2024/12/20 15:37:20
He has the same 1A rights as us but maybe a tad more pull.

all rich and famous people do
be it Taylor Swift, LeBron, Maddow, Tucker or Limbaugh before he passed


Haha, geeze man, the first two in your list just make statements that probably influences some voters...the last two make/made a living off political punditry...none of them can literally interject themselves into congress to blow up a spending bill like Musk just did.  There's no precedence for this and if the ultra rich can now buy this type of influence at the highest levels of government I'd have to say I'm not on board.  
2024/12/20 15:39:06
2024/12/20 17:04:36
For 640 million years Jellyfish have existed without a brain.
There is hope for mankind   lol
2024/12/20 17:19:34

2024/12/20 18:19:10
They are already suggesting Buttigieg for a 2028 Pres. run.
Dems stable is in very poor condition.
2024/12/20 19:17:30
none of them can literally interject themselves into congress to blow up a spending bill like Musk just did. 

Geeze man, the feigned outrage by the leftist talking heads over an  adviser to the prez  that's part of Trump's administration doing what Trump tasked him with has youinz spun up because the guy has Trump's ear.
I'm sure you can't see how hollow their/your  argument is 
2024/12/20 20:41:45
But surprise, surprise, musk and Trump are already screwing up the spending bill after Johnson had negotiated a bipartisan deal.

It enraged Republicans because once again, Johnson went behind their backs in committee and gave the 'Crats everything they wanted with a CR that covered clear up 'til March of '26. Had Schumer lickin' his chops and smilin' from ear to ear waitin' for it in the Senate. Surely you didn't think that schitte was gonna flush, didja?
2024/12/20 20:47:55
Why is it only bipartisan if the 'Crats get everything they want? Since the days of Tip O'neal in the House, when the Republicans reach a hand across the aisle and cave in bipartisanship, the 'Crats then cut the hand off.
2024/12/20 20:52:46
But you dont understand, nobody is/was in Bidens ear. Nobody, I mean nobody has any influence over him. He makes every decision on his own. He made his millions the honest way, by working hard in congress. These right wing billionaires obviously made their money by lying, cheating and screwing the american people. geez
2024/12/20 22:20:16
none of them can literally interject themselves into congress to blow up a spending bill like Musk just did. 

Geeze man, the feigned outrage by the leftist talking heads over an  adviser to the prez  that's part of Trump's administration doing what Trump tasked him with has youinz spun up because the guy has Trump's ear.
I'm sure you can't see how hollow their/your  argument is 

  I'm not allowed to have an opinion about Elon Musk and his involvement with congress on this issue that could possibly deny military members a paycheck over the holidays?  I'm not outraged and I'm not spun.   I just think it's a slippery slope...and I am pizzed at congress mostly because they play this game all the time.   
Do you really think it's a good thing to have the richest man in the world, who has so much technology at his fingertips and money and power and influence, unvetted and unfettered, to be calling shots in our gov't?  I don't, that's all.  Most "advisers" don't have one of the most trafficked social media sites in the world that they completely control.  We are at the tip of the iceberg with AI...think Elon knows anything about that?  
...you are correct though, he is part of the administration so there's that. 

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