do you consider it fair play to allow those born male to compete against women in athletics?
You’re asking if it’s “fair”?
Is it fair that some people are born into wealth so they then have the benefit of better nutrition, better housing, better education, better everything?
ever heard of Lebron James?
He's a homeboy and I know his background and the 'hood he grew up in.
It ain't fair he had such advantages growing up never mind.
but your soapbox rant was a nice way to chicken chit out of answering the question
I did answer your question.
Are you seriously gonna try to say “LeBron James” proves that kids who are born into poverty do not have disadvantages in basically every aspect of their lives compared to kids who are born into wealth? Is that what you saying? Because I hate to strawman ya genie, but it really really really sounds like that’s what you are saying here and that is an utterly ridiculous thing to say. So clear that up pls.
And are you seriously gonna try to say that trans kids in sports not being “fair” is a bigger problem than kids who are born into poverty?
I mean ya there are millions of poor kids in this country where every day of their lives isn’t “fair”, but hey if we could just get rid of those 10 trans athletes in the NCAA then all of our problems would be solved, right genie?