2024/08/04 09:42:03

So it was Trumps father who lied. Then when D.Trump found out he change it in his book. đź‘Ť
2024/08/04 10:26:45
"Vance has seemingly changed his name a few times, from James Donald Bowman, to James David Hamel, and finally to Vance around 2013, according to Vanity Fair.
As for the Ohio senator’s supposed Appalachian roots—which he capitalized on in his bestselling book, Hillbilly Elegy—where he grew up in Middletown, Ohio, is not within the Appalachian region defined by Congress." 
Who is the Chameleon?
"That lie made its way into Trump’s 1987 bestselling book, The Art of the Deal, where he wrote that his grandfather “came here from Sweden as a child.” It was only when the Trump family received a request from a Swedish organization to put up an exhibit about the family in one of their museums, that it was time to give up the charade."
 I could really care less what they call themselves but just putting it out there. 
 Nice day out there. Time to get back to gardening and bring this antique wine press in the camp house.
Have a nice day. 
 Got it from a very old man next to Fireman's Beach. He said it was his Grandfathers. Didn't ask about his roots.
2024/08/05 18:37:53
Got my Trump/Vance sign by the flag in my front yard,
In a classic 'Ya Just Cant Make This Up' I found a broken Bud Light bottle next to it today,
2024/08/06 08:07:42
Got my Trump/Vance sign by the flag in my front yard,
In a classic 'Ya Just Cant Make This Up' I found a broken Bud Light bottle next to it today,

As usual, the party of freedom of expression and tolerance, turns out is not so tolerant. 
2024/08/06 09:21:24
Cant wait to read WHAT the libs on here say how great Tim Walz is LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
2024/08/06 10:53:02
There was no way Shapiro was going to accept the VP spot. He wants to be President. He has been carefully setting himself up for a run for decades. There was no way he was going to chance all that work for a) being on a losing ticket; b) being on a winning ticket, but paying second fiddle, especially it it only went 1 term; c) being on a winning ticket as second fiddle for 2 terms, then trying to run for President when history says the other party will more than likely be voted in.

He is too smart and too good of a politician to risk what he has worked his whole life to set up for.

Barring anything really crazy, in the world or with him, he is a shoe in for 2028. He knows that.

Heck, unless something really changes, I would probably vote for him then.
2024/08/06 11:21:38
 Could be a boost in the rural areas that the Dems lack in. A hunter also.
2024/08/06 11:30:01
fishin coyote
I don't know anything about him but have some acquaintances that live in MN. and they have never had anything nice to say about him even before his name popped up about being a potential VP.
2024/08/06 11:45:37
Just shows how much influence the Progressives have over the Democrat Party. Shapiro is pro-Israel, and the 'Crats have always been anti Israel, (moreso since Oct.7th) but now show outright just how Anti-Israel and antisemetic they are. Either Shapiro or Kelly would have appealed greatly to what is left of the moderates in the Democrat Party, and either could have influenced independents and never Trumpers to cross over, but (Obama) and Harris went the other way. Waltz has the support of Bernie and 'Liz Warren, that's all that needs to be said about him. Strangely, as Harris is trying to portray moving right, she picks a guy who is constantly moving left, so maybe they'll be pulling against each other, but one will eventually fall in on the Party line.
Footnote: (Obama)
I still believe that Obama and his handlers (the people who empowered him way back) are still calling the shots in the Democrat Socialist Party, and it seems things happen quite often to reinforce my belief. But, that's just me. MyWar, crappiefisher, LDD and others already think I'm nuts, but that's ok. Opinions are like azzholes; everybody has one.
2024/08/06 11:49:52
It seemed like the safe pick. From a blue state, but red portion of it. So I imagine he isn’t a left wing lunatic. MN will replace him with another Dem, so political map won’t change. Probably the biggest strike against Mark Kelly, with possible GOP replacement. I wouldn’t have liked Shapiro leaving PA. But seems to be a moderate with PA interests and not a party hack. But would have been just fine with him.

It will be interesting to see how Trump tries to attack Walz. Seems like a pretty plain guy that ended up in politics. Just going off of his bio, which I’m sure much more to him. Made it to CSM in the National Guard, so shows leadership ability, with 24 years of service (guessing majority as a traditional Guardsmen). A rather successful HS football coach, also showing leadership ability and a teacher. All going to be sort of tricky for the insult one liner party to not alienate the Independent vote they need.

My guess is they don’t care and focus on the base. Get them all riled up. Put as many yard signs up as possible. Then lose in a landslide and claim they won because there were more yard signs. Who knows, maybe they try something different this time?

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