2024/12/27 18:38:04
Present Dem admin spent over TWO BILLION in COVD money in the past couple of weeks alone.
Tell me again how we cant cut anything but SS and Medicare to save money.
2024/12/27 19:53:57

we're a $55mil company and do multi-mil projects as well
One we just finished was 36 unit senior living apt building.
Those projects take a year or more before the first shovel hits the dirt.
I'm in the single family construction dept.
we're doing chit-ton of lead abatement  right now.
we (my fellow inspector and I) have done $900K worth since Sept 
The state has  over $285mil to spend on lead.
Guess where that funding came from?
It's unspent covid money.
Not only are they spending it getting rid of lead based paint in homes, they're giving lead abatement contractors $100k of free grant money.
Tu qualify, they had to have bid on (not win, just bid on) 5 lead abatement jobs in the last year
the four contractors we deal with regularly all got $100K worth of brand new trucks and vans
all compliments of too much covid money appropriated that needs spent 

Not trying to compare sizes of our junk. But obviously, I knew it would ruffle your feathers knowing mine is YUGE….

I imagine your specific example and thousands similar would not be feasible to go through the federal contractor process. Which is one that is in the talks of cost cutting, and why I brought it up. I’m pretty sure when they review in detail, they might likely call for more federal contractors. Which is about the most Conservative idea anyway, private sector running things better and more efficiently than government, no? But my CEO is on first name basis with Donald from being that level of pay, so I’m no so sure if it is actually more efficient. Regardless, it is pretty well known in our board meetings that we will do well in this transition. Didn’t struggle by any means in the last. Just what happened when billionaire CEO’s play both sides.

Your industry is more on the “applying for federal funds”, technically all are “using federal funds”. But you are talking housing grants and whatever other funding that they are trying to weed out fraud. Same as FSA, NRCS, etc. Which unfortunately the 5” thick paperwork is still having many get through. Like many other subjects here, I don’t know the answer to stopping it. But I assume from your history here, your company is legit and not scamming. It would be nice if there was maybe an 8” thick version that trustworthy companies had to fill out once and covered everything from $1-$Bs and didn’t have to do for every project.

I imagine many of the actual Fed employees that you work with will do more work to not do their job, then actually doing their jobs…. So, do I “think” there is waste to be cut. No, I know there is. I work with those folks daily. But it is rather minimal in larger terms. They could definitely get more efficient employees than 50%, but that is likely everywhere. So, do you take from that 50% of the private sector that actually wants to do beyond bare minimum? For major cuts, just look at a breakdown of spending. Until interest rates drop, it is only DOD, which isn’t going to get cut with the craziness of the world. The rest is putting a pin size bandage on a heart attack.
2024/12/27 19:59:28
"You guys need to turn off the tvs and go fishing" 

Making cookies might be fun!
 I had fun blasting music earlier while cutting the pork, Hobart grinder/stuffer, Hobart hanging scale, automatic Bizerba and a big freezer paper thingamajig. Missed the deer though 
2024/12/27 20:08:31
I am actually intrigued on the DOGE, whether people read my comments as one of the libs and think I am being sarcastic. Don’t get me wrong, I am a bit skeptical in billionaires that hold government contracts in being fair and transparent. But I do think they will be able to uncover some real areas for efficiency. Will they ruin other areas to provide openings for their own interests is a concern. But at this point, I don’t have much trust in career politicians in being the most efficient either. As long as it isn’t a complete abuse and more wasteful, I’ll chalk it up as politics as usual. Pretty much how I expect it to prevail. But maybe it will surprise me. I’d love to see some of that overwhelming proof of the deep state too.
2024/12/27 20:45:28
I imagine many of the actual Fed employees that you work with will do more work to not do their job

most of them are stupid, inept and arbitrary 
in particular, the newer ones 
and... you yammer on too much 
2024/12/27 20:55:19
Present Dem admin spent over TWO BILLION in COVD money in the past couple of weeks alone.
Tell me again how we cant cut anything but SS and Medicare to save money.

The national debt is over $30 trillion. $2 billion is a drop in the bucket.

Non discretionary spending is now close to $4 trillion each year. Go ahead and look it up. Shaving a few billion off the federal budget is going to do absolutely nothing.

And again, during his first term
Trump blew up the national debt by almost $3 trillion in his first 3 years in office. Before covid. Due to reckless spending and massive tax cuts.
2024/12/27 20:56:49
most of them are stupid, inept and arbitrary 
in particular, the newer ones 
and... you yammer on too much 

Yes, I do.

Have you looked at what you have posted in the last week? Kettle, meet black paint.
2024/12/27 21:51:31
fishin coyote
I also work in the government giveaway sector aka weatherization. The work is commendable and does actually make a difference in people’s lives. but in my 21 years we have become the Navy’s 800.00 hammer with the amount of redundant paperwork, rules and regulation. The only thing that is keeping it from becoming the free for all  is we have to abide by an average job cost.

Because “we need to cut government waste” is a blanket statement that lots of people agree with, until you start talking specifics.

And if you really want to plug budget deficits and make a dent in the national debt then you need to make drastic cuts to things like social security and Medicare. There is no other way. Everything else is just chipping away at the margins.

The amount of corruption,waste and bad spending in these 2 programs has nothing to do with the seniors it was intended for. It is unbelievable the things and amount of people under the age of 60 get paid for but as soon as there’s talk of cut backs all the talking heads claim grandma is going to loose her monthly check. Fear mongering at its finest but it’s no different than the other side telling us that they’re going turn the kids trangender or some other wild story.
You guys need to turn off the tvs and go fishing 

I mean… yea? Again, pretty much everybody is going to agree that the federal government spends too much money on things. This is not a radical idea.

It’s the things that money is spent on is where people disagree.

And go ahead and crunch the numbers. You can not make a dent in the national debt without massive cuts to social security and Medicare.

And that is ESPECIALLY true if the party in power is also planning on massive tax cuts. You just can not have all of those things at once. And you can’t nickel and dime $30 trillion dollars away. It’s just math.
2024/12/28 09:31:28

Have you looked at what you have posted in the last week?

eeyeahbutt, I was gone for a spell   
I gotta ketchup
2024/12/29 00:19:48
As long as Heinz, kosher to me.

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