If I change the analogy to a "midwestern cattle town post Civil War" does that lessen the blow for you?
Generally, the "Wild West" loves itself some guns and the ARs are a pretty attractive and increasingly cheap gun. This is America, people shoot each other...a lot. That's all I was saying.
lets get real
90% of those "people shooting each other" are in less than 10% of the country in the da hoods
but now you're saying we have to worry about laid off liberals fed workers going postal?
I'm not surprised.
yeah, and other places too.
Stats of the States - Firearm Mortality
Not at all surprising some of you guys still don't understand how to interpret statistics after the last 5 years.
Your CDC map is the rate of all firearms deaths by population. That would include suicide, accidental shootings, deaths by law enforcement, justifiable homicide by citizens in self defense, etc. Do you not understand the problem in using that to refute what you're trying to refute?
Statistically, the number is probably actually closer to 90% percent of homicides by firearm happening in about 5-7% of US counties every year, with some variations year to year. The pattern holds but expands slightly for the very general crimes committed with firearms.
No matter how much you want to white wash it, gun violence in the US is overwhelmingly concentrated in areas and among specific demographics that people never really want to talk about. And handguns are the most often used weapons in gun crimes by a wide margin. Not scary black rifles. Or red, white, and blue ones.
You make it sound like your fellow government employees are really unstable and prone to violence.