2025/03/08 09:18:19

what's wrong with asking for accounting on what/where/how/why  every grant dollar is spent on?
why would anyone be against that? 

I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever.

But that’s not what snagr posted. He didn’t say anything about an audit or more detailed accounting or anything of the sort.

He posted one source that indicated funds MIGHT be used inappropriately, and suggested that was justification for termination of ALL funding. And that is very different.

Trump has control of all of these federal agencies. If he wants to set more detailed terms for future grants and funding and make it so universities can’t spend tax dollars on DEI then it’s within his power to do so.

But that is not the case for grants that have already been awarded and terms are already set. Terminating these existing funding streams is not fixing any problems, it’s just breaking the system.

Also, how about we apply that detailed accounting to ALL federal agencies too, huh? I’m still waiting for DOGE to start looking at military spending which is a much larger chunk of tax dollars than NIH.
2025/03/08 10:13:33
You really wish Harris was voted President dont you---
2025/03/08 10:16:47
The whole deal, whether it is cutting of funding or firing employees all comes down to how it is happening. This debate is completely separate of why it is happening. But some seem to feel, I can’t answer/defend how, so I will respond with why and try to move the conversation.

The why, some may say cuts aren’t needed, I think most agree they are. How much and where is up for debate.

The how, even the most MAGA on this site alone are questioning. Trump himself has made a 180 on the Musk randomly chopping without much if any research beyond “this program/employee costs this much”. The damage has already been done. Great for shifting gears, but it is a complete mess from how it started, caused from the top. Same is said of the tariff madness, handling of Ukraine and even the transgender debate. The why and how are completely different. Defending the why is up for debate and I can see both sides. The how on just about anything he is doing is either proving incompetence or that he is a deranged authoritarian.
2025/03/08 10:26:10

Also, how about we apply that detailed accounting to ALL federal agencies too

I'm all for it
as far as the opinion piece, it's legit to discuss the possible misuse.
whether we can cut/resend grants after awarded, that's legit concern too.
I don't think we can (though I'm open to investigating and where fraud or negligent waste is found, requiring pay back)
2025/03/08 10:47:13
The whole deal, whether it is cutting of funding or firing employees all comes down to how it is happening. 

this might apply??
 "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it."
Trump has rightly clip'd Musk's wings.
Thing is, if we "all agree" gov needs reform, I think we can all also agree, what we've tried in the past hasn't worked.
doing more of the same, will give same results...nothing 
("do what we've always done, get what you've always got" ) 
If we all agree "biz as usual" ain't workin'  for the last couple generations, then shake it up!
First time in my life we're not seeing "biz as usual"
buckle-up, lets go for a ride!!
2025/03/08 10:53:35
I don't think we can (though I'm open to investigating and where fraud or negligent waste is found, requiring pay back)

I believe this is specified in the FAR and it does get investigated. My company was investigated many years ago for possible infractions of some details in the process. Nothing found, but were made aware of gray areas that were suggested to be addressed to avoid further investigations. We all had to go through some additional training classes for it. Which is why as you have noted in the past dealing with any Federal contracts, there is a book worth if regulations, in attempt to counter fraud/waste. Hard to “cut regulations” and “cut waste”, since one is in place to cut the other in theory at least. “Red tape” isn’t there, just to be “red tape”. I think without being an attorney or contracting officer, the issue with red tape is that they add new regulations without cutting the ones that they are supposed to replace. Something DOGE should be focusing on, but doesn’t seem to be the case. Our weekly departmental meetings report on everything going on that remotely affects our business. This would be pretty high on the list of items and hasn’t been talked about.
2025/03/08 11:01:58
I think we can all also agree, what we've tried in the past hasn't worked.

No, it did work in the 90s under Clinton and a bipartisan Congress. Maybe not 100%, but the framework was there. Then completely torn to shreds after. Going back to the why vs how. How it was implemented with departments ordered to review, Congressional committees and studies out the rear. First cuts were 6 months after, to make sure it was at least thought out. The remainder of the cuts took something like 6 years. You can debate the why, of what departments had to cut what spending. But how it was implemented was night and day to this. Proof of incompetence from the top down.
2025/03/08 11:20:16
Can't wait for Trump's tax cut plan that will tank us trillions. Yes what a ride that will be.

Laura Ingraham, Dana Perino and more and more Republican's in Congress are not happy with Donald lately.
2025/03/08 11:30:47
Over 100 lawsuits filed under this term so far. Judge just terminated a big one yesterday that should make everyone relieved. This is like playing Go Fish. What a clown 🤡 show.
2025/03/08 11:52:20
I’d imagine a ton of lawsuits under any administration’s first few months. That is when the most EU’s are issued. Many of them I imagine are more symbolic, knowing they will likely be shot down. Mostly pandering to the bases. I wouldn’t be shocked if Trump is setting records though. He is all about going big and doubling down.

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