2025/03/07 13:47:26
Chaos, uncertainty and higher prices - that’s what MAGA calls winning I guess?

It is certainly chaotic. Tough to get a bead on anything that is happening in the government right now.  But, that's fine, I can handle some chaos, I'll make it.  I truly feel bad for Americans who are actively losing their jobs because of this chaos or who are fearful, in the midst of the chaos that their lives/jobs will be disrupted...that's real chaos.  
I cannot for the life of me understand the glee and enjoyment that some get over the pain and suffering of other Americans for some apparent political win.   It's a tough time for many people.  
2025/03/07 14:11:55
LDD, things are a little upsetting now i agree,I don't agree about the glee and enjoyment with Americans suffering I don't enjoy that at all now the libs i don't mind.Its actually the Democrats and Libs are the reason for all of this.Why you say if they had any solutions and got rid of their insanity about their progressive nonsense you wouldn't even be hearing Trumps name.Lots of Democrats and Liberals,young people,people of color voted for him because they didn't like what they were selling. Don't blame MAGA blame them. If this is what you call chaos heck you should have grown up in the 60's and 70's Used to sit under our desks waiting for the world to end,survived that then had to deal with Vietnam you think the va and military treated like crap now you should have been in then,then you had gas shortages,wage and price controls you name it interest rates 15 to 20%,riots in streets cities burning really things are tame now we always had chaos we will get over it.
2025/03/07 14:27:36
Recall being stationed in Bostons  North End Navy Yard for a bit and being able to look off for days on end at the heavy smoke from fires  burning in  the  riots during the late 60s.
Could see the USS  Constitution and the smoke at the same time  lol.
2025/03/07 14:29:01
LDD, things are a little upsetting now i agree,I don't agree about the glee and enjoyment with Americans suffering I don't enjoy that at all now the libs i don't mind.Its actually the Democrats and Libs are the reason for all of this.Why you say if they had any solutions and got rid of their insanity about their progressive nonsense you wouldn't even be hearing Trumps name.Lots of Democrats and Liberals,young people,people of color voted for him because they didn't like what they were selling. Don't blame MAGA blame them. If this is what you call chaos heck you should have grown up in the 60's and 70's Used to sit under our desks waiting for the world to end,survived that then had to deal with Vietnam you think the va and military treated like crap now you should have been in then,then you had gas shortages,wage and price controls you name it interest rates 15 to 20%,riots in streets cities burning really things are tame now we always had chaos we will get over it.

I agree, there's plenty of blame to go around.  I also agree with the fact that the Vietnam era etc...was much more chaotic in many ways.  But, there is some new territory here and some new threats.  
2025/03/07 14:40:54
It feels good to agree on some things you are correct there are new threats hopefully sane cooler heads will prevail.
Recall being stationed in Bostons  North End Navy Yard for a bit and being able to look off for days on end at the heavy smoke from fires  burning in  the  riots during the late 60s.
Could see the USS  Constitution and the smoke at the same time  lol.

r3g3 i remember being on the roof of 3801 Nebraska ave where Homeland Security is housed now with an m60 maching gun during the Martin Luther King riots in DC in 68 as dc burned.
2025/03/07 14:43:36
Hey ICE--we gettin old lol
On a nicer note  
Trump is getting a ONE TRILLION Dollar deal for our companies to supply arms to the Saudis over 4 years.
2025/03/07 14:49:54
heck you should have grown up in the 60's and 70's Used to sit under our desks waiting for the world to end,

Ha! Dang, out if touch much? They're still doing this, you know. Only they're doing drills because school children are ACTUALLY being killed now. Not just scary propaganda nonsense. What was the desk gonna do for a bomb?
2025/03/07 14:57:17
heck you should have grown up in the 60's and 70's Used to sit under our desks waiting for the world to end,

Ha! Dang, out if touch much? They're still doing this, you know. Only they're doing drills because school children are ACTUALLY being killed now. Not just scary propaganda nonsense. What was the desk gonna do for a bomb?

If they wern't gun free zones,if they had security,metal detectors,ect it would be harder to occur agree.Don,t forget choice about a million a yearKILLED
2025/03/07 15:18:33
Its actually the Democrats and Libs are the reason for all of this

That’s classic conservative logic there isn’t it? Don’t blame the idiots that touched the hot stove, blame the people that said “hey don’t touch the hot stove”.

You seem like the kind of guy who blames a woman when her husband puts her in the hospital.
2025/03/07 15:26:36
Thats cherry picked you mean the 78 million people there not all conservatives.It's the liberal progressive Nonsence that got you TRUMP

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