2024/07/31 21:15:12
Wow, who was the absolute genius in trumps campaign team that booked him at this NABJ event?

This is what I’m talking about with Vance and Trump fumbling. Trump got a straight up gift from God with that failed assassination attempt, but he didn’t capitalize on it. And now it’s gonna be like this every time Vance and Trump go into an environment where the interviewer does anything other than drop to their knees and immediately begin fellating them. This kind of routine is not going to win over undecided voters.

Watch clips of buttigieg on Fox News. They’re like a master class in how to take questions from unfriendly interviewers. Of course he isn’t going to win over anybody that’s already a die hard trumper, but he isn’t going to alienate people who haven’t made up their minds either.
2024/07/31 23:39:50
Trump went knowing full well it would be GOTCHA attempts from unfriendly interviewers.
 Harris-who would have had softballs -didnt even show.
Says a lot,
2024/08/01 01:14:15
Trump went knowing full well it would be GOTCHA attempts from unfriendly interviewers.
 Harris-who would have had softballs -didnt even show.
Says a lot,

Uh, was she invited? I looked, and the only thing I see is her campaign is in talks to do this in September. 
She's not the candidate (yet), so it'd be a bit weird for her to be there...and with him? If that's what you're implying? It wasn't a debate - it was an interview. 

That interview was brutal. Absolutely brutal and hard to watch which is really saying something. His nonsense spouting tactics were instantly called out. Yikes. 

2024/08/01 06:10:36
It was widely reported that she was invited. He was told she was attending. Then she had a last minute schedule conflict.
2024/08/01 08:20:58
It’s funny how right wingers are trying to spin this as “what about Kamala”?

Whether Kamala Harris was supposed to be there or not isnt really the issue. The issue is how bad Trump looked.
2024/08/01 08:59:35
Those like him should not have to answer to those like them. If they dare talk to someone of his standing, they better address him with “full respect” and not dare step out of line. That was the message sent.

That is the way this country was run when many felt the best about the country. Simpler times. A man could bring in a family income and the wife was at home raising the family. Most modern problems weren’t even a thing.

This along with everything about Trump is offering a simple answer to complex issues. There is never a situation that a simple answer solves complex issues. Unfortunately, many voters can’t comprehend much beyond simple.
2024/08/01 10:38:14
It’s funny how right wingers are trying to spin this as “what about Kamala”?

Whether Kamala Harris was supposed to be there or not isnt really the issue. The issue is how bad Trump looked.

Actually, it has nothing at all to do with “what about Kamala,” that’s just a conclusion you jumped to on the behalf of others.

It does have a lot to do with the organizers of the event.

Could Trump have handled it differently? Sure.

But he was baited and switched by the NABJ that Harris would be there, so he could say it to her face, as she keeps asking for, when they darn well knew she wasn’t going to show b

Then the event started over 30 minutes late, throwing off the rest of his travel schedule.

Finally, the first interviewer starts with a “have you stopped beating your dog” type question without even any other conversation, welcome, or introduction.

And all she got was a verbal dressing down, which provided the sound bites they were looking for, so when presented out of context, it looked worse than it was, particularly since the audience was laughing about it.
2024/08/01 12:13:34
 She was at a funeral, she will meet with the NABJ. Prisoner swap today with Russia. How is your 401K doing psu? Produced way more oil than the Trump term did. Could go on and on what was accomplished during the Biden/Harris term so far.
 They all shook hands and said hello when he came on stage.
2024/08/01 12:32:34
It’s funny how right wingers are trying to spin this as “what about Kamala”?

Whether Kamala Harris was supposed to be there or not isnt really the issue. The issue is how bad Trump looked.

Actually, it has nothing at all to do with “what about Kamala,”

O rly? Is that why every single right wing response to any criticism of Trump’s conduct during this event starts with “but Kamala wasn’t there”.

Bottom line is that from a purely political standpoint, Trump isn’t winning over undecided voters with this schtick. It only plays to firmly committed supporters.

That’s a big problem for him because it might have been enough to win against Biden, but Harris? We’ll see. It looks like she might have the potential to expand support well beyond the democratic base. If that turns out to be the case, she will win this election by a substantial margin.

The Trump campaign was beginning to make a serious attempt to win over black voters. After that display yesterday, do you think that is even remotely possible? Which other groups of voters can you realistically see Trump making inroads with?
2024/08/01 12:35:41
Harris will probably get a big bump now that she's President and got the prisoner swap done with Russia. (How long will it be 'til her handlers start touting that)?Maybe only needed to trade 10 or 20 Russian spies to get those two back. She must be President. Haven't heard squat from Biden in what? 8 days or so? I think it was last Wednesday. I can see Russia supporting Harris' election as they'd rather deal with a complete idiot rather than a partial one.

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