2024/05/09 12:59:07
I don’t think I care much about RFK jrs brain worms. Or whatever other nonsense he is on about.

I also don’t think I care much about the stormy Daniel’s trial either, however the reports today are that Daniels is a straight up savage on the stand during cross examination. So good for her lol.
2024/05/09 12:59:09
I don’t think I care much about RFK jrs brain worms. Or whatever other nonsense he is on about.

I also don’t think I care much about the stormy Daniel’s trial either, however the reports today are that Daniels is a straight up savage on the stand during cross examination. So good for her lol.
2024/05/13 11:41:26
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2024/05/15 22:59:26
So Biden is gonna debate, but he gets to call all the shots? Thought I heard them say the first one is in Atlanta? Easy to see why Biden would want it there. Total Democrat city and they all hate Trump. They ought to do it out in the center of the country, like KC or Omaha or something. He wants it done in a private news studio with no live audience. He wouldn't want national television broadcastin' the groans from the crowd when he loses it and gaffes big time. Wants the mic shut off when each question time limit expires. (I can agree with that one. Hate it when they're tryin' to yell over each other). No third party candidates. Kennedy is polling 12/13 % and the 'Crats have discovered he's pullin' more support from Biden than he is from Trump, so Biden don't want him stealin' his Progressive support, cause Kennedy is far to the left of Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren. Nut case. In this election I don't think anybody has anything to look forward to. I wish it was already over. The world is laughing at us.
2024/05/16 13:18:26
In this election I don't think anybody has anything to look forward to. I wish it was already over. The world is laughing at us.

Sums it up for me.
2024/05/17 18:36:31
Sean Puffy Combs calls the charges against him a witch hunt. Sounds like a good defense.
2024/05/20 01:02:32
So Biden is gonna debate, but he gets to call all the shots? Thought I heard them say the first one is in Atlanta? Easy to see why Biden would want it there. Total Democrat city and they all hate Trump. They ought to do it out in the center of the country, like KC or Omaha or something. He wants it done in a private news studio with no live audience. He wouldn't want national television broadcastin' the groans from the crowd when he loses it and gaffes big time. Wants the mic shut off when each question time limit expires. (I can agree with that one. Hate it when they're tryin' to yell over each other). No third party candidates. Kennedy is polling 12/13 % and the 'Crats have discovered he's pullin' more support from Biden than he is from Trump, so Biden don't want him stealin' his Progressive support, cause Kennedy is far to the left of Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren. Nut case. In this election I don't think anybody has anything to look forward to. I wish it was already over. The world is laughing at us.

I still doubt they happen. Simply put, I'd be shocked if Trump agreed to anyone elses rules, other than his own. 
He didn't do great in the one(s?) in 2020 that I remember, but they're both deep in geriatric territory now so, tables can easily turn. 

RFK's just grifting the family name. Regardless of him personally, I'd think any Presidential hopeful of the big 2 parties wouldn't want 3rd candidates getting anything. 
They're no threat to win anything, and only hurt the main candidates, so that part make sense. 

Puff Daddy is a disgrace, and a cowardly excuse for a man. 
2024/05/22 12:49:00
This is hilarious and hits the head on the nail.


Not only are the candidates clowns, but so is at least one of the running mates. I’m sure Trump will try to outdo the Dems. Already throwing around names that rival Larry, Moe and Curley. This all has to be some sort of joke for the 1% that run everything regardless of the clown they put at the head.

Them - “How do we outclown having “W” as President”???

Everyone with a brain cell - “I’d take another term of “W” in a heartbeat”.
2024/05/29 09:54:41
Anything besides hung jury/mistrial, I’d be shocked. Without it being broadcast, we are all relying on “reporters” to deliver the information. So, where you get your “reports” are going to give completely different information. I just think with how politically divided this country is, finding 12 truly impartial jurors is impossible. If it comes outs as acquitted or guilty, then the actual trial must have been extremely clear cut. I doubt either of those being the case.
2024/05/29 10:44:27
I agree, Pork. It should be a hung jury. If you get your info from MSNBC or The View, it's a slam dunk conviction. The rest of the MSM have some questions. Fox has had 3 or 4 former prosecuters and two major constitutional experts, (Turley & Dershowitz, neither of which are Trump fans and are both Democrats) stating this trial is absurd, with many parts of which will be overturned in appeal if convicted. This judge should have thrown the case out long ago, but he has helped and continues to help the prosecution in various ways as he is so biased. He doesn't deserve to wear the robe even as a JP, let alone a judge. There are two attorneys on the jury. They know the law, and even if they couldn't convince the rest of the jurors that the prosecution did not prove its case, you'd think that they at least would vote not guilty. They need a full jury to either convict or aquit. All it takes is one to end up hung, and I think a hung jury it is.

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