Now Zelenski is saying he wont do a cease fire without a firm security agreement in place, (not fox)
I dont even know what he is talking about --doesnt a cease fire mean anything to him??
Ya might think he would at least TRY.
I’ll bet you’re a believer in castle doctrine, am I right? You hold your right to defend your own property in high regard and all that?
Well here’s an analogy for you:
A group of people invade your property, break into your home, and they start attacking and killing your family.
You ask your neighbors for help. You ask them to send you some weapons so you can fight the invaders off and protect your property and your family.
Your strongest, richest neighbor with the most guns refuses to help (because he’s kind of an assshole). Instead this neighbor tells you to let the invaders keep all the property they have unlawfully seized because they “promised” they wont take any more. Your assshole neighbor and the invaders call this deal a “ceasefire”.
Under this “ceasefire” you have absolutely no assurance that the invaders will not begin killing your family again, if and when they please, and in fact they have broken such “ceasefire” agreements in the past.
Now if you are being forced to take a deal where you give up all claims to the property the invaders have already stolen, wouldn’t you AT LEAST want some assurance that the invaders will be prevented from attacking again?