It's a weird feeling.
I agree with you 100% - his job got saved by a single touchdown. Kinda wild, but also fitting.
The defense deserves better. It's an absolute shame.
Obviously, we don't know what's going to happen moving forward. But we can make educated guesses. Maybe 30 points one time in a game and somewhere between 8-9 and 9-8 most likely.
From what I have heard, Pickett and Pickens went off script for that TD. Could be BS, but Canada looked mad when they cut to him.
Defense played like garbage for the first half though. If not for some drops on the Ravens end, Steelers lose that game and likely in the same fashion as the Texans/49ers. Second half the defense played inspired. Which they need to. There is much more money being spent on the defense than offense. When they had one of the top O lines in the NFL with Ben, Brown and Bell behind it, the amount of money they were paying on offense compared to defense was lopsided and guess which side struggled more then. Hopefully this O line can build some continuity. Just like last week, they struggled in the first half. Did well in the 3rd quarter (Harris last week, Warren this week). They need to be able to do that for more than a quarter though. Again, they do have two starters out and Daniels might be their best O lineman. There were a lot of other key players on the offense out. Not having Johnson and Freiermuth is huge. Austin missed most of the game too, which Kenny seemed to be developing some chemistry with. Kenny relying pretty much solely on another second year player with Robinson being slowly gaining his trust. Anyone here really trust Boykin or Gunner when you are passing into tight coverage? Could explain some of the non catchable balls to them, but on the money to Pickens. Those on the money balls to those guys are still 50/50 interceptions.
To me, that is where Canada and Tomlin are failing. There is enough game tape and practice reps to see what this O line does well at and where they struggle. Get the struggle stuff out of the playbook. Same thing with Kenny and receivers. Make your game calling to fit the players you have. Give Kenny the freedom to change plays at the line if he sees something.
Agree with the 8-9 or 9-8. Just hope they are in most games and can build off of it.