do you consider it fair play to allow those born male to compete against women in athletics?
You’re asking if it’s “fair”?
Is it fair that some people are born into wealth so they then have the benefit of better nutrition, better housing, better education, better everything? Those people have an advantage, from birth, in pretty much every single facet of their entire lives. On average they do better in school, they make more money, they’re better at sports, they do better than children born into poverty in just about any area of achievement you can think of.
So do you think the disadvantage that tens of millions of Americans face by being born into poverty is “fair”?
It’s probably not “fair” that some kid is better than your kid at hockey because their parents make 20 times more than you do, so can they hire personal trainers and coaches and nutritionists and you can barely afford a pair of skates. But I don’t see Donald Trump whining about such a scenario.
I have never cared enough about trans kids in sports to even decide whether I think it’s “fair” or not because this country has much bigger problems. Let the WNBA or the NCAA or whatever women’s sports league make the rules.
Wasn’t Trump supposed to put money in our pockets? Better jobs? Affordable groceries? Affordable schools? Better and more affordable healthcare? An end to inflation? Why are republicans talking about trans kids instead of all of those things?