He is winning again The major semi conductor chip maker in the world is going to build 6 plants and invest 165 billion in the US in Arizona.they are doing it for couple reasons mainly to avoid the 25% tariffs and also in case China invades.I guess apple is investing 500 billion and Honda going to build their civics here in Indiana also.The WINNING just keeps happening LMAO
Oh ice nit I’m glad you’re here, maybe you can explain this one.
Trump is apparently looking at ending US sanctions on Russia. today as I’m sure you have heard he announced the Canadian and Mexican tariffs will go into effect tomorrow. Because as we all know he is a “Tough Negotiator”.
So why is he rolling over for Russia like he’s putins little biitch? If he wanted some leverage he could ADD ADDITIONAL sanctions against Russia, in the same kind of power move he’s using against Mexico and Canada. But yet he’s doing the opposite.
Is he afraid? Stupid? Putin’s little puppet boy? All of the above?