2025/03/05 12:56:32
do you consider it fair play to allow those born male to compete against women in athletics?

You’re asking if it’s “fair”?

Is it fair that some people are born into wealth so they then have the benefit of better nutrition, better housing, better education, better everything? Those people have an advantage, from birth, in pretty much every single facet of their entire lives. On average they do better in school, they make more money, they’re better at sports, they do better than children born into poverty in just about any area of achievement you can think of.

So do you think the disadvantage that tens of millions of Americans face by being born into poverty is “fair”?

It’s probably not “fair” that some kid is better than your kid at hockey because their parents make 20 times more than you do, so can they hire personal trainers and coaches and nutritionists and you can barely afford a pair of skates. But I don’t see Donald Trump whining about such a scenario.

I have never cared enough about trans kids in sports to even decide whether I think it’s “fair” or not because this country has much bigger problems. Let the WNBA or the NCAA or whatever women’s sports league make the rules.

Wasn’t Trump supposed to put money in our pockets? Better jobs? Affordable groceries? Affordable schools? Better and more affordable healthcare? An end to inflation? Why are republicans talking about trans kids instead of all of those things?

You must think he's god he has been in office what 6 weeks heck it took brain dead Joe 4 years to frick the whole country up and you think Trump can fix all the screwups in 6 weeks you are delusional
2025/03/05 13:00:15
As far as poverty in America you mean folks with TV's,cell phones,government checks,auto's those poverty stricken folks,If you have travelled any where in the world you will see real poverty not self inflicted ones.
2025/03/05 13:02:16
How many of these underprivileged are you educating, housing, feeding with that white guilt bleeding heart ?? Zero would be answer to the equation.
2025/03/05 13:51:32
do you consider it fair play to allow those born male to compete against women in athletics?

You’re asking if it’s “fair”?

Is it fair that some people are born into wealth so they then have the benefit of better nutrition, better housing, better education, better everything? 

ever heard of Lebron James?
He's a homeboy and I know his background and the  'hood he grew up in.
It ain't fair he  had such advantages growing up ...er..umm.. never mind.
 but your soapbox rant was a nice way to chicken chit   out of answering the question
2025/03/05 14:17:56
I was thinking the same thing about many pro athletes. At least football and basketball. The others he has a good point though. We pulled our daughter from a soccer team a few years ago because of it. Training was excellent, she played a ton against some of the best kids in the country and she was getting better from it. But we were getting on airplanes spending $2k per weekend on back to back weekends on top of the price of the program itself. We just couldn’t justify the cost. It is just what the upper tier youth sports has turned into. Those with the most gold are able to provide every advantage. Growing up having to fight for everything like those in the hood, is hard to replicate though. Put that together with that top level training and what makes most uber athletes. That and those that can channel the “fight/flight” inner animal powers.

There is nothing more advantageous in this world than having more gold than others. Much more of an advantage in the long run than men have over women. Look at Trump, he isn’t banging Melania without that gold. Putin isn’t plastering naked images of Melania without having more gold than Trump. Also showing how much of a cat bumper sticker beta male Trump really is.
2025/03/05 14:40:41
You see Pork, Will Thomas came from well to do Westlake Texas, was 554th swimmer then decided he was a woman. Then became #1. So how is that fair to all the young women who poured money, blood, sweat and tears into it?
2025/03/05 14:45:52
Much better ways to get more gold as you say than athletics.A drive to succeed and EDUCATION. Running a football or dunking a basketball is fine but most don't have that god given talent to get their gold that way.I still believe a person can be anything they want to be or accomplish in this country in spite of their situation. 
2025/03/05 15:02:50
]ever heard of Lebron James?
He's a homeboy and I know his background and the  'hood he grew up in.
It ain't fair he  had such advantages growing up ...er..umm.. never mind.

Things may have come out differently for him if he was 5'4" and 135lbs.
Just sayin'.
 It helps tremendously if the kid has good parents, or role models such as a coach, teacher or someone positive to look up to.
Many times, if you are born in poverty, you learn how to live in poverty. 
2025/03/05 15:20:13
Unless you want out!!!!!!!
2025/03/05 15:48:52
do you consider it fair play to allow those born male to compete against women in athletics?

You’re asking if it’s “fair”?

Is it fair that some people are born into wealth so they then have the benefit of better nutrition, better housing, better education, better everything? 

ever heard of Lebron James?
He's a homeboy and I know his background and the  'hood he grew up in.
It ain't fair he  had such advantages growing up ...er..umm.. never mind.
 but your soapbox rant was a nice way to chicken chit   out of answering the question

I did answer your question.

Are you seriously gonna try to say “LeBron James” proves that kids who are born into poverty do not have disadvantages in basically every aspect of their lives compared to kids who are born into wealth? Is that what you saying? Because I hate to strawman ya genie, but it really really really sounds like that’s what you are saying here and that is an utterly ridiculous thing to say. So clear that up pls.

And are you seriously gonna try to say that trans kids in sports not being “fair” is a bigger problem than kids who are born into poverty?

I mean ya there are millions of poor kids in this country where every day of their lives isn’t “fair”, but hey if we could just get rid of those 10 trans athletes in the NCAA then all of our problems would be solved, right genie?

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