed BECAUSE of republicans. ALL OF THEM.

Also, it’s noteworthy that this stalled in the senate and not the house, which means the funding did actually get through the house.

Look dude, if this kind of flimsy logic is really how you rationalize your support of a morally bankrupt political party then hey, do whatever you need to do in order to sleep at night. But you are not going to convince any objective, rational person that democrats in Congress are the reason this funding can’t get passed.

You really dont like being called out.....perhaps you should stick with Bluesky Social LMAO.
DEMS were the majority in both chambers and held the Presidency/VP. If they really cared about 9/11 funding, they could have done so. 
Reconciliation Bills only need a 50 votes to pass...well guess who had that in the bag? You can take one guess 

Heres the thing. If you want people to stop “looking down on you” or whatever it was that you were crying about, then stop saying shiit like this.

Because people make the argument you are making when either (1) they don’t understand how the government actually works or (2) they do understand and they are deliberately making a bad faith argument.

So which is it for you?

You fancy yourself as some kind of intellectual conservative? Then don’t try to tell me that a 50/50 senate is any kind real “majority” when the 50th senator is basically the most conservative Democrat in the country (and would probably be a Republican anywhere else for West Virginia), and you need 60 votes to pass anything other budget bills.

It’s a straight up miracle that democrats got ANYTHING through the senate with the razor thin majority they had for Biden’s first two years.

And you also neglected to respond to the point that NOT ONE REPUBLICAN would support this funding. Not a single one.

49 out of 50 democrats

0 out of 50 republicans

That’s the same to you? Or would you rather not talk about that part?
2024/12/27 17:00:02
And Elon v Trump begins 
2024/12/27 17:48:07
  G. Man,
I delt with the weather assistance program when I was young and bought a fixer upper. The wait was years long and I had most everything finished before they got to me. Would hate to see the people that are older or not experienced in construction waiting that long.
 When a few different contractors got approved for the work that was left they were a joke and I told them I will finish what they started.
 The Government job I had MOM was the word . It was Gov. property with security gate, no one allowed on without permission. Like Pork said very little red tape involved, not even OSHA.
 The old lady went 13 lbs. over on the 125 lbs. of pork I asked for. Was a nice tradition  every year at this time to get out all the deer chunks (80 lb. avg) saved for burger, hot sticks, bologna, sausage and jerky with the pork and go to town with the Hobarts, smoker and dehydrator     
2024/12/27 17:56:14

I do similar with many being multi $M projects. When you are a contractor for a specific agency, you are able to use interagency agreements like MIPRs, which are a fraction of the paperwork. The government can transfer funds per agency with very little paperwork. This is why many larger companies have government contractors as part of their business model. It is a ton of paperwork and expense up front to get them on as contractors, but the intent is to cut this waste and time for the agencies. Which I imagine every project has most of the same redundant 5” thick paperwork that should be able to just reuse, but likely can’t.

we're a $55mil company and do multi-mil projects as well
One we just finished was 36 unit senior living apt building.
Those projects take a year or more before the first shovel hits the dirt.
I'm in the single family construction dept.
we're doing chit-ton of lead abatement  right now.
we (my fellow inspector and I) have done $900K worth since Sept 
The state has  over $285mil to spend on lead.
Guess where that funding came from?
It's unspent covid money.
Not only are they spending it getting rid of lead based paint in homes, they're giving lead abatement contractors $100k of free grant money.
Tu qualify, they had to have bid on (not win, just bid on) 5 lead abatement jobs in the last year
the four contractors we deal with regularly all got $100K worth of brand new trucks and vans
all compliments of too much covid money appropriated that needs spent 
2024/12/27 18:14:30
 Those immigrants were the best workers on the low income housing plan that was done last year where my brother lived at in Butler. He worked with some doing underground communications for a few years and said nobody could keep up or out work them.
 If I brought up the word LEAD PAINT when I worked for the Gov.  MOM!!! Was certified for asbestos though.
2024/12/27 18:14:59
  G. Man,
I delt with the weather assistance program when I was young and bought a fixer upper. The wait was years long and I had most everything finished before they got to me. Would hate to see the people that are older or not experienced in construction waiting that long.
 When a few different contractors got approved for the work that was left they were a joke and I told them I will finish what they started.

sounds like CAC (community action council) here.
they do furnaces, hot water heaters and insulation 
 I've been in homes behind them
 their contractors are hacks.
It's obvious none pull permits, as their chit wouldn't pass 
that chit won't fly with us
we're replacing a failed furnace now in old woman's home  that CAC put in  WRONG 7 years ago
2024/12/27 18:21:55
 Those immigrants were the best workers 

a couple of our general contractors sub southern border folks.
Mostly for roofs.
I've has no problem with them 
2024/12/27 18:27:57
And Elon v Trump begins 

nah, that ding dong Laura Lunatic Loomer  will be the jilted Trump lover on this one 
2024/12/27 18:31:10
 He said they were doing roofs and demolition. He would sit outside and have his entertainment watching 'em and make them Chili  
2024/12/27 18:33:26
fishin coyote
I also work in the government giveaway sector aka weatherization. The work is commendable and does actually make a difference in people’s lives. but in my 21 years we have become the Navy’s 800.00 hammer with the amount of redundant paperwork, rules and regulation. The only thing that is keeping it from becoming the free for all  is we have to abide by an average job cost.

Because “we need to cut government waste” is a blanket statement that lots of people agree with, until you start talking specifics.

And if you really want to plug budget deficits and make a dent in the national debt then you need to make drastic cuts to things like social security and Medicare. There is no other way. Everything else is just chipping away at the margins.

The amount of corruption,waste and bad spending in these 2 programs has nothing to do with the seniors it was intended for. It is unbelievable the things and amount of people under the age of 60 get paid for but as soon as there’s talk of cut backs all the talking heads claim grandma is going to loose her monthly check. Fear mongering at its finest but it’s no different than the other side telling us that they’re going turn the kids trangender or some other wild story.
You guys need to turn off the tvs and go fishing 

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